Meeting will begin at 2:00p.m.
Please limit comments to 2 minutes.
September 8, 2022 City Council Regular Meeting
1. Adoption of the Regular Meeting Agenda for September 8, 2022.
2. Approval of the Minutes for the Regular Meeting Held on August 25, 2022, at 6:30 p.m.
Exhibit 1: DRAFT - Minutes August 25, 2022 City Council Regular Meeting.pdf
3. A Proclamation Recognizing September 15, 2022 - October 15, 2022 as Hispanic Heritage Month. The City of Savannah honors and celebrates the contributions of Hispanic Americans in our history across the nation, as well as celebrating the contributions of Hispanic Americans who currently serve our communities here in Savannah.
Exhibit 1: Proclamation - Hispanic Heritage Month.pdf
4. Approval of a Class H (Sample) Alcohol License to Dayna Lee for Savannah Wine Institute, a Wine School at 602 East Henry Street between East Broad Street and Atlantic Avenue in Aldermanic District 2 (Continued from August 11, 2022).
Exhibit 1: Checklist - Savannah Wine Institute.pdf
Exhibit 2: Density Map - Savannah Wine Institute.pdf
Exhibit 3: Alcohol Reports - Savannah Wine Institute.pdf
Exhibit 4: Measurement Report - Savannah Wine Institute.pdf
Exhibit 5: Security Plan - Savannah Wine Institute.pdf
5. Approval of a Class C (Liquor, Beer, Wine) (By the Drink) Alcohol License to Lawrence W. Brown, Jr. for Fat Tuesday's, a Bar/Lounge at 19 E. Bay Street between Drayton and Bull Streets in Aldermanic District 2 (Continued from August 11, 2022).
Exhibit 1: Checklist - Fat Tuesday's Bay Street.pdf
Exhibit 2: Density Map - Fat Tuesday's Bay Street.pdf
Exhibit 3: Alcohol Reports - Fat Tuesday's Bay Street.pdf
Exhibit 4: Measurement Report - Fat Tuesday's Bay Street.pdf
Exhibit 5: Security Plan - Fat Tuesday's Bay Street.pdf
6. Approval of a Class C (Liquor, Beer, Wine) (By the Drink) Alcohol License to Lawrence W. Brown, Jr. for Fat Tuesday's, a Bar/Lounge at 427 East River Street between Lincoln and East Broad Street Ramps in Aldermanic District 2 (Continued from August 11, 2022).
Exhibit 1: Checklist - Fat Tuesday's River Street.pdf
Exhibit 2: Density Map - Fat Tuesday's River.pdf
Exhibit 3: Alcohol Reports - Fat Tuesday's River Street.pdf
Exhibit 4: Measurement Report - Fat Tuesday's River Street.pdf
Exhibit 5: Security Plan - Fat Tuesday's River Street.pdf
7. Approval of a Class C (Liquor, Beer, Wine) (By the Drink) Alcohol License with Sunday Sales to Alexis Levin for Shuk, a Restaurant at 1313 Habersham Street between East Henry and East Anderson Streets in Aldermanic District 2.
Exhibit 1 - Checklist - Shuk.pdf
Exhibit 2: Density Map - Shuk .pdf
Exhibit 3: Alcohol Reports - Shuk.pdf
Exhibit 4: Measurement Report - Shuk.pdf
Exhibit 5: Security Plan - Shuk.pdf
8. Approval of a Class C (Liquor, Beer, Wine) (By the Drink) Alcohol License with Sunday Sales to Adrian L. Johnson II for The Original Sey Hey & Family, a Restaurant at 2505 Bull Street between West 41st and West 42nd Streets in Aldermanic District 2. (Continued to the October 13, 2022 Council meeting per staff recommendation).
9. Approval of a Class C (Liquor, Beer, Wine) (By the Drink) and a Class A (Liquor, Beer, Wine) (Caterer)Alcohol License with Sunday Sales to Mallory Adams for The Clyde Market, a Restaurant located at 223 Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard between Turner Boulevard and Oglethorpe Avenue in Aldermanic District 1.
Exhibit 1: Checklist - The Clyde Market.pdf
Exhibit 2: Density Map - The Clyde Market.pdf
Exhibit 3: Alcohol Reports - The Clyde Market.pdf
Exhibit 4: Measurement Report - The Clyde Market.pdf
Exhibit 5: Security Plan - The Clyde Market.pdf
10. Transmittal of the Draft Capital Improvements Element, as Required for Consideration of an Impact Fee Program, to the Coastal Georgia Regional Commission for Regional and State Review Pursuant to the Georgia Planning Act of 1989. (See item 35 for Resolution).
Exhibit 1: City of Savannah Draft Capital Improvements Element (CIE) .pdf
Exhibit 2: City of Savannah Methodology Report.pdf
Exhibit 3: Capital Improvements Element (CIE) Transmittal Resolution.pdf
11. Petition of Travis Burke on behalf of Rockingham Farms, LLC to Support Annexed Parcels Located at 343 Buckhalter Road and Garrard Avenue (PINs 10943 01001, 10946 01001 and 10946 01002) from M (Manufacturing) to M-CO (Manufacturing – County). Annexation for Aldermanic District 5 (File No. 22-003291-ZA).
Exhibit 1: Staff Report on Annexation File No. 22-003291-ZA.pdf
Exhibit 2: Annexation Maps File No. 22-003291-ZA.pdf
Exhibit 3: Rockingham Farms Ordinance .pdf
12. Petition of Robert McCorkle for Development Associates Partners, Inc. on behalf of Lucille S. Bacon (Agent) for Thankful Baptist Church, Inc. to Amend the Zoning Map for 6089 Ogeechee Road (PIN 11029 05014) from R-A-CO (Residential – Agricultural - County) to I-L (Light Industrial) with Conditions. Aldermanic District 5. File No. 22-002358-ZA.
Exhibit 1: MPC Recommendation Packet for 6098 Ogeechee Road (File No. 22-002358-ZA.pdf)
Exhibit 2: Maps for 6089 Ogeechee Road (File No. 22-002358-ZA.pdf)
Exhibit 3: Draft Ordinance (File No. 22-002358-ZA) .pdf
13. Petition of Robert McCorkle on behalf of Riverview President Street, LLC to Amend the Zoning Map for 925 and 1301 East President Street and a Portion of Tybee Depot (PINs 20014 04001, 20006 04001A, and 20006 04001) from I-L (Light Industrial) to D-CBD (Downtown-Community Business District) with Conditions in Aldermanic District 2. The Planning Commission denied this request and presented an alternative to rezone to D-C with conditions (File No. 22-002294-ZA).
Exhibit 1: MPC Recommendation Packet for 925 & 1301 E. President and Portions of Tybee Depot (File No. 22-002294-ZA).pdf
Exhibit 2: Maps for 925 & 1301 E. President Street and Portions of Tybee Depot (File No. 22-002294-ZA).pdf
Exhibit 3: Proposed Building Height Limitation (File No. 22-0022941-ZA).pdf
Exhibit 4: Development Agreement Riverview President Street (File No. 22-002294-ZA).pdf
Exhibit 5: Riverview President Street Bilbo Canal Improvements (File No. 22-002294-ZA).pdf
Exhibit 6: Draft Ordinance (File No. 22-002294-ZA).pdf
14. Petition of Carol Anne Higgens for Hearse Tours Inc. on Behalf of Joseph and Sabrina Wenum for a Special Use Permit for 1501 East Broad Street (PIN 20053 28001) of Approximately 0.21 Acres to Establish a Parking Facility with Conditions. Aldermanic District 2 (File No. 22-003392-ZA).
Exhibit 1: MPC Recommendation Packet for 1501 East Broad Street (File No. 22-003392-ZA.pdf)
Exhibit 2: Maps for 1501 East Broad Street (File No. 22-003392-ZA.pdf)
15. Petition of Robert McCorkle for Development Associates Partners, Inc. on behalf of Lucille S. Bacon (Agent) for Thankful Baptist Church, Inc. to Amend the Zoning Map for 6089 Ogeechee Road (PIN 11029 05014) from R-A-CO (Residential – Agricultural - County) to I-L (Light Industrial) with Conditions. Aldermanic District 5 (File No. 22-002358-ZA).
Exhibit 1: MPC Recommendation Packet for 6098 Ogeechee Road (File No. 22-002358-ZA).pdf
Exhibit 2: Maps for 6089 Ogeechee Road (File No. 22-002358-ZA).pdf
Exhibit 3: Draft Ordinance (File No. 22-002358-ZA) .pdf
16. Petition of Robert McCorkle on behalf of Riverview President Street, LLC to Amend the Zoning Map for 925 and 1301 East President Street and a Portion of Tybee Depot (PINs 20014 04001, 20006 04001A, and 20006 04001) from I-L (Light Industrial) to D-CBD (Downtown-Community Business District) with Conditions in Aldermanic District 2. The Planning Commission denied this request and presented an alternative to rezone to D-C with conditions (File No. 22-002294-ZA).
Exhibit 1: MPC Recommendation Packet for 925 & 1301 E. President and Portions of Tybee Depot (File No. 22-002294-ZA).pdf
Exhibit 2: Maps for 925 & 1301 E. President Street and Portions of Tybee Depot (File No. 22-002294-ZA).pdf
Exhibit 3: Proposed Building Height Limitation (File No. 22-002294-ZA).pdf
Exhibit 4: Development Agreement Riverview President Street (File No. 22-002294-ZA).pdf
Exhibit 5: Riverview President Street Bilbo Canal Improvements (File No. 22-002294-ZA).pdf
Exhibit 6: Draft Ordinance (File No. 22-002294-ZA).pdf
17. Approval to Annex 85.573 Acres Located off Veterans Parkway near the Little Ogeechee River. The property will be developed as industrial warehouses as part of the Rockingham Farms development.
Exhibit 1: Annexation Petition - Rockingham Farms.pdf
Exhibit 2: Ordinance - Rockingham Farms.pdf
18. Petition of Travis Burke on behalf of Rockingham Farms, LLC to Support Annexed Parcels Located at 343 Buckhalter Road and Garrard Avenue (PINs 10943 01001, 10946 01001 and 10946 01002) from M (Manufacturing) to M-CO (Manufacturing – County). Annexation for Aldermanic District 5 (File No. 22-003291-ZA).
Exhibit 1: Staff Report for Annexation File No. 22-003291-ZA.pdf
Exhibit 2: Annexation Maps File No. 22-003291-ZA.pdf
Exhibit 3: Rockingham Farms Ordinance .pdf
CONSENT AGENDA - (This section shall include all routine items for which it is anticipated there will be no debate or requests for public input. Any Alderman can remove consent items for discussion or separate consideration.)
19. Authorize the City Manager to Execute Contract Modification No.1 for Cityworks Online Software Services with Azteca Systems, LLC in the Amount of $24,375. Cityworks Online software services will provide a modernized software platform with mobile access and current integrations. The hosted services provide access to the latest system updates and features. (ITS)
Exhibit 1: Funding Verification - Cityworks Software Modifications.pdf
Exhibit 2: Purchasing Notes - Cityworks Software Modifications.pdf
20. Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Contract for Professional Services for the City of Savannah Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System Replacement Project with InfoTech Research Group in the Amount of $198,000. This purchase will provide professional services to complete the requirements gathering phase of the ERP replacement project. (ITS)
Exhibit 1: Funding Verification - InfoTech Professional Services ERP Replacement Project.pdf
Exhibit 2: Purchasing Notes - InfoTech Professional Services ERP Replacement Project.pdf
21. Authorize City Manager to Execute a Contract Renewal for Annual Maintenance of Housing and Community Development Software with Benevate, Inc. dba Neighborly Software in an Amount Not to Exceed $60,000. This Neighborly software is used to manage Housing & Neighborhood Services, Human Services and Cultural resources services, and programs by 40 staff members. (Housing & Neighborhood Services)
Exhibit 1: Funding Verification - Neighborly Software.pdf
Exhibit 2: Purchasing Notes - Neighborly Software.pdf
22. Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Contract for Furniture for the Savannah Fire Support Facility and the Code Compliance Office with Mason, Inc. in the Amount of $221,957. This furniture will support the operations at the Savannah Fire Support Facility and Code Compliance office. (Capital Projects)
Exhibit 1: Funding Verification - Furniture for Savannah Fire Support Facility and Code Compliance Office.pdf
Exhibit 2: Purchasing Notes - Furniture for Savannah Fire Support Facility and Code Compliance Office.pdf
23. Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Final Project Close Out Amendment for the Delaware Center with Johnson-Laux Construction (LOCAL, DBE) in the Amount of $286,481. This amendment is to cover changes due to structural issues in the building, upgrades to the HVAC system, and to replace additional items. (Capital Projects)
Exhibit 1: Funding Verification - Delaware Center.pdf
Exhibit 2: Purchasing Notes - Delaware Center.pdf
24. Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Contract for Entrepreneurial Center Repairs with RL Construction Group, Inc., in an Amount Not to Exceed $461,920. This procurement will be used to make repairs at the Entrepreneurial Center building envelope, specifically including new roofing, new windows, exterior masonry repairs, and repairs to the building envelope to eliminate and prevent future water infiltration issues. (Capital Projects)
Exhibit 1: Funding Verification - Entrepreneurial Center Repairs.pdf
Exhibit 2: Purchasing Notes - Entrepreneurial Center Repairs.pdf
25. Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Contract for Ready Mix Concrete with Savannah River Utilities Company (LOCAL) (Primary) and Complete Precast, Inc. (Secondary) in an Amount Not to Exceed $180,000. Various City departments will use this service for repairs of utility cuts, sidewalks, curbing, and roadways. (Mobility Services)
Exhibit 1: Funding Verification - Ready Mix Concrete.pdf
Exhibit 2: Purchasing Notes - Ready Mix Concrete.pdf
26. Authorize the City Manager to Execute Contract Modification No. 1 and Renewal with Russell Landscape (LOCAL) for Victory Drive Median Maintenance in an Amount not to Exceed $39,060. This contract is used to provide grounds maintenance services including mowing of turf grass and removal of litter, weeds, and/or wild growth in the shrubbery, landscaped beds, or mulched areas. (Park & Tree)
Exhibit 1: Funding Verification - Victory Drive Median Maintenance Contract Modification 1.pdf
Exhibit 2: Purchasing Notes - Victory Drive Median Maintenance Contract Modification 1.pdf
27. Authorize the City Manager to Award a Contract for the Purchase and Installation of Swing Arm Gates at Closed/Unopened Lane Entrances with SamJay Services (LOCAL) in an Amount Not to Exceed $500,000. The contract will be used by the City’s Park & Tree Department for the purchase and installation of bollards and lockable swing arm gates at various closed/unopened lane entrances within the City limits. (Park and Tree)
Exhibit 1: Funding Verification - Swing Arm Gates.pdf
Exhibit 2: Purchasing Notes - Swing Arm Gates.pdf
28. Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Three Year Contract for Software Support and Maintenance for Handheld Citation Devices with T2 Systems in an Amount Not to Exceed $323,938. This agreement will be used by the Mobility and Parking Services, Code Compliance, and Sanitation Departments to support the software for the handheld citation devices. (Parking & Mobility Services)
Exhibit 1: Funding Verification - Handheld Citation Devices Software.pdf
Exhibit 2: Purchasing Notes - Handheld Citation Devices Software.pdf
29. Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Contract with Layer 3 Communications (LOCAL) for Annual Maintenance of the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) System in an Amount Not to Exceed $73,581. The SCADA system allows for centralized monitoring of the City's large water system. (Public Works)
Exhibit 1: Funding Verification - SCADA System.pdf
Exhibit 2: Purchasing Notes - SCADA System.pdf
30. Authorize the City Manager to Execute Contract Modification No. 1 for Environmental Compliance Services with Atlantic Coast Consulting, Inc (LOCAL) in the Amount of $77,850. This modification is needed to complete the five year review of the Dean Forest Road Municipal Solid Waste Landfill. (Sanitation)
Exhibit 1: Funding Verification - Environmental Compliance.pdf
Exhibit 2: Purchasing Notes - Environmental Compliance.pdf
31. Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Contract for Sanitation Temporary Labor with MPLOY Network, LLC (Primary) and Chatham Personnel Enterprises (Secondary) in an Amount Not to Exceed $429,500. The Sanitation Department utilizes temporary labor services to support operations during employee absences, unexpected or temporary demands, special projects, and employee shortages. (Sanitation)
Exhibit 1: Funding Verification - Sanitation Temporary Labor.pdf
Exhibit 2: Purchasing Notes - Sanitation Temp Labor.pdf
32. Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Contract for Residential and Recycling Carts with Wastequip, Inc. in an Amount Not to Exceed $800,000. This contract is for residential and recycling carts for the safe and effective collection of household solid waste and recyclables. This contract will create efficiencies by combining two separate vendor contracts into one allowing uniform carts and parts. (Sanitation)
Exhibit 1: Funding Verification - Residential and Recycling Carts.pdf
Exhibit 2: Purchasing Notes - Residential and Recycling Carts.pdf
33. Authorize the City Manager to Rescind the Ditch Hand Mowing & Cleaning Contract from J Corbett (LOCAL, DBE) and Award to Russell Landscape (LOCAL) in an Amount not to Exceed $196,650. This contract is to supplement the work of City Staff in the Stormwater Management Division in the maintenance of the smaller "hand maintained" drainage ditches throughout the City. The original vendor withdrew his proposal. (Stormwater)
Exhibit 1: Funding Verification - Ditch Hand Mowing & Cleaning.pdf
Exhibit 2: Purchasing Note - Ditch Hand Mowing & Cleaning.pdf
34. Authorize the City Manager to Execute an Annual Contract for Sewer Backup Cleaning Services to Servpro of Savannah dba Harrin Hilding, LLC(LOCAL) in an Amount Not to Exceed $52,445. The contract will assist the Water Distribution and Conveyance Division to remove and clear sewage waste from public and private properties. (Water Distribution and Conveyance)
Exhibit 1: Funding Verification - Sewer Backup Cleaning Services.pdf
Exhibit 2: Purchasing Notes - Sewer Backup Cleaning Services.pdf
35. A Resolution to Transmit the Draft Capital Improvements Element, as Required for Consideration of an Impact Fee Program, to the Coastal Georgia Regional Commission for Regional and State Review Pursuant to the Georgia Planning Act of 1989.
Exhibit 1: City of Savannah Draft Capital Improvement Element.pdf
Exhibit 2: City of Savannah Methodology Report.pdf
Exhibit 3: Resolution - Capital Improvements Element (CIE) Transmittal.pdf
36. A Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Submit the FY 2022 Continuum of Care (CoC) Application to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and to Enter into a Memorandum of Understanding and Grant Agreement with the Subrecipient, Chatham Savannah Authority for the Homeless, Inc. for Federal Assistance as the Project Sponsor.
Exhibit 1: Resolution - FY22 Continuum of Care Application.pdf
37. Approval of a Water & Sewer Agreement with Camden Crossing, LLC for Camden Crossing & Cottage Row Phase 1. This is for a development consisting of 64 single family homes in the Travis Field service area.
Exhibit 1 : Water & Sewer Agreement - Camden Crossing & Cottage Row Phase 1.pdf
38. Authorize the City Manager to Amend an Agreement with the Coastal Heritage Society at Tricentennial Park.
Exhibit 1: Coastal Heritage Society - Amended Agreement.pdf
Exhibit 2: Appendix A - Coastal Heritage Society Financial Plan - August 2022.pdf
39. Settlement #1
40. Authorization to Initiate (Friendly) Litigation Concerning Evergreen Cemetery.