Due to the Coronavirus Pandemic, the regular meeting of the City Council was held via Zoom video communications at 6:30 p.m. Following the roll call, Mayor Johnson introduced Senior Pastor Ricky Temple of Overcoming by Faith Ministries, who delivered the invocation. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited in unison.
PRESENT: Mayor Van R. Johnson, II, Presiding Alderwoman Kesha Gibson-Carter, At-Large, Post 1, Chairman Alderwoman Alicia Miller Blakely, At-Large, Post 2 Alderwoman Bernetta B. Lanier, District 1 Alderman Detric Leggett, District 2 Alderwoman Linda Wilder-Bryan, District 3 Alderman Nick Palumbo, District 4, Vice-Chairman Alderwoman Dr. Estella Edwards Shabazz, District 5, Mayor Pro-Tem Alderman Kurtis Purtee, District 6
OTHERS PRESENT: Acting City Manager Michael Brown City Attorney Bates Lovett Clerk of Council Mark Massey |
1. Adoption of the Regular Meeting Agenda for May 27, 2021 | |
Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz moved to adopt/approve the agenda as presented, seconded by Alderman Palumbo. The motion passed unanimously. Acting City Manager Brown requested Item #39 be moved up on the agenda with the alcohol license hearing to, after Item #22. Mayor Johnson granted his request. |
2. Approval of Minutes for the Work Session & City Manager's Briefing Held on May 13, 2021 at 12:00 p.m. | |
Exhibit 1: Minutes - May 13, 2021 City Council Workshop.pdf | |
Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz moved to approve Items #2 and #3, seconded by Alderwoman Lanier. The motion passed unanimously. |
3. Approval of Minutes for the Regular Meeting Held on May 13, 2021 at 2:00 p.m. | |
Exhibit 1: Minutes May 13, 2021.pdf | |
Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz moved to approve Items #2 and #3, seconded by Alderwoman Lanier. The motion passed unanimously. |
CONSENT AGENDA - (This section shall include all routine items for which it is anticipated there will be no debate or requests for public input. Any Alderman can remove consent items for discussion or separate consideration.) | |
4. Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Contract to Procure and Install a Warehouse Storage Racking System (for the New Central Warehouse, Interchange Court) with MSC Industrial Supply in the Amount of $87,900 (Event No. 8324). The Racks, Bins and Cabinets will Hold over 700 Commodities (80,000+ Units) for Material Used in all City Operations. | |
Exhibit 1: Funding Verification - Racking System.pdf | |
Exhibit 2: Purchasing Notes - Racking System.pdf | |
Alderwoman Gibson-Carter asked if the facility was in Carver Village and if the City will address the noise pollution with the necessary barriers. Acting City Manager Brown answered, this is the facility in Carver Village and the City will take all precautions in dealing with visual and noise pollution to be a good neighbor. Alderwoman Lanier moved to approve Item #4, seconded by Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz and Alderman Palumbo. The motion passed unanimously. |
5. Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Contract for Coliform Reagent from IDEXX Laboratories for an Amount up to $55,000 (Event 8431) for Continuous Bacteriological Testing Agents Used by the City for Source Water Evaluation (c. 60 million gallons per day) [Sole Source]. | |
Exhibit 1: Funding Verification - Coliform Reagant.pdf | |
Exhibit 2: Purchasing Notes - Coliform Reagant.pdf | |
Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz moved to approve Items #5 and #6, seconded by Alderwoman Wilder-Bryan and Alderman Palumbo. The motion passed unanimously. |
6. Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Contract for Brake Parts with O'Reilly Automotive Stores, Inc (Local) for an Amount up to $44,853.90 (Event No. 8186). Parts include Friction Pads, Hydraulic Parts, and Brake Components for Light and Heavy-Duty City Fleet Vehicles and Equipment Maintained by City Mechanics. | |
Exhibit 1: Funding Verification - Vehicle Brake Parts.pdf | |
Exhibit 2: Purchasing Notes - Vehicle Brake Parts.pdf | |
Exhibit 3: Specifications - Vehicle Brake Parts.pdf | |
Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz moved to approve Items #5 and #6, seconded by Alderwoman Wilder-Bryan and Alderman Palumbo. The motion passed unanimously. |
7. Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Contract for Construction of an Arena Surface Parking Lot with APAC-Atlantic Inc. (Local) in the Amount of $9,050,378 (Event No. 8322) [See report] The 2,000 Space Lot Previously Approved by Council, (along with the Arena Garage) is critical for Arena and Large-Scale Event Parking, for Protection of Neighborhoods, and for Westside Environmental Remediation. | |
Exhibit 1: Funding Verification - Arena Surface Lot .pdf | |
Exhibit 2: Purchasing Notes - Arena Surface Lot.pdf | |
Exhibit 3: Memo.pdf | |
Alderwoman Gibson-Carter asked if the City's Office of Sustainability was contacted prior to the agreement and if any stations for electric cars will be in the parking lot. Acting City Manager Brown answered, no stations are planned at this time and the current agreement moves the City toward a sustainable solution. Alderman Leggett asked Mr. Brown if the City has saved any money thus far on the Arena project and has the City taken precautions to prevent future environmental issues. Mr. Brown stated the City has saved money by pre-bidding the major components and the City has done their due diligence related to environmental issues. Alderwoman Lanier has concerns with the drainage problems in the area. She previously asked for comprehensive drainage, traffic and parking plans. Until the City can solve the drainage problems in the Basin, to address the concerns of the residents in Cloverdale and Carver Village areas, she asked staff to increase the maintenance of the drainage problems in that area. However this has not happened. Residents of Cloverdale are experiencing backups in their homes and yards. Alderwoman Lanier has advised residents to call 311 to report any and all drainage issues, and to send her the information. She has concerns with the 22 acre parking lot not having permeable cement for the water roll-off. Mayor Johnson asked Mr. Brown if the 22 acres for the parking lot is East of the canal, so widening of the canal and basin on Gwinnett Street should mitigate those issues. Mr. Brown answered the Basin will need to be expanded to alleviate the problem. He along with Assistant City Manager Heath Lloyd will walk the neighborhoods and make sure the drainage maintenance is increased to protect the residents. Alderman Palumbo is glad the pedestrian and bicycle trails are being discussed for long-range planning. Alderwoman Wilder-Bryan asked for the balance outstanding on the $165 million maximum price for the Arena as presented by Perkins + Will. The 3rd District needs sidewalks, paved streets, traffic calming, etc. but all funds are going to the 1st District. Alderwoman Lanier moved to approve Item #7, seconded by Alderwoman Wilder-Bryan. The motion passed, 6-3-0, with Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz, Alderwoman Gibson-Carter and Alderwoman Miller Blakely voting no. |
8. Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Contract for Arena Surface Parking Lot Lights with Georgia Power in the Amount of $105,026 (Event No, 8458) [See report]. Forty-five Large Poles and Fixtures will be Installed and Electricity Provided to the Arena Surface Lot. | |
Exhibit 1: Funding Verification - Arena Parking Lot Lights.pdf | |
Exhibit 2: Purchasing Notes - Arena Parking Lot Lights.pdf | |
Exhibit 3: Memo.pdf | |
Alderwoman Gibson-Carter asked Acting City Manager Brown if the Office of Sustainability was contacted prior to the item being submitted to the purchasing department. Mr. Brown answered yes, it is sustainable. Alderwoman Miller Blakely asked Mr. Brown about the City not owning the parking lot and the statement to eventually turn the parking lot into greenspace/recreational facility in the future. Mr. Brown explained and described the long-range plans to restore the area with greenspace, new development and the conversion of the paved parking lot into livable or recreational space. Alderwoman Lanier moved to approve Item #8, seconded by Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz. The motion passed, 7-2-0, with Alderwoman Gibson-Carter and Alderwoman Miller Blakely voting no. |
9. Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Construction Contract for the Purchase and Unload of the Arena Pedestrian Bridge with Johnson-Laux (Local, DBE) in the Amount of $536,309 (Event No. 8481) [See report]. A Single-Structure, 110-Foot Steel Truss Bridge will be Fabricated to Cross the Springfield Canal and will (Under a Separate Contract) Connect the Surface Lot to the Arena. | |
Exhibit 1: Funding Verification - Arena Pedestrian Bridge.pdf | |
Exhibit 2: Memo.pdf | |
Alderwoman Lanier moved to approve Item #9, seconded by Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz. The motion passed, 7-2-0, with Alderwoman Gibson-Carter and Alderwoman Miller Blakely voting no. |
10. Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Contract for a Fall Protection System for the Savannah Arena with Evan Fall Protection in the Amount of $266,080 (Event No.8326) [See report]. Part of the Arena Project, the System Allows Safe Worker Access/Fall Protection for Roof and Suspension Trusses for Show and Building Equipment Above the Main Floor of the Arena Building. | |
Exhibit 1: Funding Verification - Rigging Fall Protection System.pdf | |
Exhibit 2: Specifications - Rigging Fall Protection System.pdf | |
Exhibit 3: Purchasing Notes - Rigging Fall Protection System.pdf | |
Exhibit 4: Memo.pdf | |
Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz moved to approve Items #10, #13, #15 and #16, seconded by Alderman Palumbo. The motion passed unanimously. |
11. Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Contract for Rear Loader Chassis (Cab, Engine and Drivetrain) for Refuse Trucks with Crane Carrier Company in the Amount of $2,068,880 (Event No. 8446). The Contract Provides for Replacement of the Truck and Low-Entry Passenger Compartment of Rear and Side Loading, Heavy-Duty Refuse Trucks for Residential Yard Waste and Recyclables. | |
Exhibit 1: Funding Verification - Sanitation Truck Chassis.pdf | |
Exhibit 2: Purchasing Notes.pdf | |
Alderwoman Gibson-Carter asked Acting City Manager Brown if additional special training will be required for the new trucks. Mr. Brown stated the new heavy duty trucks require a commercial drivers license and the City will assist staff in acquiring and maintaining the license. There is also special training for the crews to operate in a safe manner. Alderwoman Gibson-Carter would like to see the sanitation workers receive an increase in wages, this will show the City's investment in its employees. Alderwoman Miller Blakely moved to approve Items #11 and #12, seconded by Alderwoman Lanier. The motion passed unanimously. |
12. Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Contract for Rear Loader Compactor Bodies for Refuse Trucks with Solid Waste Applied Technologies c/o New Way in the Amount of $1,427,353 (Event No. 8445). Contract will Provide for the Replacement of the Compactor-Hauling, Component of Rear and Side Loading, Heavy-Duty Refuse Trucks. | |
Exhibit 2: Funding Verification - SanitationTruck Bodies.pdf | |
Exhibit 2: Purchasing Notes.pdf | |
Alderwoman Miller Blakely moved to approve Items #11 and #12, seconded by Alderwoman Lanier. The motion passed unanimously. |
13. Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Contract for Sewer Lift Station Parts and Pumps with Xylem Water Solutions USA for up to $800,000 (Event No. 8443). The Original Equipment Parts are for Sewage-Lifting, Wet-Well Submersible Pumps and Component Parts in the 210 Sanitary Sewage Lift Stations Throughout the City Service Areas. | |
Exhibit 1: Funding Verification - Sewer Lift Station Parts and Pumps.pdf | |
Exhibit 2: Purchasing Notes - Sewer Lift Station Parts and Pumps.pdf | |
Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz moved to approve Items #10, #13, #15 and #16, seconded by Alderman Palumbo. The motion passed unanimously. |
14. Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Contract for Uniforms and Related Items (for Savannah Fire Department) with A-1 Uniforms (Local, DBE) in an Amount up to $112,990.07 (Event No. 8251). Firefighters are Provided with Duty-Wear Shirts, Pants and Required Clothing. | |
Exhibit 1: Funding Verification - SFD Uniforms.pdf | |
Exhibit 2: Purchasing Notes - SFD Annual Contract.pdf | |
Alderwoman Gibson-Carter asked Acting City Manager Brown if uniforms and related items are purchased from different vendors. Mr. Brown answered, the fire department staff require various uniforms, equipment and accessory items. The packages are bid out and vendors bid according to their specialty. Items come from different vendors as needed/required. Alderwoman Gibson-Carter moved to approve Item #14, seconded by Alderwoman Miller Blakely and Alderwoman Lanier. The motion passed unanimously. |
15. Authorize the City Manager to Procure Furniture for Interchange Court in Care of Mason, Inc., in the Amount of $962,045.68. This will Provide Tables, Desks, Chairs, Cabinets, and Equipment for the new 150,000 square feet of Offices at Interchange Court to House 250 Employees of Streets, Traffic, Stormwater, Parks, and Urban Forestry. (Existing Equipment will be Re-Used as much as Possible.) | |
Exhibit 1:Funding Verification - Interchange Ct. Furniture.pdf | |
Exhibit 2: Purchasing Notes - Interchange Ct. Furniture.pdf | |
Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz moved to approve Items #10, #13, #15 and #16, seconded by Alderman Palumbo. The motion passed unanimously. |
16. Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Contract Modification for City-Wide HVAC Maintenance with Edge Air Conditioning and Refrigeration in the Amount of $140,000 (Event No. 4836) | |
Exhibit 1: Funding Verification - HVAC Maintenance.pdf | |
Exhibit 2: Purchasing Notes - HVAC Maintenance.pdf | |
Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz moved to approve Items #10, #13, #15 and #16, seconded by Alderman Palumbo. The motion passed unanimously. |
17. Nomination of Dr. Daniel Brantley and Estelle C. Mannion to the Aging Services Advisory Council for a Three-Year Term Beginning July 1, 2021 and Ending June 30, 2024 | |
Exhibit 1: Area Agency on Aging Letter.pdf | |
Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz moved to approve Item #17, appointment of Dr. Daniel Brantley and Estelle C. Mannion to the Aging Services Advisory Council for a three (3) year term, ending June 30, 2024, seconded by Alderman Palumbo. The motion passed unanimously. |
18. Nomination of Dr. Deanna Cross to the Hospital Authority of Savannah for a Four-Year Term Beginning April 1, 2021 and Ending March 31, 2025 | |
Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz moved to approve Item #18, appointment of Dr. Deanna Cross to the Hospital Authority of Savannah for a four (4) year term, ending March 31, 2025, seconded by Alderwoman Lanier. The motion passed unanimously. |
19. Approval of a Class C (Beer,Wine)(By the Drink) with Sunday Sales to Anny Thongsirimonghoun for Seabass Restaurant at 11215 Abercorn Street (Aldermanic District 6) | |
Exhibit 1: Checklist - Seabass Restaurant.pdf | |
Exhibit 2: Density Map - Seabass Restaurant.pdf | |
Exhibit 3: Alcohol Reports -Seabass Restaurant.pdf | |
Exhibit 4: Measurement Report - Seabass Restaurant.pdf | |
Mayor Johnson opened the alcohol license hearings for Items #19 through #22, and Item #39. No Speakers. a. Alderman Purtee moved to close the alcohol license hearings for Items #19 through #22, and Item #39, seconded by Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz and Alderman Leggett. The motion passed unanimously. b. Alderman Purtee moved to approve Item #19, seconded by Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz. The motion passed unanimously. |
20. Approval of a Class D (Liquor, Beer, Wine)(By The Package) Alcohol License to Zip-N-Package Store for Dhaval Patel at 2726 Ogeechee Road (Aldermanic District 1) | |
Exhibit 1: Checklist - Zip-N-Package.pdf | |
Exhibit 2: Density Map- Zip-N-Package.pdf | |
Exhibit 3: Alcohol Reports - Zip-N-Package.pdf | |
Exhibit 4: Measurement Report - Zip-N-Package.pdf | |
Mayor Johnson opened the alcohol license hearings for Items #19 through #22, and Item #39. No Speakers. a. Alderman Purtee moved to close the alcohol license hearings for Items #19 through #22, and Item #39, seconded by Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz and Alderman Leggett. The motion passed unanimously. b. Alderwoman Lanier moved to approve Item #20, seconded by Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz and Alderwoman Miller Blakely. The motion passed unanimously. |
21. Approval of a Class C (Beer, Wine)(By The Drink) Alcohol License with Sunday Sales to Yulima T. Ospina for Antojo Latino at 44 Posey Street (Aldermanic District 4) | |
Exhibit 1: Checklist - Antojo Latino.pdf | |
Exhibit 2: Density Map - Antojo Latino.pdf | |
Exhibit 3: Alcohol Reports - Antojo Latino.pdf | |
Exhibit 4: Measurement Report- Antojo Latino.pdf | |
Mayor Johnson opened the alcohol license hearings for Items #19 through #22, and Item #39. No Speakers. a. Alderman Purtee moved to close the alcohol license hearings for Items #19 through #22, and Item #39, seconded by Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz and Alderman Leggett. The motion passed unanimously. b. Alderman Palumbo moved to approve Item #21, seconded by Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz. The motion passed unanimously. |
22. (Savannah Airport Commission Item) Approval of a Class D (Liquor)(By the Package) Alcohol License to Carol M. Sellers for the Salt Table at 400 Airways Avenue (Aldermanic District 1) | |
Exhibit 1: Checklist - The Salt Table.pdf | |
Exhibit 2: Density Map - The Salt Table.pdf | |
Exhibit 3: Alcohol Reports - The Salt Table.pdf | |
Exhibit 4: Measurement Report - The Salt Table.pdf | |
Mayor Johnson opened the alcohol license hearings for Items #19 through #22, and Item #39. No Speakers. a. Alderman Purtee moved to close the alcohol license hearings for Items #19 through #22, and Item #39, seconded by Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz and Alderman Leggett. The motion passed unanimously. b. Alderwoman Lanier moved to approve Item #22, seconded by Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz. The motion passed unanimously. |
23. Petition of Marguerite Seckman (Agent) on Behalf of Starland Partners II, LLC (Owner) for a Special Use Permit to Allow Alcohol Sales in Association with a Restaurant for 2418 Desoto Avenue (PIN 20065 47011) Aldermanic District #2 File No. 21-000499-ZA | |
Exhibit 1: MPC Recommendation Packet for a Special Use Permit - 2418 DeSoto Avenue | |
Exhibit 2: Maps - 2418 DeSoto Avenue | |
Exhibit 3: Map of Alcohol Beverage Licenses | |
Alderman Leggett reported the neighborhood association asked for an additional two (2) weeks for due diligence on Items #23 and #24. Alderman Leggett moved to continue/postpone Items #23 and #24 to the June 10, 2021 meeting, seconded by Alderwoman Miller Blakely, Alderwoman Wilder-Bryan and Alderman Palumbo. The motion passed unanimously.
24. Petition of Marguerite Seckman (Agent) for Yvonne Jouffrault (Owner) for a Special Use Permit to Allow Alcohol Sales in Association with a Restaurant for 17 West 41st Street (PIN 20074 07001) Aldermanic District #2 File No. 21-000500-ZA | |
Exhibit 1: MPC Recommendation Packet for a Special Use Permit - 17 West 41st Street | |
Exhibit 2: Maps - 17 W. 41st Street | |
Exhibit 3: Map of Alcohol Beverage Licenses | |
Alderman Leggett reported the neighborhood association asked for an additional two (2) weeks for due diligence on Item #23 and #24. Alderman Leggett moved to continue/postpone Items #23 and #24 to the June 10, 2021 meeting, seconded by Alderwoman Miller Blakely, Alderwoman Wilder-Bryan and Alderman Palumbo. The motion passed unanimously. |
25. Petition of Barbara Zinn (Agent) for John Galik (Owner) for a Special Use Permit to Allow the Use “Animal Services, Indoor” for 111 and 113 West Anderson Street (PINs 20066 07025 and 20066 07024) Aldermanic District #2 File No. 21-001844-ZA | |
Exhibit 1: MPC Recommendation Packet - 111 and 113 West Anderson Street) | |
Exhibit 2: Map of 111 and 113 West Anderson Street | |
Mayor Johnson opened the zoning hearing for Item #25. Marcus Lotson, MPC Representative gave a brief description of the request. MPC recommended approval. Alderwoman Wilder-Bryan asked how long will the special use permit be in affect, and what happens when/if it expires. Mr. Lotson answered, the permit is governed by the special use permit and must be renewed annually by staff. Alderwoman Wilder-Bryan requested notification every time a special use permit application for District 3 is submitted to the City prior to placing the special use permit request on the agenda. Mr. Lotson, Mayor Johnson and Acting City Manager Brown explained and discussed the zoning request process for Alderwoman Wilder-Bryan for clarification on the process. A consensus was reached to notify each Aldermen/Alderwomen when an application for a special use permit was submitted for their respective Districts. Mr. Brown will work with Mr. Lotson on the details and follow-up with a report to Council. No Speakers. a. Alderman Leggett moved to close the zoning hearing for Item #25, seconded by Alderwoman Wilder-Bryan. The motion passed unanimously. b. Alderman Leggett moved to approve Item #25, seconded by Alderwoman Wilder-Bryan and Alderman Palumbo. The motion passed unanimously. |
26. Petition of Shammy and Shimei Magabo (Owner) to Amend the Zoning Map for 5501 Montgomery Street (PIN 20129 06006) from RSF-6 (Residential Single-Family-6000 SF) to BL (Limited Business). Aldermanic District #5. File No. 21-001901-ZA. | |
Exhibit 1: MPC Recommendation Packet - 5501 Montgomery Street | |
Exhibit 2: Maps - 5501 Montgomery Street | |
Exhibit 3: Draft Ordinance - 5501 Montgomery Street | |
Mayor Johnson opened the zoning hearing for Item #26. Marcus Lotson, MPC Representative gave a brief description of the request. MPC recommended approval. No Speakers. Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz moved to close the zoning hearing for Item #26, seconded by Alderman Palumbo. The motion passed unanimously. |
27. Petition of Jon Pannell (Agent) for Savannah Economic Development Authority (Owner) to Amend the Zoning Map with Conditions for 351 Technology Circle (PIN 20980 03005) from OI-E (Office and Institutional-Expanded) to I-L (Light Industrial) Aldermanic District #1 File No. 21-00864-ZA | |
Exhibit 1: MPC Recommendation Packet - 351 Technology Circle | |
Exhibit 2: Maps - 351 Technology Circle | |
Exhibit 3: Draft Ordinance - 351 Technology Circle | |
Mayor Johnson opened the zoning hearing for Item #27. Marcus Lotson, MPC Representative gave a brief description of the request. MPC recommended approval. No Speakers. Alderwoman Lanier moved to close the zoning hearing for Item #27, seconded by Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz. The motion passed unanimously. |
28. Petition of James Gerard (Agent) for Southern Metals Property, LLC (Owner) to Amend the Zoning Map with Conditions for 0 Godley Road (PINs 20980 03002 and 20980 03004) from OI-E (Office and Institutional-Expanded) to I-L (Light Industrial) Aldermanic District #1 File No. 21-000863-ZA | |
Exhibit 1: MPC Recommendation Packet - 0 Godley Road | |
Exhibit 2: Maps - 0 Godley Road | |
Exhibit 3: Draft Ordinance - 0 Godley Road | |
Mayor Johnson opened the zoning hearing for Item #28. Marcus Lotson, MPC Representative gave a brief description of the request. MPC recommended approval. No Speakers. Alderwoman Lanier moved to close the zoning hearing for Item #28, seconded by Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz and Alderwoman Miller Blakely. The motion passed unanimously. |
29. Petition of Shammy and Shimei Magabo (Owner) to Amend the Zoning Map for 5501 Montgomery Street (PIN 20129 06006) from RSF-6 (Residential Single-Family-6000 SF) to BL (Limited Business). Aldermanic District #5. File No. 21-001901-ZA. | |
MPC Recommendation Packet - 5501 Montgomery Street ) | |
Maps - 5501 Montgomery Street | |
Draft Ordinance - 5501 Montgomery Street | |
After the first reading was considered the second and a request that an ordinance be placed and passed upon its adoption, Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz moved to approve Item #26, seconded by Alderwoman Gibson-Carter and Alderman Palumbo. The motion passed unanimously. |
30. Petition of Jon Pannell (Agent) for Savannah Economic Development Authority (Owner) to Amend the Zoning Map with Conditions for 351 Technology Circle (PIN 20980 03005) from OI-E (Office and Institutional-Expanded) to I-L (Light Industrial). Aldermanic District #1. File No. 21-00864-ZA. | |
Exhibit 1: MPC Recommendation Packet - 351 Technology Circle | |
Exhibit 2: Maps - 351 Technology Circle | |
Exhibit 3: Draft Ordinance - 351 Technology Circle | |
After the first reading was considered the second and a request that an ordinance be placed and passed upon its adoption, Alderwoman Lanier moved to approve Item #30, seconded by Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz and Alderwoman Miller Blakely. The motion passed unanimously. |
31. Petition of James Gerard (Agent) for Southern Metals Property, LLC (Owner) to Amend the Zoning Map with Conditions for 0 Godley Road (PINs 20980 03002 and 20980 03004) from OI-E (Office and Institutional-Expanded) to I-L (Light Industrial). Aldermanic District #1. File No. 21-000863-ZA. | |
Exhibit 1: MPC Recommendation Packet - 0 Godley Road | |
Exhibit 2: Maps - 0 Godley Road | |
Exhibit 3: Draft Ordinance - 0 Godley Road | |
After the first reading was considered the second and a request that an ordinance be placed and passed upon its adoption, Alderwoman Lanier moved to approve Item #31, seconded by Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz and Alderwoman Miller Blakely. The motion passed unanimously. |
32. A Resolution Announcing the City Of Savannah's Intent to Protect its Nature, Waterways and Neighborhood Streets Through Management of Acceptable Single Use Packaging and Products (Non-Essential Plastics Typically Used Once Before Disposal including Plastic Bags, Straws, Coffee Stirrers, Cups, Utensils and Most Plastic Food Packaging) | |
City of Savannah - Plastics Resolution DRAFT_5.21.2021.docx | |
Alderman Palumbo was elated to see the Resolution on the agenda for approval and encouraged all citizens to be aware of the dangers of plastics. This Resolution is a step forward in helping to have cleaner waterways, nature and city streets from plastic containers, straws, etc. He cited, on average, each American ingests plastic approximately the size of a credit card per week. Mayor Johnson stated the Resolution will start with the City in initiating steps to do a better job of moving toward the goal of a more sustainable working and living environment. Each person can start with the single use of plastics to attain the City's goals. Alderwoman Gibson-Carter recommended a 'green spot for green restaurants' on the City's web page for any business who would voluntarily commit to making an effort to omit plastics from single uses. Alderwoman Wilder-Bryan expressed her thanks for the Resolution and all involved in bringing it before Council for approval. Alderwoman Lanier mentioned a person from Kenya who has converted plastics into a positive use (bricks). She suggested citizens think outside the box for innovative ways to make plastics a less useful material in todays society. Alderman Purtee endorsed the Resolution. He mentioned this is the a small first step for the City to reach it's sustainable goals. Alderman Palumbo moved to approve Item #32, seconded by Alderwoman Wilder-Bryan and Alderman Purtee. The motion passed unanimously. |
33. Approval of a Water & Sewer Agreement with Sweetwater Investors, LLC for Sweetwater Station Phase 6 | |
Exhibit 1: Water/Sewer Agreement - Sweetwater Station Phase 6.pdf | |
Alderman Purtee moved to approve Item #33, seconded by Alderwoman Wilder-Bryan. The motion passed unanimously. |
34. Approval to Declare Surplus and Available for Sale a Portion of Unopened Right-of-Way at the Eastside Intersection of East Broad Street and 31st Street - Petition #190343 | |
Exhibit 1: Agenda Item - Map Attachment.pdf | |
Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz moved to approve Item #34, seconded by Alderman Leggett and Alderman Purtee. The motion passed unanimously. |
35. Approval to Authorize the City Manager to Extend an Intergovernmental Agreement with Chatham County for Use of City Property, Located at 2203 Abercorn Street (for A Multi-Agency Resource Center) | |
Exhibit 1: Map - 2203 Abercorn.pdf | |
Exhibit 2: IGA Amendment - 2203 Abercorn | |
Exhibit 3: IGA - 2203 Abercorn.pdf | |
Mayor Johnson stated this property is know as 'The Front Porch'. He explained this was delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the City will extend the Agreement for one (1) year to give the County time to find an alternative location. Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz moved to approve Item #35, seconded by Alderman Purtee. The motion passed unanimously. |
36. Approval to Authorize the City Manager to Exchange Real Property to Facilitate Maintenance Access to the Bilbo Canal. | |
Exhibit 1: Plat Exhibit - PMC Land Swap.pdf | |
Exhibit 2: Photos Exhibit - PMC Land Swap.pdf | |
Alderwoman Lanier had concerns about the land swap and the maintenance in the canal area. She asked if there were official documents on how the City swaps property. Acting City Manager Brown answered, all land swapped is governed by State Law, and is swapped on a case by case basis. Attorney Lovett opined the City must win the swap. The land the City receives must be more valuable than the land the City swaps. Each swap is done on a case by case bases. Alderwoman Lanier moved to approve Item #36, seconded by Alderwoman Miller Blakely. The motion passed unanimously. |
37. Approval of a Major Subdivision - The Mayors One Parcel and Parcel R-1, Eastern Wharf | |
Mayors One Parcel and Parcel R-1, Eastern Wharf.pdf | |
Alderwoman Gibson-Carter asked Acting City Manager Brown how many units are slated for the subdivision. Acting City Manager Brown answered, there will be five (5) individual parcels. Alderwoman Lanier moved to approve Item #37, seconded by Alderwoman Miller Blakely. The motion passed unanimously. |
38. Approval to Designate the City Attorney as an Employee, as Provided in the Charter | |
Alderwoman Gibson-Carter asked Mayor Johnson if the City Attorney's position will be designated prior to the City advertising the position. Mayor Johnson indicated a memo was sent to Council informing Members. Mr. Lovett was part of a recruitment process and chose to work with the City on a contractual basis, therefore Mr. Lovett will not need to go through the recruitment process again. Alderwoman Wilder-Bryan called for the vote. Alderwoman Miller Blakely has concerns with the process because there are other attorneys in the City who would like to apply for the position. Mayor Johnson explained, Attorney Lovett is an appointed official and serves at the pleasure of Council. Alderwoman Miller Blakely recommends the City advertise the position rather than give the position to Mr. Lovett. She asked when the current administration term ends will Mr. Lovett's term end. Mayor Johnson explained the Council appoints three (3) employees; the City Manager, City Attorney, and Clerk of Council. All three employees serve at the pleasure of Council and can be replaced at the will of Council. Alderwoman Wilder-Bryan moved to approve Item #38, seconded by Alderman Leggett and Alderman Palumbo. The motion passed, 6-3-0, with Alderwoman Gibson-Carter, Alderwoman Miller Blakely and Alderwoman Lanier voting no. |
39. Approval of a Class E (Beer, Wine)(By the Package) Alcohol License for Jay P. Patel of Habersham Market at 1220 Habersham Street (Aldermanic District 2) | |
Exhibit 1: Checklist- Habersham Market.pdf | |
Exhibit 2: Density Map- Habersham Market.pdf | |
Exhibit 3: Alcohol Reports- Habersham Market.pdf | |
Exhibit 4: Measurement Report - Habersham Market.pdf | |
Exhibit 5: Neighborhood Agreement - Habersham Market.pdf | |
Moved up to after Item #22. Mayor Johnson opened the alcohol license hearings for Items #19 through #22, and Item #39. No Speakers. a. Alderman Purtee moved to close the alcohol license hearings for Items #19 through #22, and Item #39, seconded by Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz and Alderman Leggett. The motion passed unanimously. b. Alderman Leggett moved to approve Item #39, seconded by Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz. The motion passed unanimously. |
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Alderwoman Miller Blakely expressed her gratitude to the Revenue Department staff for their service today and to Mayor Johnson for his assistance after a security guard denied her access to the building. Alderman Leggett extended condolences on behalf of the entire Council to Alderman Purtee on the loss of his grandmother in Michigan. Alderwoman Miller Blakely asked for the correct operating hours for the Revenue Department for Tuesday, June 1, 2021. She asked if there will be a tax sale on Tuesday, June 1, 2021, and requested a listing of the tax sales for that day. She encouraged citizens to check their tax status to make sure their property is not on the Courthouse steps for sale. Acting City Manager Brown stated the Tax Commissioner will post the times and the City coordinates with those times. Alderwoman Lanier shared there will be a small lunar eclipse tonight, also called the flower moon. Mayor Johnson asked everyone to remember those who gave, so we all could live a life of freedom during this Memorial Day weekend.
Mayor Johnson adjourned the meeting at 8:29 p.m.
The audio recording of the Council Meeting can be found by copying and inserting the below link in your url: https://savannahgovtv.viebit.com/player.php?hash=tCOx9M8zYJNs
Mark Massey, Clerk of Council Date Minutes Approved: June 10, 2021 Initials: mm |
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