September 28, 2017 City Council Regular Meeting | |
The regular meeting of Council was held this date at 2:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of City Hall. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited in unison followed by the Invocation by Alderman Carol Bell.
BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah as follows:
At the meeting held on the 28th day of September, 2017 the Council entered into a closed session for the purpose of discussing Litigation and Real Estate. At the close of the discussions upon this subject, the Council reentered into open session and herewith takes the following action in open session:
ADOPTED AND APPROVED: SEPTEMBER 28, 2017 upon motion of Alderman Bell, seconded by Alderman Shabazz, and unanimously carried.
Upon motion of Alderman Bell, seconded by Alderman Miller, and unanimously carried the agenda was amended to add item 70, the appointment of four Recorder's Court Pro-Tem Judges. |
1. Motion to Approve the Summary/Final minutes for the City Council Work Session of September 14, 2017 | |
Approved upon motion of Alderman Bell, seconded by Alderman Shabazz, and unanimously carried. |
2. An Appearance by Board Members of the St. Joseph’s/Candler SmartSenior Program to Announce the 2018 Smart Living Expo & Health Fair | |
3. An Appearance by Representatives of Savannah State University to Formally Request the 2017 Homecoming Parade Permit. | |
Dr. Cheryl Dozier and staff appeared to receive the 2017 Savannah State Homecoming Parade permit. Approved upon motion of Alderman Johnson, seconded by Alderman Shabazz, and unanimously carried. |
4. Motion to Approve Transfer of Package License to Gaurav Patel of R & D Food Mart, LLC t/a The Hub at Montgomery | |
Density Map - The Hub on Montgomery20170804_0178.pdf | |
Alcohol Documents for Hub at Montgomery.pdf | |
PMD Hub at Montgomery.pdf | |
A Good Neighbor Agreement was signed by the petitioner and Neighborhood Association. It has been entered into the official records of Council.
Hearing closed upon motion of Alderman Shabazz, seconded by Alderman Thomas, and unanimously carried.
Approved upon motion of Alderman Shabazz, seconded by Alderman Thomas, and unanimously carried. |
5. Motion to Approve Consumption on Premises Beer and Wine (Drink) License with Sunday Sales for David Hamer of Baldwin Enterprises t/a Sly's Sliders & Fries | |
Density Map - Sly's Sliders & Fries20170901_0039.pdf | |
Alcohol Documents for Sly's Sliders & Fries.pdf | |
PMD-Sly's Sliders & Fries.pdf | |
Hearing closed upon motion of Alderman Thomas, seconded by Alderman Miller, and unanimously carried.
Approved upon motion of Alderman Thomas, seconded by Alderman Miller, and unanimously carried. |
6. Motion to Transfer Consumption on Premises Beer and Wine (Drink) Complimentary License with Sunday Sales from Mark Johnson to Jagdish Patel of DIVYA Investments, Inc. t/a Staybridge Suites | |
Density Map- StayBridge Suites.pdf | |
PMD-Stay Bridge Suites 1 E Clyde Martin Drive.pdf | |
Alcohol Documents for Staybridge Suites.pdf | |
Hearing closed upon motion of Alderman Thomas, seconded by Alderman Miller, and unanimously carried.
Approved upon motion of Alderman Thomas, seconded by Alderman Miller, and unanimously carried. |
7. Motion to Approve Consumption on Premises Beer and Wine (Drink) License with Sunday and Beer and Wine (Catering) License for Cynthia Creighton-Jones of Cape Creations Catering, Inc.t/a Cape Creations Catering | |
Density Map - Cape Creation20170901_0037.pdf | |
Alcohol Documents for Cape Creations.pdf | |
PMD - Cape Creations Catering Inc. Re-inspection.pdf | |
Hearing closed upon motion of Alderman Thomas, seconded by Alderman Miller, and unanimously carried.
Approved upon motion of Alderman Thomas, seconded by Alderman Miller, and unanimously carried. |
8. Motion to Approve Consumption on Premises Beer and Wine (Drink) License with Sunday Sales for Kong Hong of HMA, LLC t/a Korea Garden | |
Density Map- Korea Garden.pdf | |
Alcohol Documents for Korea Garden.pdf | |
PMD- Korea Garden.pdf | |
Hearing closed upon motion of Alderman , seconded by Alderman , and unanimously carried.
Approved upon motion of Alderman , seconded by Alderman , and unanimously carried. |
9. Motion to Approve Liquor (Package) License for Manisha Patel of Dimple Trading, Inc. t/a Zip-N-Package Store | |
Density Map - Zip-N-Package20170915_0003.pdf | |
PMD-Zip-N-Package.pdf | |
Alcohol Documents for Zip N Package.pdf | |
A Good Neighbor Agreement was signed by the petitioner and Neighborhood Association. It has been entered into the official records of Council.
Hearing closed upon motion of Alderman Johnson, seconded by Alderman Shabazz, and unanimously carried.
Approved upon motion of Alderman Johnson, seconded by Alderman Shabazz, and unanimously carried. |
10. Motion to Approve Consumption on Premises Liquor, Beer and Wine with Sunday Sales for Anthony Debreceny for 9 Drayton Holdings, LLC t/a The Fitzroy | |
PMD - Fitzroy.pdf | |
Density Map-The Fitzroy.pdf | |
Alcohol Documents for The Fitzroy.pdf | |
Hearing closed upon motion of Alderman Thomas, seconded by Alderman Miller, and unanimously carried.
Approved upon motion of Alderman Thomas, seconded by Alderman Miller, and unanimously carried. |
11. Motion to Amend the Zoning Ordinance regarding Carriage Houses (Petitioner: Harold Yellin for Jacob Polansky) | |
Carriage Houses Text Amendent 20170829 Planning Commission Recommendation 17-004799-ZA.pdf | |
Draft Ordinance for Carriage Houses Text Amendent 17-004799-ZA.pdf | |
Marcus Lotson, Metropolitan Planning Commission appeared to briefly describe the petitioner's request.
Hearing closed upon motion of Alderman Durrence, seconded by Alderman Miller, and unanimously carried.
Approved upon motion of Alderman Durrence, seconded by Alderman Miller, and unanimously carried. |
12. Motion to Approve Zoning of 6.6 acres to be Annexed into the City | |
Life Bridge Church Inc_Petition.pdf | |
Annexation Lifebridge Church LLC Zoning Ordinance.pdf | |
13. Motion to Approve Annexation of 6.6 Acres Located on Montgomery Crossroad | |
Life Bridge Church Inc_Petition.pdf | |
Annexation Lifebridge Church LLC annexation Ordinance.pdf | |
Ordinance read for the first time in Council September 28, 2017, then by unanimous consent of Council read a second time, placed upon its passage, adopted and approved upon a motion by Alderman Bell, seconded by Alderman Shabazz, and unanimously carried. |
14. Motion to Rezone a Property Located on Normandy Street from I-L to B-C (Petitioner David Hornsby for HD Companies) | |
Planning Commission Recommendation on Normandy Street Rezoning 17-004210-ZA.pdf | |
Draft Ordinance for Normandy Street Rezoning 17-004210-ZA.pdf | |
Ordinance read for the first time in Council September 28, 2017, then by unanimous consent of Council read a second time, placed upon its passage, adopted and approved upon a motion by Alderman Johnson, seconded by Alderman Miller, and unanimously carried. |
15. Motion to Approve Amendments to the Short-term Vacation Rental Use in Zoning Ordinance Sections 8-3025(a), 8-3025(b), 8-3028(9), 8-3046(b)(1)(d), and 8-3217. | |
MPC Recommendation Packet 1.pdf | |
Short-term Vacation Rental Report June 30 2017.pdf | |
Adopted Ordinance-9-28-17 - For Clerk (final).docx | |
Approved upon motion of Alderman Durrence, seconded by Alderman Miller, and unanimously carried. |
16. Motion to Amend the Short-term Vacation Rental Ordinance to Include Rental Use Conditions and Capping System | |
REVISED Section 8-10012 of Chapter 11 Short Term Vacation Rental Ordinance Amendment September 28 2017.pdf | |
REVISED REDLINE Version of Chapter 11 Short Term Vacation Rental Ordinance Amendment September 28 2017.pdf | |
Short-term Vacation Rental Report June 30 2017.pdf | |
SECTION 8-10012 AS APPROVED ON 9.28.2017.docx | |
Summary discussion on Short Term Vacation Rentals of Agenda Items 15 and 16.
The Following spoke on this item: Bridget Lidy, Tourism Ambassadorship Director Robert McCorkle Patrick Connell Mike Vacquer, representing Expedia Walt Freeman Corey Jones, Lucky Savannah Vacation Rentals Bates Lovett
Alderman Durrence had a question about Section 10012 (d) of the revisions which reads, “For purposes of clarification, in calculating the per-ward short-term vacation rental use percentages as set forth in the zoning ordinance for the City of Savannah, all parcels with short-term rental certificate(s) which are non-owner occupied and have a Conservation, Residential, 1-R, 2-R or 3-R zoning district, including such parcels with Pre-Existing Certificates, shall be counted in determining the percentage then existing in each ward.”
Alderman Durrence questioned how we determine if pre-existing certificates are owner-occupied. Staff can identify properties with homestead exemption, not those which are owner occupied. If we are going to say not found at this time which is owner occupied, that x number of properties because person has a homestead exemption, we are automatically calling them owner occupied. We are not giving the property owners a choice and telling them they are owner occupied and that it would not count under percentage cap
If we do this that if this property owner should move, sell or come back some years later and still claim exemption from cap even though they had not been counted in cap this period of time. The cap may have been achieved during that interim period. Is the person still going to have an exemption from cap if they become a non-owner property?
Jen Herman Assistant City Attorney stated that provided the certificate is received within the six months grandfathering period, they would be subject to the cap.
Alderman Durrence said that is the problem he has with this. If we are not going to count them, they should not get exemptions. My suggestion is to change the language to say “all” parcels with pre-existing certificates count against the cap. But, any property owner who chooses can declare themselves as an owner occupied property and get an exemption from the cap. I don’t see how we can offer an exemption somewhere down the road indefinitely when not counting them as the accumulation of percentages as happening. It is essentially double dipping. We are not going to count you now, but anytime in the future, if you want to switch to non-owner occupied, you are exempt from the cap. This is not fair to the residents.
Alderman Durrence’s proposal is to change one word “such” to “all” parcels. It will be up to the property owners to request to be owner occupied and exempt from the cap. A vote was taken on this motion and it was seconded by Alderman Miller and carried as follows "voting in favor of Alderman Durrence, Miller, Johnson, Foster, and Mayor Deloach".
Voting against a motion was Alderman Thomas, Shabazz, and Bell.
A motion was made by Alderman Johnson, seconded by Alderman Durrence to approve the amended ordinance and it unanimously carried with all council members voting in favor.
Section 10012 (d): “For purposes of clarification, in calculating the per-ward short-term vacation rental use percentages as set forth in the zoning ordinance for the City of Savannah, all parcels with short-term rental certificate(s) which are non-owner occupied and have a Conservation, Residential, 1-R, 2-R or 3-R zoning district, including
17. Motion to Amend the Charter of the City of Savannah to Allow for City Restructuring | |
LEGAL NOTICE- Savannah Morning News Charter Amendment 080217.pdf | |
PACKET- Charter Amendment FINAL 080217.pdf | |
LEGAL NOTICE- Savannah Morning News Charter Amendment 080217.pdf | |
Approved upon motion of Alderman Johnson, seconded by Alderman Durrence, and unanimously carried. |
18. Motion to Amend Article H, Part 6, Section 6-1214, subsection (b), of the Code of Ordinances to Extend the Go-Cup Zone to Include the Savannah River Landing | |
Petition to Amend Sec. 6-1214 to Include SRL in Go-Cup Zone.pdf | |
Sec 6-1214 Go Cup Ordinance Amendment (Clean Version).pdf | |
Approved upon motion of Alderman Miller, seconded by Alderman Bell, and unanimously carried. |
19. Motion to Amend Sections 6-1204 and 6-1206, and Add Sec. 6-1217, of the Alcoholic Beverage Ordinance to Create Special Provisions Related to Brewers and Distillers | |
ABO AUG Revisions MFR.pdf | |
ABO AUG Revisions MFR.pdf | |
8211-01 ABO AUG Revisions MFR (3).pdf | |
Approved upon motion of Alderman Johnson, seconded by Alderman Miller, and unanimously carried. |
20. Motion to Adopt Section 8-1003 in the Code of Ordinances to Restrict the Placement of Certain Vehicles on Residential Properties | |
Section 8-1003 Unlawful Parking of Certain Vehicles.pdf | |
Unlawful parking of vehicles ordinance (1).pdf | |
Continued to October 26, 2017 upon motion of Alderman Bell, seconded by Alderman Miller and unanimously carried. |
21. Motion to Adopt Part 9, Chapter 2, Article C of the Code of Ordinances to Provide a Mechanism for the City to Recover Costs Associated with Nuisance Abatement | |
Part 9, Chapter 2, Article C Nuisance Abatement Cost Recovery .pdf | |
Nuisance Abatement Ordinance (1).pdf | |
Approved upon motion of Alderman Bell, seconded by Alderman Miller, and unanimously carried. |
22. Motion to Adopt Part 9, Chapter 2, Article D of the Code of Ordinances to Make it Unlawful to Dump or Store Solid Waste and Vegetation | |
Part 9, Chapter 2, Article D Weeds and Noxious Vegetation.pdf | |
Weed-debris ORD (1).pdf | |
Approved upon motion of Alderman Bell, seconded by Alderman Johnson, and unanimously carried. |
23. Motion to Adopt Part 9, Chapter 3, Section 9-3020 of the Code of Ordinances to Provide Limitations on the Storage and Transport of Used Tires | |
Part 9, Chapter 3, Section 9-3020 Storage and Transport of Used Tires.pdf | |
Approved upon motion of Alderman Bell, seconded by Alderman Foster, and unanimously carried. |
24. Motion to Adopt Resolution to Rename a Portion of Rio Road to Heroes Way | |
Rio Road Renaming - Map.docx | |
Alderman Thomas thanked the City Manager and staff for moving this forward. This location on Rio road has no business or resident addresses fronting it. This is the area of Rio road that when troops are deployed from Hunter or Ft Stewart they use to turn onto hwy 204 because soldiers use this road for deployment, it would be nice.
Alderman Miller stated he supports the recommendation but wanted to know the difference in his request to change the name of a small park in the Parkside neighborhood from Freeman to Mr. Delorme who was very instrumental in using this park and is now deceased. He was told by staff that it couldn't be done and he wanted to know what was the difference in this request and his request.
City Manager Hernandez stated that staff has been working on this for quite some time and it is less complicated than Alderman Miller's request. There are questions of historical significance and it cost to rename parks, squares, and streets. There is an alternative to having a separate signage that says where we honor someone on a street. He is working on a policy to include all requests and that he would bring it forth to Council by October 12th.
Alderman Johnson said he supports the recommendation and he is the other Alderman that made a similar request on 38th street. He understands the need for a comprehensive policy and look forward to the City Managers recommendation on October 12th.
Alderman Shabazz stated she supports the recommendation. She thanked Alderman Thomas and added that Hunter Army Airfield also sits in the 5th district.
Approved upon motion of Alderman Thomas, seconded by Alderman Miller, and unanimously carried.
25. Motion to Adopt Resolution Requesting that the State Legislature Change the Name of the Talmadge Bridge to The Savannah Bridge | |
Resolution to Rename the Talmadge Memorial Bridge (rev).pdf | |
Mayor DeLoach made the following comments:
Several weeks ago, I told you we must not just be on the right side of history, we must write the right version of history. Since them I have spoken to many citizens, attended a forum with hundreds from our community, and looked to scripture for guidance. On this issue, scripture lead me to Ecclesiastes 3, verses 1-8 which reads “To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted; A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing; A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away; A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak; A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.
This scripture reminds us, the seasons change, and as they change our core foundation must, and can change with the season. We must remember what follows war is peace, and while we mourn we will once again laugh. We will move forward as a city away from what divides us, to what unites us. We will drive over the iconic bridge that leads to our city that will no longer be named for a man that divided us, but for the city that we are all proud to call our home. I ask Council to join in with me to pass, and send the resolution to the General assembly, Gov. Deal, and the Georgia Department of Transportation.
Former Mayor Otis Johnson came forward to express his appreciation the Mayor and Council for advancing this resolution. He is proud of this move forward as it takes a lot of courage to stand up for what is right. He asked council for a unanimous and unified vote to send a message to our County Commissioner and our State Legislative delegation.
Alderman Foster stated in 1991 a request was made for a new name to the bridge in celebration of the growth of our city and our ports. Savannah is an international city with an international ports and travelers from South Carolina and all other states. He ask, as a council that we support this resolution which is good for our city and our state.
Alderman Johnson also thanked the Mayor and Council for advancing this resolution forward as we look not backwards but toward the future. He asked Mr. Christopher to come up to make comments.
Mr Christopher stated that he represents Span the Gap whose purpose has been geared toward the bridge renaming. He is pleased with the example the city is demonstrating today in light of what's happening around the company. It is a symbolic move and he thanked the city and those who worked on it.
Alderman Johnson said several years ago under Mayor Jackson a resolution was forwarded to our Legislative delegation. Hopefully this resolution can become a part of our 2018 Legislative Agenda.
Approved upon motion of Alderman Johnson, seconded by Alderman Bell, and unanimously carried. |
26. Motion to Accept Airport Improvement Program (AIP) Grant Offer No. 3-13-0100-058-2017 and No. 3-13-0100-059-2017 from the Federal Aviation Administration. | |
SAV 58.pdf | |
SAV 59.pdf | |
Approved upon motion of Alderman Bell, seconded by Alderman Miller, and unanimously carried per the City Manager's recommendation. |
27. Motion to Approve Marketing Partnership with Worth Magazine | |
8.31.17 Savannah Airport 2017 Worth Dest Schedule A.pdf | |
Approved upon motion of Alderman Bell, seconded by Alderman Miller, and unanimously carried per the City Manager's recommendtion. |
28. Motion to Award Annual Contract for Employee Assistance Program with Deer Oaks Services, LLC (Event 5046) | |
EAP Funding Verification.pdf | |
EAP Scope.pdf | |
EAP Purchasing Summary.pdf | |
Continued to October 12, 2017 upon motion of Alderman Bell, seconded by Alderman Miller and unanimously carried per the City Manager's recommendation. |
29. Motion to Renew Annual Contract for Medicare Advantage Plan with Humana, Inc. (Event No. 4553) | |
Medicare Advantage Funding Verification.pdf | |
Medicare Advantage Purchasing Summary.pdf | |
Approved upon motion of Alderman Bell, seconded by Alderman Miller, and unanimously carried per the City Manager's recommendation. |
30. Motion to Award Annual Contract for Voluntary Dental and Vision Insurance Coverage to Metropolitan Life Insurance Company (Event No. 5341) | |
Dental Vision Insurance Funding Verification.pdf | |
Dental Vision Purchasing Summary.pdf | |
Dental Vision Scope.pdf | |
Continued to October 12, 2017 upon motion of Alderman Bell, seconded by Alderman Miller and unanimously carried per the City Manager's recommendation. |
31. Motion to Renew Annual Contract for Snack Vending Services with Savannah Healthy Vending (Event No. 3821) | |
Snack Vending Funding Verification.pdf | |
Snack Vending Scope.pdf | |
Snack Vending Purchasing Summary.pdf | |
Approved upon motion of Alderman Bell, seconded by Alderman Miller, and unanimously carried per the City Manager's recommendation. |
32. Motion to Award Annual Contract for Water and Wastewater Sample Analysis to Florida Spectrum Laboratories (Event No. 5106) | |
Sampling Analysis Funding Verification.pdf | |
Sampling Analysis Bid Tab.pdf | |
Sampling Analysis Scope.pdf | |
Sampling Analysis Purchasing Summary.pdf | |
Approved upon motion of Alderman Bell, seconded by Alderman Miller, and unanimously carried per the City Manager's recommendation. |
33. Motion to Award Annual Contract for Elevator Servicing to Georgia Elevator Company (Event No. 5273) | |
Elevator Servicing Bid Tab.pdf | |
Elevator Servicing Funding Verification.pdf | |
Elevator Servicing Purchasing Summary.pdf | |
Elevator Servicing Scope.pdf | |
Approved upon motion of Alderman Bell, seconded by Alderman Miller, and unanimously carried per the City Manager's recommendation. |
34. Motion to Procure Additional Mobile Data Terminals from ARC Acquisition, Inc. (Event No. 4671) | |
MDT Funding Verification.pdf | |
MDT Purchasing Summary.pdf | |
MDT Scope.pdf | |
Approved upon motion of Alderman Bell, seconded by Alderman Miller, and unanimously carried per the City Manager's recommendation. |
35. Motion to Award Sole Source Procurement of Bell Joint Encapsulation Repair Clamp to HD Supply (Event No. 5517) | |
Bell Joint Funding Verification.pdf | |
Bell Joint Purchasing Summary.pdf | |
Approved upon motion of Alderman Bell, seconded by Alderman Miller, and unanimously carried per the City Manager's recommendation. |
36. Motion to Award Design Services Contract for Lift Station 28 Force Main Extension to EMC Engineering Services, Inc. (Event No. 5403) | |
Force Main Extension Exhibit.pdf | |
Force Main Extension Funding Verification.pdf | |
Force Main Extension Purchasing Summary.pdf | |
Force Main Extension Scope.pdf | |
Approved upon motion of Alderman Bell, seconded by Alderman Miller, and unanimously carried per the City Manager's recommendation. |
37. Motion to Renew Annual Contract for Street Sweeper Brooms with Keystone Plastics, Inc. (Event No. 3990) | |
Sweeper Brooms Bid Tab.pdf | |
Sweeper Brooms Funding Verification.pdf | |
Sweeper Brooms Purchasing Summary.pdf | |
Sweeper Brooms Scope.pdf | |
Approved upon motion of Alderman Bell, seconded by Alderman Miller, and unanimously carried per the City Manager's recommendation. |
38. Motion to Renew CityWorks Annual Maintenance Agreement with Azteca Systems, Inc. (Event No. 5497) | |
Azteca Funding Verification.pdf | |
Azteca Purchasing Summary.pdf | |
Approved upon motion of Alderman Bell, seconded by Alderman Miller, and unanimously carried per the City Manager's recommendation. |
39. Motion to Renew Lawson Annual Maintenance Agreement with Infor (Event No. 5516) | |
Lawson Funding Verification.pdf | |
Lawson Purchasing Summary.pdf | |
Approved upon motion of Alderman Bell, seconded by Alderman Miller, and unanimously carried per the City Manager's recommendation. |
40. Notification of Emergency Facade Repair Services from Engineered Restoration, Inc. (Event No. 5518) | |
Facade Repair Funding Verification.pdf | |
Facade Repair Purchasing Summary.pdf | |
Approved upon motion of Alderman Bell, seconded by Alderman Miller, and unanimously carried per the City Manager's recommendation. |
41. Notification of Emergency Purchase of Radio Batteries from Motorola Solutions (Event No. 5523) | |
Radio Batteries Funding Verification.pdf | |
Radio Batteries Purchasing Summary.pdf | |
Approved upon motion of Alderman Bell, seconded by Alderman Miller, and unanimously carried per the City Manager's recommendation. |
42. Motion to Award Annual Contract for Thermoplastic Pavement Markings to Peek Pavement Markings and RoadSafe Traffic Systems (Event No. 5326) | |
Thermoplastic Markings Funding Verification.pdf | |
Thermoplastic Markings Scope.pdf | |
Thermoplastic Markings Bid Tab.pdf | |
Thermoplastic Markings Purchasing Summary (2).pdf | |
Approved upon motion of Alderman Bell, seconded by Alderman Miller, and unanimously carried per the City Manager's recommendation. |
43. Motion to Approve Contract Modification No. 1 for Hitch Village Phase 2 with McLendon Enterprises, Inc. (Event No. 4982) | |
Hitch Village Funding Verification.pdf | |
Hitch Village Purchasing Summary.pdf | |
Approved upon motion of Alderman Bell, seconded by Alderman Miller, and unanimously carried per the City Manager's recommendation. |
44. Motion to Renew Annual Contract for Concrete and Asphalt Crushing Services with United Grounds Maintenance Services (Event No. 4309) | |
Crushing Bid.pdf | |
Crushing Scope.pdf | |
Crushing Funding Verification.pdf | |
Crushing Purchasing Summary.pdf | |
Approved upon motion of Alderman Bell, seconded by Alderman Miller, and unanimously carried per the City Manager's recommendation. |
45. Motion to Approve Renewal of Annual Contract for Electrical Repairs with Aiken Harper (Event No. 4126) | |
Electrical Repairs Funding Verification.pdf | |
Electrical Repairs Scope.pdf | |
Electrical Repairs Bid Tab.pdf | |
Electrical Repairs Purchasing Summary.pdf | |
Approved upon motion of Alderman Bell, seconded by Alderman Miller, and unanimously carried per the City Manager's recommendation. |
46. Motion to Renew Annual Contract for Grounds Maintenance with J Corbett Enterprise, Inc. (Event No. 4442) | |
LGN Grounds Maintenance Scope.pdf | |
LGN Grounds Maintenance Funding Verification.pdf | |
LGN Grounds Maintenance Purchasing Summary.pdf | |
LGN Grounds Maintenance Bid Tab.pdf | |
Approved upon motion of Alderman Bell, seconded by Alderman Miller, and unanimously carried per the City Manager's recommendation. |
47. Motion to Approve Amendment No. 1 to Close out the Contract for Liberty Municipal Design Services with Johnson-Laux Construction (Event No. 4560) | |
LMB Design Purchasing Summary.pdf | |
LMB Design Funding Verification.pdf | |
Approved upon motion of Alderman Bell, seconded by Alderman Miller, and unanimously carried per the City Manager's recommendation. |
48. Motion to Procure Fold Out Shelter from Elite Aluminum Corporation (Event No. 5339) | |
Fold Out Shelter Bid Tab.pdf | |
Fold Out Shelter Funding Verification.pdf | |
Fold Out Shelter Purchasing Summary.pdf | |
Fold Out Shelter Scope.pdf | |
Approved upon motion of Alderman Bell, seconded by Alderman Miller, and unanimously carried per the City Manager's recommendation. |
49. Motion to Approve Contract Amendment No. 1 for Strategic Planning Consulting with Managing Results (Event No. 4801) | |
Purchasing Summary.pdf | |
Strategic Planning Consulting Services.pdf | |
Approved upon motion of Alderman Bell, seconded by Alderman Miller, and unanimously carried per the City Manager's recommendation. |
50. Motion to Approve First Amendment to Lease Agreement with Savannah Riverboat Company | |
Riverboat Lease Agreement - 10-1-2011 to 9-30-2021.pdf | |
First Amendment to Lease Agreement - Savannah Riverboat.pdf | |
First Amendment to Lease Agreement - Savannah Riverboat Company.pdf | |
Savannah Riverboat COI's.pdf | |
Continued to October 12, 2017 upon motion of Alderman Bell, seconded by Alderman Miller and unanimously carried per the City Manager's recommendation. |
51. Motion to Approve Water and Sewer Agreement for Scannell C-13 | |
Agenda Item Summary - Scannell C-13.pdf | |
Approved upon motion of Alderman Bell, seconded by Alderman Miller, and unanimously carried per the City Manager's recommendation. |
52. Motion to Acquire Real Property Located at 216 Windsor Road | |
Contract.Eimer.pdf | |
Approved upon motion of Alderman Bell, seconded by Alderman Miller, and unanimously carried per the City Manager's recommendation. |
53. Motion to Approve Water and Sewer Agreement for Lehigh Hanson Sav Aggregate Yard Addition | |
Agenda Item Summary - Lehigh Hanson Sav Aggregate Yard Addition.pdf | |
Approved upon motion of Alderman Bell, seconded by Alderman Miller, and unanimously carried per the City Manager's recommendation. |
54. Motion to Approve Extension of Rental Agreement to the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center | |
NABCO MTTU Extension Request.pdf | |
Approved upon motion of Alderman Bell, seconded by Alderman Miller, and unanimously carried per the City Manager's recommendation. |
55. Motion to Accept PY2017 Adult/Dislocated Worker Program Grant Funds | |
Adult.Dislocated Worker Statement of Grant Award Documentation.pdf | |
Approved upon motion of Alderman Bell, seconded by Alderman Miller, and unanimously carried per the City Manager's recommendation. |
56. Motion to Approve Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Awards and Execute Agreements | |
FY2017 ESG RFP Ad.pdf | |
Approved upon motion of Alderman Bell, seconded by Alderman Miller, and unanimously carried per the City Manager's recommendation. |
57. Motion to Approve an Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Award and Execute an Agreement with Family Promise of Greater Savannah | |
FY2016 ESG RFP Ad.pdf | |
Approved upon motion of Alderman Bell, seconded by Alderman Miller, and unanimously carried per the City Manager's recommendation. |
58. Notification of Executed Emergency Shelter Agreement with Armstrong State University | |
Armstrong State Executed Shelter Agreement 08 Sept 2017.pdf | |
Approved upon motion of Alderman Bell, seconded by Alderman Miller, and unanimously carried per the City Manager's recommendation. |
59. Motion to Approve Parking Lease to 225 East President Street, LLC | |
Parking Lease 225 East President Street LLC (00017223).pdf | |
Approved upon motion of Alderman Bell, seconded by Alderman Miller, and unanimously carried per the City Manager's recommendation. |
60. Motion to Approve Second Amendment to Work Management and Cost Sharing Agreement at former Deptford Landfill Site | |
Deptford Landfill 2nd Amend_Work Mgmt Cost Sharing Agreement.pdf | |
Approved upon motion of Alderman Bell, seconded by Alderman Miller, and unanimously carried per the City Manager's recommendation. |
61. Motion to Approve Water and Sewer Agreement with Mariner Brand Deptford, LLC | |
Ellis - Exhibit C - Offsite W_S Improvements Cost Estimate.pdf | |
Ellis - Exhibit B - Offsite Water Sewer Extensions.pdf | |
Ellis - water and sewer agreement.pdf | |
Ellis - Exhibit A - GDP.pdf | |
Approved upon motion of Alderman Bell, seconded by Alderman Miller, and unanimously carried per the City Manager's recommendation. |
62. Motion to Reschedule Council Meetings of November 23, 2017 and February 15, 2018 | |
Upon motion of Alderman Foster, seconded by Alderman Miller and unanimously carried the Thursday, November 23, 2017 meeting was rescheduled to Tuesday, November 21, 2017 and the Thursday, February 15, 2018 meeting was rescheduled to Wednesday, February 14, 2018. |
63. Motion to Approve Supplemental Budget Appropriations to the 2017 Capital Improvement Program | |
Approved upon motion of Alderman Bell, seconded by Alderman Miller, and unanimously carried per the City Manager's recommendtion. |
64. Motion to Approve Petition to Re-Route Henry Lane | |
Henry Lane Property Transer Exhibit.pdf | |
Mr. Bill Gross and Mr. Robbie Cheek of Thomas and Hutton appeared in reference to this request.
Mr John Sawyer the City Water and Sewer Director stated they are recommending approval of the petition to close Henry lane to create a single campus. The safety issue is for the city to retain an easement for the sanitary sewer line and determine the necessary width for garbage collection and emergency vehicles.
Approved upon motion of Alderman Miller, seconded by Alderman Foster, and unanimously carried per the City Manager's recommendation. |
65. Motion to Abandon and Release a Utility Easement (Petition 170245, Ryan Smith ) | |
MarinerPtEasmentPlats.pdf | |
Approved upon motion of Alderman Miller, seconded by Alderman Bell, and unanimously carried per the City Manager's recommendtion. |
66. Motion to Adopt Disadvantage Business Enterprise Program | |
SBO Policy_DSBE_FINAL_No DBE Reserve.pdf | |
City Manager Hernandez made the follwoing comments: While DBE reserves have been used in other jurisdictions to increase participation, such programs have been legally challenged in the past. Staff is recommending that Council strike the indicated language in the two sections below before approving the SBO program. DBE reserves are a small component of the proposed program, so this removal will not have a significant impact on the effectiveness of the initiative nor will it change the Savannah Business Enterprise (SBE) program that creates a sheltered market for small local firms to compete on contracts below $100,000.
The following language should be removed from the SBO Program Policy:
Section V.4
Section V.5
Section V.5.c – Remove “either” and “, or reject the response(s) and request that OBO determine whether a DBE reserve should be established for any new solicitation”
Alderman Johnson expressed concerns about the previous study and recommendation on this program and felt that we now have the ability to raise the 2% minority cap to 10%. Alderman Bell thanked staff naming Taffanye Young, Manny Dominguez, and MarRonde Lotson for their work on this project and she added that there are ways built into the program to reach small businesses to benefit them especially with the continual assistance of staff.
Approved upon motion of Alderman Miller, seconded by Alderman Bell, and carried per the City Manager's recommendation for a 2 year pilot program with the changes he outlined. Only Alderman Johnson voted No. |
67. Motion to Approve Major Subdivision, Villages of Vallambrosa, Phase 6 | |
Major Subdivision Villages of Vallambrosa, Phase 6 | |
Approved upon motion of Alderman Thomas, seconded by Alderman Bell, and unanimously carried per the City Manager's recommendtion. |
68. Acknowledge Receipt of Annexation Petition #170371 from Lifebridge Church for 6.6 Acres on Montgomery Crossroad | |
Life Bridge Church Inc_Petition.pdf | |
Withdrawn per the City Manager's recommendtion |
69. Motion to Adopt Resolution Temporarily Suspending M/WBE Goal-Setting Policy | |
City Council Resolution 9.28.2017 (FINAL).pdf | |
Approved upon motion of Alderman Shabazz, seconded by Alderman Miller and carried with the following voting in favor: Mayor DeLoach, Aldermen Bell, Miller, Foster, Durrence, Thomas, Hall and Shabazz; Alderman Johnson voted against the motion. |
70. Appointment of four Recorder's Court Pro-Tem Judges | |
Upon mpotion of Alderman Bell, seconded by Alderman Johnson, and unanimously carried the following were appointed as Recorder's Court Pro-Tem Judges: Attorney Willie Yancy, Attorney Chris Middleton, Attorney Bill Broker and Attorney Wendy Williamson. |
Announcements Alderman Bell invited the public to attend the annual Picnic in the Park which will take place Sunday, October 8 in Forsyth Park from 3:30 p.m. until 9:00 p.m.
Alderman Shabazz announced that she will be hosting a Town Hall meeting on Wednesday, October 25, 2017 in the Liberty Center Community Center at 6:30 p.m.
There being no further business, Mayor DeLoach declared this meeting of Council adjourned.
The recorded City Council Meeting is located on the City of Savannah website. |
Dyanne C. Reese, MMC Clerk of Council | |
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