The regular meeting of the City Council was held at 2:00 p.m., in the SCCPSS Board of Education Room located at the Eli Whitney Administrative Complex, 2 Laura Avenue, Building G.  Mayor Johnson called the meeting to order, then recognized Ald. Detric Leggett  who introduced Rev. Cornelius J.E. Lloyd, Pastor of First African Baptist Church of East Atlanta to offer the invocation.  Then Mayor Johnson asked to observe a moment of silence in honor of the passing of our 39th President of the United States and 76th Governor of the State of Georgia, President James Earl “Jimmy” Carter, Jr.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited in unison.  



Mayor Van R. Johnson, II

Alderwoman Carolyn H. Bell, At-Large, Post 1

Alderwoman Alicia Miller Blakely, At-Large, Post 2

Alderwoman Bernetta B. Lanier, District 1

Alderman Detric Leggett, District  2

Alderwoman Linda Wilder-Bryan, District 3 - Vice Chair

Alderman Nick Palumbo, District 4 - Chairman

Alderwoman Dr. Estella Edwards Shabazz, District 5 - Mayor Pro Tem

Alderman Kurtis Purtee, District 6


City Manager Jay Melder

Chief of Staff Daphanie Williams

Deputy City Attorney Jen Herman

Clerk of Council Representative Gwendolyn Jones

Assistant to Clerk of Council Renee Osborne

1. Adoption of the Regular Meeting Agenda for January 9, 2025.

Mayor Pro Tem Dr. Shabazz moved to adopt/approve agenda item #1 as amended to add introductions on executive privilege regarding the Housing Authority and Police Appreciation Day, seconded by Ald. Wilder-Bryan and Ald. Miller Blakely. The motion passed unanimously, 9-0-0.

2. Approval of the Minutes for the Work Session and City Manager's Briefing Held on December 19, 2024, at 11:00 a.m. (Note: Item is Withdrawn; A Work Session Was Not Held on This Date)

Mayor Johnson advised this matter should be stricken, given the cancellation of the meeting.

3. Approval of the Minutes for the Regular Meeting Held on December 19, 2024, at 2:00 p.m.
Agenda Plus - RM DRAFT MINUTES_December 19, 2024, City Council Regular Meeting.pdf

Mayor Pro Tem Dr. Shabazz moved to approve agenda item #3, seconded by Ald. Lanier, Ald. Miller Blakely, Ald. Palumbo, and Ald. Wilder Bryan. The motion passed unanimously, 9-0-0.

4. Approval of a Resolution Pledging to Practice and Promote Civility in the City of Savannah.
Email Communication_Renewal of City of Civility Designation.pdf
resolution-civility-final_City of Savannah_2025.docx

Mayor Johnson asked everyone to remember the folks in California in your personal time/quiet thoughts, who are experiencing wildfires.

Mayor Johnson provided an overview of GMA's program regarding civility and how the City of Savannah was the first city to pledge.

Ald. Purtee moved to approve agenda item #4, seconded by Ald. Leggett, Ald. Palumbo, and Ald. Miller Blakely. The motion passed unanimounsly, 9-0-0.

5. Appearance of the Savannah Martin Luther King, Jr. Observance Day Association to Announce the 2025 MLK Observance Activities

Mayor Johnson made a presentation to the 2025 MLK Jr. Observance Day Association/Committee for their upcoming yearlong activities, including former first lady Deborah Adams, Board of Elections member Glynda Jones, Judee Jones, Elaine Synder, and Frederick Scott-Fields.  They presented Mayor Johnson with a hat, a cake, and a fruit basket.

Mayor Johnson presented them with a parade permit as they took photos.

6. Appearance of the Savannah Interagency Diversity Council (SIDC) to Announce the 10-year Anniversary of Traffick Jam 2025

Mayor Johnson provided an overview of activities that are addressing Human Trafficking in the City of Savannah and he read a proclamation into the record. 

Also speaking or present were SIDC Chairman Bill Gettis, special prosecutor Diane McLeod, Tina Browning SIDC Board Treasurer, Lucretia Cole with Queensborough National Bank & Trust Co., Shirlenia Daniel, Terri Todd, April Brantley, Georcette Washington, Karen Alston with 4 the Jewel N U, Julie Wade with Tharros Place, and DEI Director Dr. Takeshia Brown with the City of Savannah.

Special prosecutor Diane McLeod provided information and statistics relating to this issue in Chatham County.

*Mayor Johnson recognized former school board superintendent and now Chairwoman of the Housing Authority Dr. M. Ann Levett and Vice Chair Mr. Edward Gresham who introduced the new Housing Authority executive director Ms. Evette Hester who joined December 2, 2024.  Ms. Hester gave remarks.

*Mayor Johnson gave remarks and recognized Police Chief Gunther and police staff in honor of Police Appreciation Day.  City Manager Melder also gave remarks.

7. Recognition of the Inaugural New Director's Academy and Third City Manager's Emerging Leaders Academy Participants.

Mayor Johnson asked City Manager Melder to recognize the staff and participants of the leadership programs.  City Manager Melder gave remarks and recognized Dr. Jennifer Blalock for leading the organizational leadership program.  Then the city manager named the participants of both programs.

8. Approval of a Class C (Liquor, Beer, Wine) (By the Drink) Alcohol License with Sunday Sales to James Ciminillo for Veratina , A Restaurant located at 606 Abercorn Street. The establishment is located between Huntingdon and Hall Streets in Aldermanic District 2.
Checklist - Veratina
Density Map - Veratina
Alcohol Reports - Veratina
Measurement Report - Veratina
Security Plan - Veratina

Mayor Johnson declared the alcohol hearings open for agenda items #8, #9, and #10.

No speaker(s).

a.  Ald. Leggett moved to close the alcohol hearings for agenda items #8, #9, and #10., seconded by Ald. Wilder-Bryan and Ald. Lanier. The motion passed unanimously, 9-0-0.

b.  Ald. Leggett moved to approve agenda item #8, seconded by Ald. Palumbo and Ald. Wilder-Bryan. The motion passed unanimously, 9-0-0.

9. Approval of Class C (Liquor, Beer, Wine) (By the Drink) Alcohol License to Robert Grant for Savannah Culinary Institute, A Culinary School located at 7 W. Bay St. The establishment is located between Bull and Whitaker Streets in Aldermanic District 2.
Checklist - Savannah Culinary Institute
Density Map - Savannah Culinary Institute
Alcohol Reports - Savannah Culinary Institue
Measurement Report - Savannah Culinary Institute
Security Plan - Savannah Culinary Institute

Mayor Johnson declared the alcohol hearings open for agenda items #8, #9, and #10.

No speaker(s).

a.  Ald. Leggett moved to close the alcohol hearings for agenda items #8, #9, and #10., seconded by Ald. Wilder-Bryan and Ald. Lanier. The motion passed unanimously, 9-0-0.

b.  Ald. Leggett moved to approve agenda item #9, seconded by Ald. Palumbo. The motion passed unanimously, 9-0-0.

10. Approval of a Class G (Beer, Wine) (Complimentary Service) Alcohol License to Melissa Monge for Sea Love, A Retail Store located at 310 W. Broughton Street. The establishment is located between Montgomery and Jefferson Streets in Aldermanic District 2.
Checklist - Sea Love
Density Map - Sea Love
Alcohol Reports - Sea Love
Measurement Report - Sea Love
Security Plan - Sea Love

Mayor Johnson declared the alcohol hearings open for agenda items #8, #9, and #10.

No speaker(s).

a.  Ald. Leggett moved to close the alcohol hearings for agenda items #8, #9, and #10., seconded by Ald. Wilder-Bryan and Ald. Lanier. The motion passed unanimously, 9-0-0.

b.  Ald. Leggett moved to approve agenda item #10, seconded by Ald. Palumbo and Ald. Wilder-Bryan. The motion passed unanimously, 9-0-0.

11. Petition of Jason Chambless and Ryan Thompson on behalf of Mohsen Yaraghi for 76 Highlands BLVD LLC and 1950 Benton BLVD LLC for a Future Land Use Map Amendment for ~226.1 acres at 1950 Benton Blvd and 76 Highlands Blvd (PINs: 21016 02066, 21016 02067, and 21016 01017) Aldermanic District 1 (File No. 24-002877-ZA).
Exhibit 1: MPC Recommendation Packet (File No. 24-002877-ZA).pdf
Exhibit 2: Maps for Benton Blvd and Highlands Blvd.pdf
Exhibit 3: Alfa and C17 FLUM Amendment Exhibit.pdf
Exhibit 4: DRI #4253 Final Report - Chatham County.pdf
Exhibit 5: Draft Ordinance for FLUM Amendment (File No. 24-002877-ZA).pdf

Mayor Johnson declared the zoning hearing open for agenda items #11 and #12.  See related agenda items #14 and #15.


  • Edward Morrow, representing the MPC
  • Harold Yellin, representing the petitioner
  • Matthew Emmer - OPPOSED

Ald. Lanier moved to close the zoning hearing for agenda item #11, seconded by Ald. Wilder-Bryan and Ald. Leggett. The motion passed unanimously, 9-0-0.

Ald. Lanier spoke about the history of the project prior to her service as Alderwoman.  She asked the residents to organize and come back speaking as a collective voice which they did, thanks to Jasmine Polley.  Ald. Lanier stated the issues came back up again, after there was new ownership, including the issues of industrial warehousing and increased traffic within their neighborhoods.  Residents wanted more commercial and recreational amenities, and traffic calming instead.  There has been a lot of compromise between the residents and the new owners.  Ald. Lanier raised concerns about the sight line (environmental) aspect/piece, which the residents are okay with.  Residents are onboard, although not 100% happy with all pieces.  She stated they have a plan that the residents can live with that will bring some commercial amenities to the area.

Mayor Johnson asked the City Manager and Mr. Morrow to respond to Mr. Emmer's comments (truck ban), and the Effingham County bypass which dumped more traffic there.  Mr. Morrow responded.

Ald. Lanier agreed with Mr. Emmer's comment that there is still somewhat of a problem.  The design and expansion of the road is still hopeful with respect to moving the traffic away from Benton Blvd.  City Manager Melder responded that the City of Savannah can keep a truck ban on those roads for as long as the city controls those roads.  He continued giving information pertaining to the history of the related roadways, utilities, and GDOT related projects.

Ald. Miller Blakely asked Mr. Emmer to tell her more about his concerns.  He offered his additional input regarding truck traffic, road blockage, use of Highlands Blvd, and warehousing.

Mayor Johnson asked what is the solution, what is the balance.  City Manager Melder responded.  Mr. Yellin also responded.

Ald. Lanier stated we are all experiencing growing pains.  She spoke about living near the Port and the impacts.  She appreciated the developers working with the residents on the final negotiated plan.  Where she lives they are begging for traffic calming to deal with the intrusion of traffic.  She stated she feels that this project is a prime example of resident involvement, being resident-driven, and smart growth and development.  We have to make some decisions about something that has been unacceptable for far too long.  Contractors and developers have to be held to a certain standard.

Ald. Miller Blakely asked the City Manager if Highlands Blvd has a truck ban (yes).  The City Manager explained Mr. Emmer's concerns with work being done to improve Highlands Blvd.

Mayor Johnson asked the City Manager to articulate the spirit of the City Council to any traffic engineers who will be consulted to move traffic in this area.  

12. Petition of Jason Chambless and Ryan Thompson on behalf of Mohsen Yaraghi for 76 Highlands BLVD LLC and 1950 Benton BLVD LLC for a Major Amendment to the Godley Station Planned Development at 1950 Benton Blvd and 76 Highlands Blvd (PINs: 21016 02066, 21016 02067, and 21016 01017) (File No. 24-002501-ZA).
Exhibit 1: MPC Recommendation Packet (File No. 24-002501-ZA).pdf
Exhibit 2: Godley Station PUD Master Plan 1999.pdf
Exhibit 3: SAFAVIEH Center PD Master Plan 12.06.2024.pdf
Exhibit 4: Proposed Use and Development Standards 12.06.2024.pdf
Exhibit 5: Draft Ordinance Godley Station Master Plan Amendment (File No. 24-002501-ZA).pdf

See related agenda items #11, #14, and #15.

Ald. Palumbo moved to close the zoning hearing for agenda item #12, seconded by Ald. Wilder-Bryan and Ald. Leggett. The motion passed unanimously, 9-0-0.

13. Petition of William R. Claiborne for David Williams of Henry Street Bistro, LLC on behalf of the Property Owner Robert M. Ansley for a Special Use Permit to Allow a Restaurant with Accessory Alcohol Sales at 1308 Montgomery Street (PINs 20052 29001). The 0.19-acre property is zoned TC-1 (Traditional Commercial-1) in Aldermanic District 2 (File No. 24-005878-ZA).
Exhibit 1: MPC Recommendation Packet for 1308 Montgomery Street (File No. 24-005878-ZA).pdf
Exhibit 2: Maps for 1308 Montgomery Street (File No. 24-005878-ZA).pdf

Mayor Johnson declared the zoning hearing open for agenda item #13. 


  • Edward Morrow, representing the MPC
  • William R. Claiborne, representing the petitioner
  • David Williams, petitioner
  • Nancy Maia -- SUPPORT with conditions
  • Debbie Lloyd--SUPPORT with conditions

Written comment(s):

  • D.W. Moffett--SUPPORT with conditions
  • Nancy Maia--SUPPORT with conditions

a.  Ald. Leggett moved to close the zoning hearing for agenda item #13, seconded by Ald. Wilder-Bryan and Ald. Lanier.  The motion passed unanimously, 9-0-0.

b.  Ald. Leggett moved to approve agenda item #13 with the same recommendations asked for in the past (stated in the City Manager's Tuesday Night Memo with conditions) that the establishment closes at 10:00 p.m. Sunday through Thursday and at 12:00 a.m. on Friday and Saturday nights, seconded by Ald. Palumbo and Ald. Wilder-Bryan.  The motion passed, 6-2-1.  Ald. Bell and Ald. Lanier voted no.  Ald. Miller Blakely was away from the dais during the vote.

c.  Ald. Miller Blakely moved (a subsitute motion) to approve agenda item #13 with the same rights as everybody else (without the conditions), seconded by Ald. Lanier.  The motion failed, 3-6-0.  Mayor Johnson, Mayor Pro Tem Dr. Shabazz, Ald. Leggett, Ald. Wilder-Bryan, Ald. Palumbo, and Ald. Purtee voted no.

Mayor Johnson gave an overview of the history with respect to this petitioner.

Ald. Miller Blakely asked about the other establishments in the area regarding the time they close (The Black Rabbit and The Legion).  She clarified that this particular business is a restaurant, not a night club or tavern.

Ald. Lanier asked for the reasoning for the MPC recommending restricted hours (conditions).  Mr. Morrow responded.  Then she spoke about gentrification occurring in the area and stated she does not see equity with regard to how this particular petitioner is being treated.  She continued by saying the petitioner should be given an opportunity to operate like others, and if they fall into a category of concern then the city has measures in place to deal with that concern.

Ald. Leggett asked what hours are being requested.  Mr. Claiborne responded on behalf of the petitioner with the same hours as The Legion.  Ald. Leggett asked why the Bistro needs to be open later, and he reiterated that the petitioner previously agreed to the restricted hours.  The petitioner responded about the service he provides to the community and that he was forced to agree to restricted hours in the past, but not when he was previously asked by the Mayor.

14. Petition of Jason Chambless and Ryan Thompson on behalf of Mohsen Yaraghi for 76 Highlands BLVD LLC and 1950 Benton BLVD LLC for a Future Land Use Map Amendment for ~226.1 acres at 1950 Benton Blvd and 76 Highlands Blvd (PINs: 21016 02066, 21016 02067, and 21016 01017) Aldermanic District 1 (File No. 24-002877-ZA).
Exhibit 1: MPC Recommendation Packet (File No. 24-002877-ZA).pdf
Exhibit 2: Maps for Benton Blvd and Highlands Blvd.pdf
Exhibit 3: Alfa and C17 FLUM Amendment.pdf
Exhibit 4: DRI #4253 Final Report - Chatham County.pdf
Exhibit 5: Draft Ordinance for FLUM Amendment (File No. 24-002877-ZA).pdf

Ald. Lanier moved (to approve agenda item #14) that the first reading be considered the second and the ordinance placed upon its passage and passed, seconded by Ald. Miller Blakely, Ald. Palumbo, Ald. Wilder-Bryan. The motion passed unanimously, 9-0-0.

Mayor Johnson asked Mr. Yellin about buffering on the industrial side of it, and the residential areas that will be negatively affected.  Mr. Yellin responded.  Mayor Johnson stated this is a constant issue out there with no real solution, other than where we are now.  His concern is the negative impact to the residents.  

15. Petition of Jason Chambless and Ryan Thompson on behalf of Mohsen Yaraghi for 76 Highlands BLVD LLC and 1950 Benton BLVD LLC for a Major Amendment to the Godley Station Planned Development at 1950 Benton Blvd and 76 Highlands Blvd (PINs: 21016 02066, 21016 02067, and 21016 01017) (File No. 24-002501-ZA).
Exhibit 1: MPC Recommendation Packet (File No. 24-002501-ZA).pdf
Exhibit 2: Godley Station PUD Master Plan 1999.pdf
Exhibit 3: SAFAVIEH Center PD Master Plan 12.06.2024.pdf
Exhibit 4: Proposed Use and Development Standards 12.06.2024.pdf
Exhibit 5: Draft Ordinance Godley Station Master Plan Amendment (File No. 24-002501-ZA).pdf

Ald. Lanier moved (to approve agenda item #15) that the first reading be considered the second and the ordinance placed upon its passage and passed, seconded by Ald. Miller Blakely and Ald. Palumbo. The motion passed unanimously, 9-0-0.

16. Petition of Jeff Jepson, on Behalf of Seacrest Seven, LLC, 1015 Whitaker Street, LLC, and Portfolio Holdings, LLC, with agent Michael Garcia, for a Future Land Use Map (FLUM) Amendment for 0.97 acres located at 1001 Whitaker Street, 1015 Whitaker Street, 120 West Park Avenue, and 124 West Park Avenue (PINs 20044 25001, 20044 25002, 20044 24002, and 20044 24003) to Change the FLUM designation from Traditional Neighborhood to Traditional Commercial in Aldermanic District 2 (File No. 24-005816-ZA).
Exhibit 1: MPC Recommendation Packet FLUM (File No. 24-005816-ZA).pdf
Exhibit 2: Maps (File Nos. 24-005815-ZA and 24-005816-ZA).pdf
Exhibit 3: Draft FLUM Ordinance (File No. 24-005816-ZA).pdf

Ald. Leggett moved to approve agenda item #16, seconded by Ald. Palumbo and Ald. Purtee.  The motion passed unanimously, 8-0-1.  Ald. Miller Blakely was away from the dais during the vote.

Ald. Leggett stated he met with the petitioner and some of the residents and there is an (good neighbor) agreement.

Written comment(s):

  • Jim Hundsrucker -- OPPOSED
  • Ardis Wood --OPPOSED

Later in the meeting, Ald. Miller Blakely stated for the record that she was opposed to agenda items #16 and #17.

17. Petition of Jeff Jepson, on Behalf of Seacrest Seven, LLC, 1015 Whitaker Street, LLC, and Portfolio Holdings, LLC, with agent Michael Garcia, for Zoning Map Amendment for 0.97 acres located at 1001 Whitaker Street, 1015 Whitaker Street, 120 West Park Avenue, and 124 West Park Avenue (PINs 20044 25001, 20044 25002, 20044 24002, and 20044 24003) to Change the Traditional Neighborhood-1 (TN-1) to Traditional Commercial-2 (TC-2) in Aldermanic District 2 (File No. 24-005815-ZA).
Exhibit 1: MPC Recommendation Packet for Rezoning (File No. 24-005815-ZA).pdf
Exhibit 2: Maps (File Nos. 24-005815-ZA and 24-005816-ZA).pdf
Exhibit 3: Draft Ordinance for Zoning Map Amendment (File No. 24-005815-ZA).pdf

Ald. Leggett moved to approve agenda item #17, seconded by Ald. Wilder-Bryan and Ald. Palumbo.  The motion passed unanimously, 9-0-0.

Written comment(s):

  • Jim Hundsrucker -- OPPOSED
  • Ardis Wood --OPPOSED

Later in the meeting, Ald. Miller Blakely stated for the record that she was opposed to agenda items #16 and #17.

18. Petition to Annex ~667 Acres Located at 420 Bush Road and 302 Bush Road (PINs 11026 01002C and 11026 01017) from Chatham County to the City of Savannah.
Exhibit 1: Annexation Petition (#24-545).pdf
Exhibit 2: Final IGA for the Little Neck Road Annexation.pdf
Exhibit 3: Annexation Ordinance (#24-545).pdf

Mayor Pro Tem Dr. Shabazz moved to approve agenda item #18, seconded by Ald. Wilder Bryan and Ald. Palumbo.  The motion passed unanimously, 9-0-0.

Mayor Pro Tem Dr. Shabazz advised the petitioner did meet with the residents on Monday night.  The conditions stated about future movements on this project include the petitioner knowing all parties who have participated/attended meetings, so the developer should keep the residents involved and continue to know what is going on.

Mayor Johnson gave history on the project being denied in the past because the residents were against the proposed industrial uses.  Now the project is residential which is more palatable for them.

Written comment(s):

  • Chase Rosen -- OPPOSED
  • Kerrie Bieber --OPPOSED
19. Petition of Robert McCorkle on behalf of Speir Property, LLC to zone ~667 acres located on 420 Bush Road and 302 Bush Road (PINs 11026 01002C and 11026 01017) from R-A (Residential Agriculture) and PDR-SM (Planned Development Reclamation Surface Mining) to PD (Planned Development).
Exhibit 1: Staff Report for 302 and 420 Bush Road (File No. 24-006311-ZA).pdf
Exhibit 2: Annexation Maps (File No. 24-006311-ZA).pdf
Exhibit 3: Final IGA for the Little Neck Road Annexation.pdf
Exhibit 4: Draft Ordinance for Zoning of 420 and 302 Bush Road (File No. 24-006311-ZA).pdf

Mayor Pro Tem Dr. Shabazz moved to approve agenda item #19, seconded by Ald. Leggett and Ald. Palumbo.  The motion passed unanimously, 8-0-1.  Ald. Wilder-Bryan was away from the dais during the vote.

Written comment(s):

  • Chase Rosen -- OPPOSED
  • Kerrie Bieber --OPPOSED
20. Authorize The City Manager To Execute A Contract for Guaranteed Energy Savings With McKinstry in an Amount Not to Exceed $1,875,000. The Office of Sustainability, Real Estate Services Department, Finance Department, and Office of Capital Projects Management have collaborated to procure and negotiate a guaranteed energy savings performance contract with McKinstry. The contract will involve the replacement of old, energy inefficient lighting fixtures with new LED energy efficient fixtures as well as improvements to cure building envelope leakage and penetration issues contributing to energy loss.(Real Estate Services)
Exhibit 1: Funding Verification- Guaranteed Energy Savings.pdf
Exhibit 2: Purchasing Notes- Guaranteed Energy Savings.pdf

Mayor Pro Tem Dr. Shabazz moved to approve agenda items #20 through #24, #26, and #27, seconded by Ald. Lanier, Ald. Leggett, and Ald. Palumbo.  The motion passed unanimously, 8-0-1.  Ald. Wilder-Bryan was away from the dais during the vote.

21. Authorize The City Manager To Execute A Contract Modification No. 3 For Energy Performance Owner's Representative Consulting Services With 2KB Energy Services in the Amount Not to Exceed $166,913. The City solicited for Owner’s Representative consulting services in 2022 to assist with the selection of a firm to conduct an Investment Grade Energy Audit (IGEA) of City facilities, support the execution of those IGEA activities, and negotiate and execute a Guaranteed Energy Savings Performance Contract (GESPC) if ultimately pursued by the City. This extension is needed to maintain access to 2KB's critical expertise during this highly technical execution and implementation phase. (Real Estate Services)
Exhibit 1: Funding Verification- Energy Performance Owner's Representative.pdf
Exhibit 2: Purchasing Notes- Energy Performance Owner's Representative.pdf

Mayor Pro Tem Dr. Shabazz moved to approve agenda items #20 through #24, #26, and #27, seconded by Ald. Lanier, Ald. Leggett, and Ald. Palumbo.  The motion passed unanimously, 8-0-1.  Ald. Wilder-Bryan was away from the dais during the vote.

22. Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Contract for E-Citation Printers from Tyler Technologies in the Amount of $289,800. SPD will use this equipment to ensure the continued viability of the E-Citation program, it is critical that SPD obtains upgraded devices with adequate printing capabilities and appropriate support services. This purchase will further the Department’s enhanced community safety and crime reduction strategic priorities. (SPD)
Exhibit 1: Funding Verification - E-citation Printers.pdf
Exhibit 2: Purchasing Notes - E-Citation Printers.pdf

Mayor Pro Tem Dr. Shabazz moved to approve agenda items #20 through #24, #26, and #27, seconded by Ald. Lanier, Ald. Leggett, and Ald. Palumbo.  The motion passed unanimously, 8-0-1.  Ald. Wilder-Bryan was away from the dais during the vote.

23. Authorize the City Manager to Execute Contract Modification No. 2 for Protective Equipment for SFD with Bennett Fire in the Amount of $300,000. SFD will use this modification to ensure that all members always have a clean set of personal protective equipment after being exposed to harmful carcinogens and to reduce their cancer risk associated with firefighting, the City of Savannah provides each member with two sets of gear. (SFD)
Exhibit 1: Funding Verification - Protective Clothing for SFD.pdf
Exhibit 2: Purchasing Notes - Protective Clothing SFD.pdf

Mayor Pro Tem Dr. Shabazz moved to approve agenda items #20 through #24, #26, and #27, seconded by Ald. Lanier, Ald. Leggett, and Ald. Palumbo.  The motion passed unanimously, 8-0-1.  Ald. Wilder-Bryan was away from the dais during the vote.

24. Authorize the City Manager to Execute Contract Modification No. 1 for the Installation of Electrical Receptacles for the Expansion of the City's Camera System with Aiken Harper in the Amount of $65,712. Aiken Harper is installing electrical receptacles to power the City's camera equipment in the Housing Authority of Savannah (HAS) properties. These receptacles will tap into the existing electrical services that are in their respective communities. (ITS)
Exhibit 1: Funding Verification - SPD Electrical Receptacles.pdf
Exhibit 2: Purchasing Notes - SPD Electrical Receptacles.pdf

Mayor Pro Tem Dr. Shabazz moved to approve agenda items #20 through #24, #26, and #27, seconded by Ald. Lanier, Ald. Leggett, and Ald. Palumbo.  The motion passed unanimously, 8-0-1.  Ald. Wilder-Bryan was away from the dais during the vote.

25. Authorize the City Manager to Execute Contract Modification No. 1 for Camera Equipment for the expansion of the City’s Camera System with Netplanner in the Amount of $254,534. The City will utilize these services to supply the cameras, housings, cellular routers, and licensing for new cameras throughout the City (Housing Authority of Savannah properties, Baker St. Park, and 60 locations encompassing all Aldermanic districts throughout the city where we currently do not have coverage. This will add 71 new camera streams into our VMS (Ocularis). (ITS)
Exhibit 1: Funding Verification - SPD Surveillance System.pdf
Exhibit 2: Purchasing Notes - SPD Surveillance System.pdf

Ald. Palumbo moved to approve agenda item #25, seconded by Mayor Johnson and Ald. Purtee.  The motion passed, 8-1-0.  Ald. Lanier voted no.

Ald. Lanier expressed concern and stated to the City Manager information regarding where cameras are being placed throughout the city (high traffic areas, not high crime areas).  She stated that cameras and lights have been requested in the public housing areas for awhile.  City Manager Melder responded.  Ald. Lanier added she has been discussing and teaching about forced displacement, gentrification, and asset based community development for years.  Targeting specific high traffic areas is the opposite of asset based community development and she has done the research.  Then she quickly read from the material she collected and she expounded on what she has found as a result of targeting areas.  She stated she has a problem supporting this effort.  The City Manager responded.

Mayor Johnson responded by discussing the Chiefs and programming implemented by the city, leveraging people and technology.  He goes to the crime scenes when incidents happen.  Surveillance sometimes gets a bad person off the street.  We can't have police officers standing in blind spots, and balance things in a way that makes sense.  Ald. Leggett and him have walked in the public housing areas which have dark and blind spots.  People inclined to criminal activity know it.  To solve and prevent, we must use everything in our arsenal to make things happen.  Sixty cameras have been presented in this item to expand our eyes across the city.  Violent activity with a gun or sexual deviant activity must be caught with as much evidence as we can provide.  We won't target, but we will go where the data takes us.

Ald. Lanier responded that we are not saying that.  She stated again that we are saying that we are placing these cameras in high traffic areas, not high crime areas.  This is a concern.  Let's follow the data with the crime data, where we can justify our actions.  There is crime and there is the perception of crime.  She stated she has mentioned over and over again that in the last decade we lost 10,000 black people from the City of Savannah with gentrification and forced displacement.  She asked the City Manager how many people we lost this time, because we need to stop this bleed.  Our activities exacerbate that which the data says.

Mayor Johnson responded he has similar education and training.  10,000 black people did not leave because of forced displacement, a lot of them left because they could or because they could afford bigger homes and follow their dreams.  There is nothing wrong with that.  When you look at data trends, these folks have not moved far.  Downtown at Ellis Square and River Street are high traffic areas where we have cameras, and it has helped us to solve crime there.  He has heard residents say that they want the same things in their neighborhoods that are being attention to downtown.  Ladies and gentlemen, that's what we are doing.

Regarding the housing authority properties, Ald. Miller Blakely asked where the cameras will be and which housing authority properties.  She is concerned because she has been getting phone calls.  An elderly man, and some other individuals, lost their lives in the housing projects.  When Shawntray Grant lost his life, there was not adequate lighting there.  She stated she will get with the Housing Authority to find out the locations.

Mayor Johnson responded we are not doing that.  The Housing Authority is the landowner and in relation to Shawntray that was in Savannah Gardens.

City Manager Melder stated Ald. Miller Blakely did not need to ask the Housing Authority director for that, it will be in our right-of-way and our technology.  He stated this is sensitive operations and he asked them to remain sensitive.  There are eyes and ears out there whether it is technology or a law enforcement officer, but confidential information should remain that way.  People know what the cameras look like, but we will provide the information to City Council.

Ald. Miller Blakely stated knowing there are cameras in certain locations might be a deterent.

Ald. Bell stated she noticed with agenda item #20 that we were projecting a $3.48 million savings, so she wondered if or how we would be monitoring that activity to make sure the savings are captured (yes).  

26. Authorize the City Manager to Execute Contract Amendment No. 1 to the Construction Contract for the Police Headquarters Renovation project to Johnson-Laux Construction in the amount of $3,675,000. This second phase of construction will include the removal and reconfiguration of existing stairways, the addition of ADA ramps, fire safety and security-related MEP upgrades, and renovations to the walls, floors, and ceiling within the SARIC unit offices. (Capital Projects)
Exhibit 1: Funding Verification - Police HQ.pdf
Exhibit 2: Purchasing Note - Police HQ.pdf

Mayor Pro Tem Dr. Shabazz moved to approve agenda items #20 through #24, #26, and #27, seconded by Ald. Lanier, Ald. Leggett, and Ald. Palumbo.  The motion passed unanimously, 8-0-1.  Ald. Wilder-Bryan was away from the dais during the vote.

Mayor Johnson requested the City Manager to give the City Council an update regarding this agenda item.

27. Authorize The City Manager To Execute A Contract Modification No. 2 and Renewal For Medical and Pharmacy Stop-Loss Insurance Services With Assurance of Tennessee, Inc. in an Amount Not To Exceed $1,123,923. The City of Savannah uses the contract to provide catastrophic claims reinsurance coverage for the City’s self-funded medical and pharmacy plans. (Human Resources)
Exhibit 1: Funding Verification- Medical and Pharmacy Stop-Loss Insurance Services.pdf
Exhibit 2: Purchasing Notes-Medical and Pharmacy Stop-Loss Insurance Services.pdf

Mayor Pro Tem Dr. Shabazz moved to approve agenda items #20 through #24, #26, and #27, seconded by Ald. Lanier, Ald. Leggett, and Ald. Palumbo.  The motion passed unanimously, 8-0-1.  Ald. Wilder-Bryan was away from the dais during the vote.

28. Approval of a Water & Sewer Agreement with New Hampstead Tract 5B, LLC for Oakwood at New Hampstead Phases 2-3. This is a development consisting of 210 single family homes in the Travis Field service area at 3401 Highgate Boulevard and is in Aldermanic District 5.
Exhibit 1 : Water & Sewer Agreement - Oakwood at New Hampstead Phase 2-3.pdf

Mayor Pro Tem Dr. Shabazz moved to approve agenda items #28 through #30, seconded by Ald. Lanier and Ald. Wilder-Bryan.  The motion passed unanimously, 9-0-0.

29. Approval of a Water & Sewer Agreement with SHDC, LLC for Savannah Highlands Phase 9. This is for a development consisting of 104 single family homes in the Godley West service area. on Orkney Road and is in Aldermanic District 1.
Exhibit 1 : Water & Sewer Agreement - Savannah Highlands Phase 9.pdf

Mayor Pro Tem Dr. Shabazz moved to approve agenda items #28 through #30, seconded by Ald. Lanier and Ald. Wilder-Bryan.  The motion passed unanimously, 9-0-0.

30. Approval of a Water & Sewer Agreement with Godley Station Enterprises, LLC for Brookline Subdivision Phases 5, 6 & 7. This is for a development consisting of 140 single family homes in the Godley West service area off Morgan Lakes Industrial Boulevard and is in Aldermanic District 1.
Exhibit 1 : Water & Sewer Agreement - Brookline Subdivision Phases 5 6 & 7.pdf

Mayor Pro Tem Dr. Shabazz moved to approve agenda items #28 through #30, seconded by Ald. Lanier and Ald. Wilder-Bryan.  The motion passed unanimously, 9-0-0.

31. Added Item: Settlement #1

Mayor Pro Tem Dr. Shabazz moved to (approve agenda item #31) authorize the City Attorney's Office to settle the claim of owners of 101 E. Gaston Street LLC for $124,792.00, seconded by Ald. Purtee, Ald. Palumbo, Ald. Wilder-Bryan, and Ald. Miller-Blakely. The motion passed unianimously, 9-0-0.


Mayor Johnson wished Ald. Carolyn H. Bell a Happy 54th Anniversary, and then Ald. Bell wished Joe Bell a Happy Anniversary.  Then he wished Ald. Lanier Happy Birthday (January 2nd).

Ald. Purtee gave a shout-out to Mrs. Agnes B. Priester, an 89 year old who passed away from Coffee Bluff, due to a family illness.  She was born in Coffee Bluff and she was the last surviving family member.  Their families story was captured in history books, Roosevelt Era.  She advocated for the Cedar Grove Cemetery.  He asked to liftup her family in prayer.

Ald. Miller Blakely sent deepest sympathies and sincere condolences to the family of John McMasters, a pioneer in our city, former Chatham County Commissioner, and instrumental in educating a lot of us the poltrics and politics of our city.

Ald. Lanier said thank you for her past birthday acknowledgement and she acknowledged the four-year-old birthday of her only grandson, Muhammad.

Ald. Leggett acknowledged the life of Mrs. Elise Kelly Truell, who lived in Cloverdale.  He thanked Mayor Johnson for assisting him and Chatham Area Transit with the launching of the Juliette Gordon Low II and Susan King Taylor II vessels which were christened in New York.  He also gave a shout-out to Chatham County government, Chamber of Savannah, and Visit Savannah who also traveled to New York.  Both vessels will be in the City of Savannah within the next couple of weeks.  Mayor Johnson provided information on the first two U.S. hybrid (waterjet passenger) ferries ever built.

Ald. Bell wished a Happy Birthday to her favorite and only grandson, Nicholas Martin Bell, who turned fifteen.

Ald. Miller Blakely wished her granddaughter Taraji a Happy Birthday who was born the same day as Ald. Lanier.

Ald. Wilder-Bryan announced she is excited to have Zerik Samples, Habitat for Humanity, send 40-50 volunteers to Fernwood-Parkwood to cleanup.  Forest Hills Association is planning an association meeting, they have been defunct for awhile.  She is petitioning the churches in the 3rd District to partner, in order to create more spaces for the assocation meetings.  And she congratulated president (Paul) Mosley and his counterparts with ILA Local 1414.  The strike is over and they got a 61.5% unprecedented pay increase over six years, some who are going from $39/hour to $63/hour.

Ald. Bell asked Mayor Johnson if he was going to share his cake.

Mayor Pro Tem Dr. Shabazz asked everyone to join with her in recognizing and celebrating Mayor Johnson for the fourth consecutive time, as one of the 100 Most Influential Persons in the State of Georgia.  Mayor Johnson will be the 2nd Mayor of our City to become, over the next two years, the President of the National League of Cities (NLC) because he has been elected/appointed as the 2nd Vice President of the NLC.

Mayor Johnson adjourned the Regular Meeting at 5:05 p.m.


Mark Massey, Clerk of Council

Date Minutes Approved: ______________________



The video recording of the meeting can be found by copying and inserting the link below in your url:


Agenda Plus