April 11, 2019 City Council Regular Meeting (Held at the Cultural Arts Center, 201 Montgomery Street)
1. Motion to Approve the Summary/Final Minutes for the Special City Council Meeting of March 25, 2019
2. Motion to Approve the Summary/Final Minutes for the City Council Work Session and City Manager's Briefing of March 28, 2019
03.28.19 WS Minutes.pdf
3. Motion to Approve the Summary/Final Minutes for the City Council Meeting of March 28, 2019
03.28.19 Minutes.pdf
4. Motion to Approve the Summary/Final Minutes for the Special City Council Meeting of March 28, 2019
5. Appearance and Special Recognition of Seth Strickland the 2018 Georgia State Patrol Trooper of the Year
6. Appearance and Special Recognition of the Nighthawks DUI South Team
7. Appearance by Representatives from The Creative Coast to Invite the Community to Geekend, April 26-27 at the Savannah Cultural Arts Center
8. Appearance and Special Recognition of the Greenscapes Division for Receiving the TLC Board of Director's Award
9. Appearance and Special Invitation by the Executive Director of the Rape Crisis Center of the Coastal Empire
Exhibit 1: Pearl of Power Gala Save the Date.jpg
10. Presentation of the 2018 Clean 13 Award to the Mayor and Aldermen by the Public Works and Water Resources Department
11. A Proclamation Celebrating the Urban Tree Nursery to Green Jobs Program
12. Motion to Approve a Transfer of a Class E Alcohol License from Priyanka Patel to Samir Patel of Giant Food Mart at 1606 West Gwinnett Street (Aldermanic District 1)
Exhibit 1: Checklist - Giant Food Mart.pdf
Exhibit 2: Density Map - Giant Food Mart.pdf
Exhibit 3: Alcohol Reports - Giant Food Mart.pdf
Exhibit 4: Measurement Report - Giant Food Mart.pdf
13. Motion to Approve a New Class C Alcohol License with Sunday Sales for David Cutlip of Savannah Smokehouse BBQ & Brew at 16 West State Street (Aldermanic District 2)
Exhibit 1: Checklist - Savannah Smokehouse BBQ & Brew.pdf
Exhibit 2: Density Map - Savannah Smokehouse BBQ & Brew.pdf
Exhibit 3: Alcohol Reports - Savannah Smokehouse BBQ & Brew.pdf
Exhibit 4: Measurement Report - Savannah Smokehouse BBQ & Brew.pdf
14. Motion to Approve a New Class C Alcohol License with Sunday Sales for Chaz Ortiz of Chazitos Latin Cuisine at 2222 Bull Street (Aldermanic District 2)
Exhibit 1: Checkllist - Chazitos Latin Cuisine.pdf
Exhibit 2: Density Map - Chazitos Latin Cuisine.pdf
Exhibit 3: Alcohol Reports - Chazitos Latin Cuisine.pdf
Exhibit 4: Measurement Report - Chazitos Latin Cuisine.pdf
15. Motion to Approve a Transfer of a Class E Alcohol License for Candy J. Munn from Cory Tuck of Food Lion #1181 at 8914 White Bluff Road (Aldermanic District 4)
Exhibit 1: Checklist - Food Lion.pdf
Exhibit 2: Alcohol Reports - Food Lion.pdf
Exhibit 3: Measurement Report - Food Lion.pdf
Exhibit 4: Density Map - Food Lion.pdf
16. Motion to Approve a Transfer of a Class E Alcohol License for Prakash V. Patel from Karan Patel of Quick Stop #5 at 9137 White Bluff Road (Aldermanic District 5)
Exhibit 1: Checklist - Quick Stop #5.pdf
Exhibit 2: Density Report - Quick Stop #5.pdf
Exhibit 3: Alcohol Reports - Quick Stop #5.pdf
Exhibit 4: Measurement Report - Quick Stop #5.pdf
17. Motion to Rezone Portions of 0 Sterling Street to R-M-25 as an Alternative to the Proposed R-M-40 (Petitioner: Planning Commission)
Exhibit 1: Planning Commission Recommendation - 0 Sterling Street (portions).pdf
Exhibit 2: Aerial Map - 0 Sterling Street (portions).pdf
Exhibit 3: Site Development Concept - 0 Sterling Street (portions).pdf
Exhibit 4: 1912 Hawthorne Park Subdivision - 0 Sterling St with Project.pdf
Exhibit 5: 1909 Rivers Ward - 0 Sterling St with Project.pdf
Exhibit 6: 1982 Housing Authority and City of Savannah Urban Renewal Project Plat Book 5P Pages 73A-B and 74A-B with Project.pdf
Exhibit 7: Draft Ordinance - 0 Sterling St.pdf
Exhibit 8: Urban Renewal Project Parcels - 0 Sterling St.pdf
18. Motion to Accept the Withdrawal to Rezone a portion of 0 Sterling Street to R-M-40 (Joshua Yellin as agent for the Housing Authority of Savannah and Pennrose Properties, LLC)
Exhibit 1: Planning Commission Recommendation - 0 Sterling Ave (portions).pdf
Exhibit 2: Aerial Map - 0 Sterling Ave (portions).pdf
19. Motion to Amend the Future Land Use Category of 61 Graham Street (Petitioner: Joshua Yellin for Cardinal Capital Management and Planning Commission)
Exhibit 1: Planning Commission Recommendation - 61 Graham St.pdf
Exhibit 2: Aerial Map - 61 Graham St.pdf
Exhibit 3: Draft Ordinance RE Future Land Use Category - 61 Graham St.pdf
20. Motion to Rezone 61 Graham Street from PUD-M, R-4, and B-G to I-P (Petitioner: Josh Yellin for Cardinal Capital Management)
Exhibit 1: Planning Commission Recommendation - 61 Graham St.pdf
Exhibit 2: Aerial Map - 61 Graham St.pdf
Exhibit 3: Concept Plan - 61 Graham St.pdf
Exhibit 4: ALTA Survey - 61 Graham St with project.pdf
Exhibit 5: Plat Book 7S Page 92 - 61 Graham St with project.pdf
Exhibit 6: Sale of Surplus Property Deed Book 1544 Pages 96-98 - 61 Graham St.pdf
Exhibit 7: Draft Ordinance RE Rezoning - 61 Graham St.pdf
Exhibit 8: Allowed Uses for I-P Zoning - 61 Graham St.pdf
21. Motion to Rezone 711 and 719 East Broad Street from R-B-1 to RIP-B (Petitioner: Robert McCorkle for Union Mission, Inc., Owner, and Savannah House, LLC)
Exhibit 1: Planning Commission Recommendation - 711 and 719 E Broad St.pdf
Exhibit 2: Aerial Map - 711 and 719 E Broad St.pdf
Exhibit 3: Draft Ordinance - 711 and 719 E Broad St.pdf
22. Motion to Amend the Zoning Ordinance Regarding Nonconforming Uses at 321 Habersham Street (Petitioner: Robert L. McCorkle for Fox & Fig, LLC)
Exhibit 1: Planning Commission Recommendation - Section 8-3134(g)(1).pdf
Exhibit 2: Draft Ordinance Section 8-3134(g)(1).pdf
Exhibit: 3: Location of the Only RIP-A-1 Zoning District.pdf
23. Motion to Accept the Withdrawal to Rezone 436 West DeRenne Drive from R-4 to B-H (Petitioner: Jay Maupin for Michael Godbee)
Exhibit 1: Planning Commission Recommendation - W DeRenne Ave.pdf
Exhibit 2: Aerial Map - W DeRenne Ave.pdf
Exhibit 3: Email to Withdraw the Petition - W DeRenne Ave.pdf
24. Motion to Deny the Request to Rezone 2007 Alaska Street from R-B-1 to B-N (Petitioner: Thomas Cribbs)
Exhibit 1: Planning Commission Recommendation - 2007 Alaska St.pdf
Exhibit 2: Aerial Map - 2007 Alaska St.pdf
25. Motion to Deny the Request to Rezone 3811 and 3813 Bull Street from B-G-1 to RIP (Petitioner: Teresa Coleman)
Exhibit 1: Planning Commission Recommendation 20190312 - 3811 and 3813 Bull St.pdf
Exhibit 2: Planning Commission Recommendation 20190108 - 3811 and 3813 Bull St.pdf
Exhibit 3: Aerial Map - 3811 and 3813 Bull St.pdf
Exhibit 4: 2018 Plat Book 51 Page 574 - 3811 and 3813 Bull St.pdf
26. Motion to Amend the Zoning Ordinance Regarding the Creation of a Conservation Overlay District for Daffin Park and Parkside (Petitioner: Parkside Neighborhood Association)
Exhibit 1: Daffin Park-Parkside Conservation Overlay District Recommended Boundaries.pdf
Exhibit 2: Draft Ordinance - Daffin Park - Parkside Conservation Overlay District.pdf
Exhibit 3: Historic District Metadata - Daffin Park - Parkside Place.pdf
Exhibit 4: Historic District Application 1999 - Daffin Park - Parkside Place.pdf
Exhibit 5: Historic District Photos - Daffin Park - Parkside Place.pdf
Exhibit 6: Planning Commission Recommendation - Daffin Park - Parkside Conservation Overlay District.pdf
Exhibit 7: Parkside Notice.pdf
27. Motion to Amend the Zoning Map to Designate Daffin Park and Parkside as a Conservation Overlay District (Petitioner: Parkside Neighborhood Association)
Exhibit 1: Planning Commission Recommendation - Daffin Park - Parkside Conservation Overlay District Map.pdf
Exhibit 2: District Recommended Boundaries - Daffin Park - Parkside Conservation Overlay
Exhibit 3: Draft Ordinance - Daffin Park - Parkside Conservation Overlay District (w/ Map).pdf
Exhibit 4: Courtesy Notice of Proposed Zoning Action for the Daffin Park - Parkside Conservation Overlay District.pdf
28. A Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Submit Two Renewal Grant Applications to the HUD on Behalf of the Project Sponsor Union Mission, Inc.
Exhibit 1: Resolution - HUD Union Mission Grant.pdf
29. Motion to Award a Design Assistance Contract to Oak View Group Facilities, LLC, as part of a Phased Contract to Include the Future Operations and Management of the New Savannah Arena (Event No. 6488)
Exhibit 1: Arena Design Assistance Purchasing Summary.pdf
Exhibit 2: Arena Design Assistance Funding Verification.pdf
30. Motion to Award Construction Contract to Johnson-Laux Construction for Cedar Street Improvements as part of the Savannah Shines Initiative (Event No. 7035)
Exhibit 1: Cedar Street Purchasing Summary
31. Motion to Approve Contract Modification No. 2 for River Street Improvements with McLendon Enterprises (Event No. 4803)
Exhibit 1: River Street Purchasing Summary
Exhibit 2: River Street Funding Verification
32. Motion to Award Annual Contract for Cost Estimating Services to Costing Services Group (Event No. 6858)
Exhibit 1: Cost Estimating Purchasing Summary
Exhibit 2: Cost Estimating Funding Verification
Exhibit 3: Cost Estimating Scope
33. Motion to Award Annual Contract for Crane and Hoist Maintenance to Low Country Hoist and Crane Services (Event No. 6893)
Exhibit 1: Crane and Hoist Purchasing Summary
Exhibit 2: Crane and Hoist Funding Verification
Exhibit 3: Crane and Hoist Scope
Exhibit 4: Crane and Hoist Bid Tab
34. Motion to Award Annual Contract for Security Services at City Lot to Sunstates Security, LLC (Event No. 6974)
Exhibit 1: City Lot Security Purchasing Summary
Exhibit 2: City Lot Security Scope
Exhibit 3: City Lot Security Bid Tab
Exhibit 4: City Lot Security Funding Verification
35. Motion to Renew Annual Contract for Tree Root Damage Repair with Savannah River Utilities (Event No. 3072)
Exhibit 1: Tree Root Purchasing Summary
Exhibit 2: Tree Root Funding Verification
Exhibit 3: Tree Root Scope
36. Notification of Emergency Procurement of Four Chlorinators from ES2 Environmental Systems (Event No. 7033)
Exhibit 1: Chlorinator Purchasing Summary.pdf
Exhibit 2: Chlorinator Funding Verification.pdf
37. Motion to Award Construction Contract for Lift Station 28 Force Main Extension to Southern Champion Construction, Inc. (Event No. 6881)
Exhibit 1: LS28 Purchasing Summary
Exhibit 2: LS28 Funding Verification
Exhibit 3: LS28 Vicinity Map
38. Motion to Approve Contract Amendment No. 1 for Point of Sale System with Appetize Technologies, Inc. (Event No. 6011)
Exhibit 1: Point of Sale Purchasing Summary
Exhibit 2: Point of Sale Funding Verification
39. Motion to Procure One Backhoe from Flint Equipment Company (Event No. 7034)
Exhibit 1: Backhoe Purchasing Summary
Exhibit 2: Backhoe Funding Verification
40. Motion to Procure Flooring Services for the WW Law Community Center from Johnson-Laux (Event No. 7022)
Exhibit 1: Flooring Purchasing Summary
Exhibit 2: Flooring Funding Verification
Exhibit 3: Flooring Scope
41. Motion to Procure One Mid-Size Sedan from J.C. Lewis Ford (Event No. 6935)
Exhibit 1: Mid Size Sedan Purchasing Summary
Exhibit 2: Mid Size Sedan Funding Verification
Exhibit 3: Mid Size Sedan Scope
Exhibit 4: Mid Size Sedan Bid Tab
42. Motion to Procure Ten Pickup Trucks from J.C. Lewis (Event No. 6920)
Exhibit 1: Pickup Trucks Purchasing Summary
Exhibit 2: Pickup Trucks Funding Verification
Exhibit 3: Pickup Trucks Scope
Exhibit 4: Pickup Trucks Bid Tab
43. Motion to Renew Annual Contract for Elevator Servicing and Maintenance with Georgia Elevator Company dba Oracle (Event No. 5273)
Exhibit 1: Elevator Purchasing Summary
Exhibit 2: Elevator Funding Verification
Exhibit 3: Elevator Scope
Exhibit 4: Elevator Bid Tab
44. Motion to Renew Annual Maintenance Agreement for Event Planner Software with Ungerboeck Software (Event No. 5383)
Exhibit 1: Event Planning Purchasing Summary
Exhibit 2: Event Planning Funding Verification
Exhibit 3: Event Planning Scope
45. Motion to Award Seasonal Contract for Meals for the Summer Lunch Program to the Savannah-Chatham Board of Education (Event No. 5073)
Exhibit 1: Summer Lunch Purchasing Summary
Exhibit 2: Summer Lunch Program Funding Verification
46. Motion to Approve an Intergovernmental Agreement Between the City of Savannah and Chatham County for Improvements to Veteran's Parkway from I-516 to State Route 204
Exhibit 1: Intergovernmental Agreement - Veterans Parkway Improvement Project.pdf
Exhibit 2: Funding Verification - Veterans Parkway Improvement Project.pdf
47. Motion to Approve an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Chatham County District Attorney's Office for the Coordinated Community Response Center
Exhibit 1: IGA - 2005 Waters Avenue - Intergovernment Agreement.pdf
48. Motion to Approve Encroachment Agreement for Easement in Georgia Power Easement
Exhibit 1: City of Savannah Access Encroachment Agreement.pdf
Exhibit 2: Vicinity Map - North Signal Warehouse - Dean Forest Rd.pdf
Exhibit 3: City of Savannah Access Encroachment - Exhibit A.pdf
49. Motion to Approve Purchase of Real Property Located at 1809 West US Highway 80
Exhibit 1: Purchase and Sale Agreement - Waste Management Facility.pdf
Exhibit 2: Aerial Map - Waste Management Facility.pdf
Exhibit 3: Funding Verification - Waste Mangement Facility.pdf
50. Motion to Authorize the Lease of Real Property Located at 305 Fahm Street
Exhibit 1: Aerial Maps - Coastal Georgia Center.pdf
Exhibit 2: Letter Of Intent - Coastal Georgia Centert.pdf
Exhibit 3: Funding Verification - Coastal Georgia Center.pdf
51. Motion to Approve Service Agreement Modification No. 4 with OAG Aviation Worldwide, LLC. for Flight Tracking Services
Exhibit 1: Executed Service Amendment Modification No. 4 - OAG Worldwide.pdf
52. Motion to Approve Participation in the 2019 Visit Savannah Co-Op Advertising Campaign
Exhibit 1: Invoice 04-16414 - Co-Op Marketing Campaign.pdf
53. Settlement of Claim for Personal Injury for Aretha RhĂ´ne-Bush in the Amount of $30,000
54. Settlement of Claim for Personal Injury for Connie Kulp in the Amount of $150,000
55. Settlement of Workers’ Compensation Claim for Gary Kaspar in the Amount of $560,194.