November 21, 2017 City Council Regular Meeting | |
The regular meeting of Council was held this date at 2:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of City Hall. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited in unison followed by the Invocation by Dyanne Reese. |
1. Motion to Approve the Summary/Final Minutes for the Special Work Session of City Council, November 7, 2017 | |
Present: Mayor Deloach, Alderman Thomas, Durrence, Hall, Foster, Bell, Miller, Shabazz, and Johnson.
Alderman Bell stated that today council held an Executive Session to discuss Personnel and Litigation where no votes were taken. She made a Motion that the Mayor be authorized to sign the Resolution and Affidavit. This was Seconded by Alderman Shabazz and unanimously carried.
BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah as follows:
At the meeting held on the 21st day of November 2017, the Council entered into a closed session for the purpose of discussing Personnel and Litigation. At the close of the discussions upon this subject, the Council reentered into open session and herewith takes the following action in open session:
ADOPTED AND APPROVED: November 21, 2017 upon motion of Alderman Bell, seconded by Alderman Shabazz, and unanimously carried. |
2. Motion to Approve the Summary/Final Minutes of the Work Session/City Manager’s Briefing of November 9, 2017 | |
3. Motion to Approve the Summary/Final Minutes of the City Council Meeting of November 9, 2017 | |
Upon Motion of Alderman Bell, Seconded by Alderman Shabazz and unanimously carried. Approval was given to the minutes of November 7th Special Work Session: November 9th Work Session and November 9th City Council Meeting. |
4. Motion to Approve Consumption on Premises Liquor, Beer and Wine (Drink) License with Sunday Sales for Charles H. Morris of Randolph Street Development, LLC t/a Kehoe Venues | |
Density Map - Kehoe Venues20171027_0033.pdf | |
Alcohol Documents -Kehoe Venues20171031_0045.pdf | |
Kehoe Venues Withdrawal20171109_0051.pdf | |
Continued from the meeting of November 9th was the petition of Mr. Morris for an Amended request for a Beer and Wine License only with Sunday sells at Randolph Street Development.
Attorney Harold Yellin represented Mr. Morris again reference that this is for Beer and Wine only. This location has several components where events will be held. Mr. Morris has renovated the location and meets all the requirements for state and local laws.
Alderman Shabazz asked if the two parties met as she requested at the last meeting and if there was a resolution. She was told by Attorney Yellin that they met the Monday after last council meeting but did not come to a compromise.
Pastor Tony Reddick of New Shiloh Baptist Church stated that they had a meeting but what was discussed had nothing to do with what was discussed at the last council meeting. There was no resolution and they were scheduled to meet yesterday but he received a letter from Mr. Morris office cancelling the meeting. It was stated earlier that there is no law prohibiting this location proximity to a church but alcohol is alcohol and there should be a law.
Mrs. Lazetta Groover stated she has been a member of the church for 7 years and agreed that any type of alcohol was a bad influence on the children, parking, and safety issues.
Mr. Reginal Franklin representing the board of Curtis Cooper Health Center stated he wanted to present Mr. Morris as a man of great character with many accomplishments. He is an exemplary and an involved citizen by sponsoring different outreach programs for health and wellness. He decided to have his head quarters here and to give back to the community by promoting the city and its citizens.
Mr. William Groover stated that they are a small group but relationship is built on fellowship and to work together we must get to know each other. Alcohol brings crime, safety, and security issues. Cars could be vandalized and liquor, beer, and wine could be openly used around the church.
Mrs. Lomisher Rivers stated that although Mr. Morris has sponsored health programs, alcohol affects is also a health issue.
Mayor Deloach asked Judy Jones if this was a permitted use. Mrs. Jones said Yes and there is no measurement required to establish this license near a church.
Alderman Shabazz stated she has always voted against alcohol license near houses of worship. She asked the City Attorney can she bring forth a law to create requirements that prohibits this use near a church.
Attorney Stillwell stated this is an option that we can review that there is no such present law but an ordinance could be drafted for consideration.
Alderman Bell asked Attorney Yellin if this was a special event destination. Mr. Yellin responded that it is and the current location which is the Morris Center has been operating for 9 to 10 years. There has been no issues with vandalism or car break ins. Judy Jones added that not to her knowledge that any vandalism had occurred. This is an event location and it is not opened everyday.
Attorney Yellin stated that their lease require security.
Mrs. Groover agreed they need to build a relationship as their main concern is the safety of the children.
Pastor Reddick in response to questions of Alderman Bell said we cannot measure the affect of his current location or his future location without statistics. Currently there is a homeless shelter where those who attend who has had problems with drugs and alcohol.
Alderman Johnson stated that we recently approved amendments to alcohol license and this particular requirement was not addressed as we relied solely on the state law measurements.
Alderman Bell stated that she agrees with Alderman Shabazz recommendation to consider amending the ordinance.
Alderman Hall stated that we cannot cover everything but we must stay inside the current law.
Alderman Miller stated that Mr. Morris followed the guidelines. He said this is not a bar but an event location and he deserves to move forward as he's met all of the requirements for a beer and wine license.
Alderman Hall moved to close the hearing. This was Seconded by Alderman Foster.
Alderman Miller moved to approve a beer and wine license at this location. This was Seconded by Alderman Foster and carried with Mayor Deloach, Aldermen Miller, Durrence, Bell, Thomas, Hall, Foster and Aldermen Johnson and Shabazz voting against the motion. |
5. Motion to Approve Consumption on Premises Liquor, Beer and Wine License with Sunday Sales for David J. Howard of The Neighborhood Dining Group, Inc. t/a Husk Restaurant | |
Density Map - Husk Restaurant20171109_0053.pdf | |
Alcohol Documents -Husk Restaurant20171113_0063.pdf | |
A motion was made to close the hearing. Upon motion of Alderman Johnson, Seconded by Alderman Miller and unanimously carried.
Alderman Johnson moved to approve the license as requested. This was Seconded by Alderman Foster and unanimously carried. |
6. Motion to Approve Transfer of Consumption on Premises Beer and Wine License from Mohammad Nadji to Ali Akbar Parsaei for Persepolis, LLC t/a Persepolis Lounge & Grill | |
Density Map - Persepolis Lounge & Grill20171109_0054.pdf | |
Alcohol Documents -Persepolis Lounge & Grill20171113_0062.pdf | |
A motion was made to close the hearing. Upon motion of Alderman Johnson, Seconded by Alderman Shabazz and unanimously carried.
Alderman Miller moved to approve the license as requested. This was Seconded by Alderman Durrence and unanimously carried. |
7. Motion to Approve Liquor by the Package License in Addition to Existing Beer and Wine by the Package License for Pavan Putra Enterprises, Inc. t/a Broughton Street Liquor | |
Density Map -Broughton Street Liquor20171109_0055.pdf | |
Alcohol Documents -Broughton Street Liquor20171113_0061.pdf | |
Attorney Charles Bellow appeared representing Mr. Putra request for a liquor license to be added to his existing beer and wine license.
Marty Johnston City of Savannah Chief Operating Officer stated that the staff had recommended denial as this use is not allowed in the urban renewal district.
Attorney Bellow stated this location is 1 block between Bull and Congress and MLK and Montgomery Street. There are 9 locations in this area that sells liquor by the drink. This location went before the Zoning board of appeals who recommended approval. The urban renewal plan in this block allows retail. The list states what's not allowed as there is no permitted use list and liquor license is not on the list.
Mr. Tony Riley stated that he has watched council cherry pick certain people and locations for package stores and businesses selling alcohol. There are numerous liquor licenses in this area of Bay St, Factors Walk, and River Street. There is no law to deny this use, therefore this man should be given a license.
Alderman Durrence asked Attorney Stillwell to respond to the petitioners request. Attorney Stillwell stated that a request was made in 2015. It was denied, went to court and the city positions was upheld. The Zoning Administrator has ruled that this does not meet the ordinance requirement nor is it a legal use. If council would like to continue for 2 weeks he will review previous actions at this location.
Attorney Bellow stated the Zoning Board of Appeals denied this on technical grounds and there was no ruling given.
Attorney Stillwell asked Mr. Bellow to write him a letter explaining their position.
Alderman Durrence added that maybe his appropriate pursuit is asking for a re-zoning before the ZBA.
A motion was made by Alderman Johnson, Seconded by Alderman Durrence to continue this hearing for 2 weeks until the meeting of December 7,2017. |
8. Motion to Amend the Future Land Use Map Category for 2201 Beaumont Dr (Petitioner: Phillip McCorkle for Sherwin Robin and Brian Robin) | |
2201 Beaumont Drive Comp Plan Amendment 20170829 Planning Commission Recommendation 17-004963-CPA.pdf | |
2201 Beaumont Drive Comp Plan Amendment Public Notice 17-004963-CPA.pdf | |
Beaumont Drive Ordinance_17-004963-CPA.doc | |
Upon motion of Alderman Thomas, Seconded by Alderman Miller and unanimously carried. The first reading considered the second and the ordinance placed upon its passage and passed.
9. Motion to Rezone 2201 Beaumont Drive from PUD-M-8 to PUD-IS* and to Approve a General Development Plan (Petitioner: Phillip McCorkle for Sherwin Robin and Brian Robin) | |
2201 Beaumont Drive Rezoning 20170829 Planning Commission Recommendation 17-004804-ZA.pdf | |
2201 Beaumont Drive General Development Plan 17-004780-PLAN.pdf | |
2201 Beaumont Drive Rezoning Public Notice 17-004804-ZA.pdf | |
Draft Ordinance_17-004804-ZA - Revised.pdf | |
Upon motion of Alderman Johnson, Seconded by Alderman Thomas and unanimously carried. The first reading considered the second and the ordinance placed upon its passage and passed. |
10. Motion to Amend the Zoning Ordinance Regarding the Plant Riverside Sign District (Petitioner: Harold Yellin for SRD LLC (Kessler Collection)) | |
Plant Riverside Sign District Text Amendment 20170926 Planning Commission Recommendation_17-004435-ZA.pdf | |
Plant Riverside Ordinance_17-004435-ZA.docx | |
Upon motion of Alderman Johnson, Seconded by Alderman Thomas and unanimously carried. The first reading considered the second and the ordinance placed upon its passage and passed. |
11. Motion to Amend the Zoning Ordinance Regarding Public Notification Requirements (Petitioner: City of Savannah) | |
Article M Public Notification Text Amendment 20171010 Planning Commission Recommendation.pdf | |
Article M Public Notification Text Amendment Ordinance_17-005211-ZA.docx | |
Upon motion of Alderman Thomas, Seconded by Alderman Miller and unanimously carried. The first reading considered the second and the ordinance placed upon its passage and passed. |
12. Motion to Amend the Zoning Ordinance Regarding Residential Density (Petitioner: City of Savannah) | |
Residential Density Text Amendment 20171010 Planning Commission Recommendation.pdf | |
Residential Density Text Ordinance _17-002807-ZA.docx | |
Upon motion of Alderman Thomas, Seconded by Alderman Durrence and unanimously carried. The first reading considered the second and the ordinance placed upon its passage and passed. |
13. Motion to Amend Sec. 7-1121, Appendix I, of the Savannah Code of Ordinances to Create Multi-way Stop Control at West Gaston and Tattnall Streets | |
tattnall-west-gaston-map.pdf | |
AMD036 Gaston Tattnall Gwinnett Multi-way Stop.doc | |
Upon motion of Alderman Bell, Seconded by Alderman Miller and unanimously carried. The first reading considered the second and the ordinance placed upon its passage and passed. |
14. Motion to Establish Zoning for 0.88-Acre Parcel at Ogeechee Road and Chatham Parkway to be Annexed into the City (Petitioner, Akshar Holdings, LLC) | |
Akshar Holdings LLC - Petition.pdf | |
Akshar Holdings LLC Zoning Ordinance.pdf | |
Upon motion of Alderman Johnson, Seconded by Alderman Shabazz and unanimously carried. This ordinance was approved. |
15. Motion to Adopt Resolution Extending a 90-Day Stay on Issuance of Alcoholic Beverage Package Licenses Along Ogeechee Road | |
Upon motion of Alderman Johnson, Seconded by Alderman Shabazz and unanimously carried. This resolution was approved. |
16. Motion to Adopt Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Submit an Application to Participate in the 2018 Renaissance Strategic Visioning and Planning Program (RSVP) Program | |
Historic Savannah Foundation.pdf | |
Upon motion of Alderman Durrence, Seconded by Alderman Bell and unanimously carried. This resolution was approved. |
17. Motion to Approve Contract with Johnson Controls to Install Proximity Readers and Related Equipment on Airline Ticket Counter Office Doors | |
1-NO2F3LB0-Document-1.pdf | |
2017 Savannah Airport Renewal Letter 4-18-2017.pdf | |
Johnson Controls Contract Agreement fully signed 3-25-2014.pdf | |
2016 Savannah Airport Renewal Letter 3-3-2016.pdf | |
Upon motion of Alderman Bell, Seconded by Alderman Durrence and unanimously carried. This contract was approved. |
18. Motion to Renew Annual Contract for Street Repair and Resurfacing with Savannah River Utilities (Event No. 3013) | |
Street Repair Funding Verification.pdf | |
Street Repair Purchasing Summary.pdf | |
Street Repair Scope.pdf | |
Street Repair Bid Tab.pdf | |
Upon motion of Alderman Miller, Seconded by Alderman Durrence, and unanimously carried this contract for street repair and resurfacing has been continued until the meeting of December 21, 2017 |
19. Motion to Approve Contract Modification No. 1 for Neighborhood Signs to Sign D'Sign (Event No. 4854) | |
Neighborhood Signs Funding Verification.pdf | |
Neighborhood Signs Purchasing Summary.pdf | |
Upon motion Alderman Bell, Seconded by Alderman Foster and unanimously carried. Bids and Contracts, Items 19-21 and 23-31 were approved. |
20. Motion to Approve Contract Modification No. 1 for Whistle Stop Junction to Pioneer Construction (Event No. 4758) | |
Whistle Stop Purchasing Summary.pdf | |
Whistle Stop Funding Verification.pdf | |
21. Motion to Approve Contract Modification No. 2 for Savannah Fire Training Facility to Collins Construction Services, Inc. (Event No. 3477) | |
Fire Training Facility Funding Verification.pdf | |
Fire Training Facility Purchasing Summary.pdf | |
22. Motion to Award Contract for Project Management Services to Savannah Technical College (Event No. 5514) | |
Career Initiative PM Funding Verification.pdf | |
Career Initiative PM Scope.pdf | |
Carerer Initiative PM Purchasing Summary.pdf | |
Alderman Shabazz stated that Items 22-35 are a funding initiative to help reduce poverty through training, education, and workforce development. The national poverty rate is 14.6% and Savannah is 26.5% and she was very pleased at receiving these various funds to support initiative for low income families.
Mr. Mike Tucker Director of Workforce Coastal stated that they are a job training program in cooperation with he state and this contract with Savannah Technical College is to provide job training programs in cooperation with the state high gross sector. They will connect with own site coordination to provide job training, connect with students k-12 and a business advisory group to meet training needs for a better workforce.
Alderman Hall thanked them for their work on the Green Job initiative that will provide a pathway out of poverty where low income people can learn a respectable and much needed trade.
Nick Deffley Director of Sustainability added that these funds will be used especially on FEMA lots to train arbor care and horticulture.
Upon motion of Alderman Shabazz, Seconded by Alderman Bell and unanimously carried. Items 22,32-35 and Item 38 were approved. |
23. Motion to Award Annual Contract for Warning Devices, Installation, and Equipment to West Chatham Warning Devices (Event No. 5526) | |
Warning Devices Bid Tab.pdf | |
Warning Devices Funding Verification.pdf | |
Warning Devices Scope.pdf | |
Warning Devices Purchasing Summary.pdf | |
24. Motion to Award Annual Contract for Water Meters to Badger Meter, Inc. (Event No. 5396) | |
Water Meters Bid Tab.pdf | |
Water Meters Funding Verification.pdf | |
Water Meters Scope of Work.pdf | |
Water Meters Purchasing Summary.pdf | |
25. Motion to Procure Rectangular Clarifier Parts from Brentwood Industries, Inc. (Event No. 5492) | |
Rectangular Clarifier Parts Bid Tab.pdf | |
Rectangular Clarifier Parts Funding Verification.pdf | |
Rectangular Clarifier Parts Scope.pdf | |
Rectangular Clarifier Parts Purchasing Summary.pdf | |
26. Motion to Renew Annual Contract for Low Voltage Cabling Services with NetPlanner Systems, Inc. (Event No. 3747) | |
Cabling Funding Verification.pdf | |
Cabling Scope of Work.pdf | |
Cabling Purchasing Summary.pdf | |
27. Motion to Renew Annual Contract for Autodialers with Raco/EH Solutions (Event No. 3201) | |
Autodialers Bid Tab.pdf | |
Autodialers Funding Verification.pdf | |
Autodialers Scope of Work.pdf | |
Autodialers Purchasing Summary.pdf | |
28. Motion to Renew Annual Contract for External Audit Services with Karp, Ronning, & Tindol (Event No. 3839) | |
External Audit Funding Verification.pdf | |
External Audit Scope of Work.pdf | |
External Audit Purchasing Summary.pdf | |
29. Notification of Emergency Procurement of Police Substation Flooring and Installation Services from Dixie Contract Carpeting (Event No. 5693) | |
Substations Funding Verification.pdf | |
Substations Purchasing Summary.pdf | |
30. Notification of Procurement of Emergency Repair Services from BRW Construction Group, LLC (Event No. 5646) | |
Emergency Water Main Funding Verification.pdf | |
Emergency Water Main Purchasing Summary.pdf | |
31. Motion to Award Sole Source Procurement of Engineering Services for Relocation of Water Line from Thomas and Hutton (Event No. 5623) | |
Brampton Connector Purchasing Summary.pdf | |
Brampton Connector Funding Verification.pdf | |
Brampton Rd_MWBE Form.pdf | |
Upon motion Alderman Bell, Seconded by Alderman Foster and unanimously carried. Bids and Contracts, Items 19-21 and 23-31 were approved. |
32. Motion to Accept FY2017 Dislocated (Rapid Response) Grant Award in the amount of $57,327.00 | |
Area 20 FY17 Dislocated Worker (Rapid Response).pdf | |
33. Motion to Accept FY2018 Adult/Dislocated Worker Program Grant Funds in the Amount of $2,548,538.00 | |
Area 20 WIOA FY18 Adult.pdf | |
Area 20 WIOA FY18 Dislocated Worker.pdf | |
34. Motion to Accept High Demand Career Initiative Grant Award in the amount of $250,000.00. | |
R12 LWDA 20 HDCI SP Grant .pdf | |
35. Motion to Award PY2017 Youth Services Provider Contract Awards in the amount $1,291,363.00 | |
PY16 Youth Services Provider Contract Awards.pdf | |
Alderman Johnson wanted to make it clear that the 1.2 million is not for the City of Savannah alone as it is allocation for 10 counties. The Chatham County portion is $411,800. He understands that we are disbanding Savannah Impact. These funds were secured for a specific program with SIP and he wanted to ensure that they are still targeted for that use.
Mr. Michael Tucker stated that if SIP is disband then a contract would be solicited for another agency and the funds allocated use will remain the same. |
36. Motion to Approve Water and Sewer Agreement for Circle K Store No. 1412 | |
Circle K Store #1412.pdf | |
Upon motion of Alderman Johnson, Seconded by Alderman Foster and unanimously carried. This agreement was approved. |
37. Motion to Approve Mutual Aid Agreement with Tybee Island 911 Center | |
tybee-911-mutual-aid-agreement-2017.pdf | |
Upon motion of Alderman Miller, Seconded by Alderman Johnson and unanimously carried. This agreement with Tybee Island 911 Center was approved. |
38. Motion to Approve Grant Award Agreement with Southeast Sustainable Communities Fund for Green Infrastructure to Green Jobs Initiative | |
SSCF Grant Award Letter_Savannah.pdf | |
39. Motion to Approve First Amendment to Lease Agreement with Liberty Tattnall Partners, LLC | |
Liberty Tattnall Partners, LLC First Amendment to Lease.pdf | |
Upon motion of Alderman Miller, Seconded by Alderman Foster and unanimously carried. This lease agreement was approved. |
40. Motion to Adopt 2018 State Legislative Agenda | |
2018 State Legislative Agenda.pdf | |
Upon motion of Alderman Miller, Seconded by Alderman Durrence and unanimously carried. The 2018 Legislative Agenda was approved.
Mr. Antwone Lane the new president of the Savannah Jay Cees/Junior Chamber of Commerce stated that 20 to 40 year olds performed Community Service in this neighborhood and yesterday they held a press conference to address actions taken by the City of Savannah. They understood the vote taken by City Council and he thanked council members for speaking to him. They want to support the City's agenda especially in the area of gun violence. They also are concerned about poverty reduction. The young man recently shot and killed in Savannah Adkinson attended the same High School as he did and he went to speak with the students at Windsor Forest and their concerns about their safety are real. He stated much of the decisions are moving fast. They will host a town hall meeting and they are willing to help the City to communicate to the citizens. |
41. Presentation of Proclamation Declaring Saturday, November 25, 2017, as Small Business Saturday | |
Small Business Saturday Proclamation.pdf | |
See Presentations at the beginning of the minutes.
42. Board, Commissions, and Authorities
Upon motion of Alderman Bell, Seconded by Alderman Miller and unanimously carried. The following appointments were approved.
Coastal Workforce Development Board K. Lynn Tootle
Recreation Commission Doretha Walker Teketha Kelley-Hill |
Alderman Miller stated that he will hold a 4th District town hall meeting at the JEA on Abercorn Street at 6 p.m. There will be a short review to include proposed fire fees and city staff will be present.
Alderman Hall stated that he along with 3rd District School Board Representative will be holding a town hall meeting November 29th from 5:30 to 7p.m. at Savannah High School on Pennsylvania Ave. They will also tour the new lab that is being transferred from Woodville Tompkins to Savannah High.
Alderman Johnson stated he had just returned from the NLC where he completed 4 years on the Board of Directors. He was appointed as Co-Chair of the NLC Advisory Council by the NLC president. Alderman Hall and Alderman Bell recognized each other for receiving certificates of completion in training by the NLC Leadership Training council.
Mayor Deloach extended Thanksgiving greetings to the citizens of the City of Savannah.
There being no further business, Mayor DeLoach declared this meeting of Council adjourned.
The recorded City Council Meeting is located on the City of Savannah website.
Dyanne C. Reese, MMC Clerk of Council | |
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