May 9, 2019 City Council Regular Meeting | |
CITY GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS OF CITY COUNCIL SAVANNAH, GEORGIA The regular meeting of Council was held at 2:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of City Hall. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited in unison followed by the invocation by Bishop Willie Ferrell, Pastor at Royal Church of Christ, Inc.. PRESENT: Mayor Eddie W. DeLoach, Presiding Aldermen Julian Miller, Brian Foster, Bill Durrence, Van Johnson, II, Tony Thomas, John Hall and Alderwoman Estella E. Shabazz Rob Hernandez, City Manager Bret Bell, Assistant to the City Manager Jennifer Herman, Interim City Attorney William Shearouse, Assistant City Attorney Mark Massey, Clerk of Council ABSENT: Alderwoman Carol Bell |
1. Motion to Adopt the Agenda for the May 9, 2019 City Council Regular Meeting | |
Alderman Miller moved to amend the Regular Meeting Agenda as noted below, Alderwoman Shabazz seconded. The motion carried unanimously.
2. Motion to Approve the Summary/Final Minutes for the City Council Work Session and City Manager's Briefing of April 25, 2019 | |
Exhibit 1: Summary/Final Minutes for April 25, 2019.pdf | |
Alderman Miller moved to approve item 2 and 3 (with one vote), Alderwoman Shabazz seconded. The motion carried unanimously. |
3. Motion to Approve the Summary/Final Minutes for the City Council Meeting of April 25, 2019 | |
Exhibit 1: Summary/Final Minutes for April 25, 2019.pdf | |
Alderman Miller moved to approve item 2 and 3 (with one vote), Alderwoman Shabazz seconded. The motion carried unanimously. |
4. An Appearance by Representatives of the Propeller Club and the Ships of the Sea Maritime Museum to Receive a Proclamation in Honor of the 200th Anniversary of the Steamship Savannah | |
Exhibit 1: Proclamation - Steamship Savannah.pdf | |
PRESENTED 4A. An appearance by Terri O'Neil of the Savannah Philharmonic Orchestra to invite Mayor & Council to 'Philharmonic in the Street'. PRESENTED |
5. Motion to Approve the Transfer of the Class E Alcohol License from Suman Niranjan to Tarakkumar Patel of Eagle Market #1 at 3014 Skidaway Road (Aldermanic District 3) | |
Exhibit 1: Checklist - Eagle Market.pdf | |
Exhibit 2: Density Map - Eagle Market.pdf | |
Exhibit 3: Alcohol Report - Eagle Market.pdf | |
Exhibit 4: Measurement Report - Eagle Market.pdf | |
Alderman Johnson moved to close the hearing for item 5, Alderman Miller seconded. The motion carried unanimously. Alderman Foster moved to approve the alcohol license, Alderman Miller seconded. The motion carried unanimously. |
6. Motion to Approve the Transfer of the Class E Alcohol License from Mitul Patel to Amitkumar A. Patel of Waters Chevron at 5009 Waters Avenue (Aldermanic District 4) | |
Exhibit 1: Checklist - Waters Chevron.pdf | |
Exhibit 2: Density Map - Waters Chevron.pdf | |
Exhibit 3: Alcohol Report - Waters Chevron.pdf | |
Exhibit 4: Measurement Report - Waters Chevron.pdf | |
Alderman Johnson moved to close the hearing for item 6, Alderman Miller seconded. The motion carried unanimously. Alderman Miller moved to approve the alcohol license, Alderman Hall seconded. The motion carried unanimously. |
7. Motion to Amend the Future Land Use Category of 61 Graham Street (Petitioner: Joshua Yellin for Cardinal Capital Management and Planning Commission) | |
Exhibit 1: Planning Commission Recommendation - 61 Graham St.pdf | |
Exhibit 2: Aerial Map - 61 Graham St.pdf | |
Exhibit 3: Draft Ordinance RE Future Land Use Category - 61 Graham St.pdf | |
Items 7 & 8 were heard together. In Favor:
Alderman Johnson requested the LP contain restrictions as to use. The developer agreed to the LP restrictions as discussed by Council. a. Alderman Hall moved to close the hearings for items 7 & 8, Alderwoman Shabazz seconded. The motion carried unanimously. b. Alderman Hall moved to approve item 7, future land use category, Alderman Miller seconded. The motion carried unanimously. c. Alderman Johnson moved to approve as amended item 8, rezone with required site plan review by restricting use with no lodging, no alcohol, no restaurants and no convenience stores, Alderman Hall seconded. The motion carried unanimously. |
8. Motion to Rezone 61 Graham Street from PUD-M, R-4, and B-G to I-P (Petitioner: Josh Yellin for Cardinal Capital Management) | |
Exhibit 1: Planning Commission Recommendation - 61 Graham St.pdf | |
Exhibit 2: Aerial Map - 61 Graham St.pdf | |
Exhibit 3: Concept Plan - 61 Graham St.pdf | |
Exhibit 4: ALTA Survey - 61 Graham St with project.pdf | |
Exhibit 5: Plat Book 7S Page 92 - 61 Graham St with project.pdf | |
Exhibit 6: Sale of Surplus Property Deed Book 1544 Pages 96-98 - 61 Graham St.pdf | |
Exhibit 7: Draft Ordinance RE Rezoning - 61 Graham St.pdf | |
Exhibit 8: Allowed Uses for I-P Zoning - 61 Graham St.pdf | |
Item 8 was heard with item 7. |
9. Motion to Amend the "Alcoholic Beverage Ordinance of 2017", City Code - Part 6-Licensing and Regulation, Chapter 1-Business and Occupations, Article H-Alcoholic Beverages | |
Exhibit 1: Survey Results - Alcohol Beverage Ordinance.pdf | |
Exhibit 2: Alcohol Beverage Ordinance Redline.pdf | |
Exhibit 3: Alcohol Beverage Ordinance Amendment.pdf | |
Item 9 was continued/deferred to the May 23, 2019, Regular Meeting. |
10. Motion to Amend the 2019 Revenue Ordinance to Incorporate Changes to the Alcoholic Beverage Ordinance | |
Exhibit 1: Revenue Ordinance Amendment | |
Exhibit 2: Revenue Ordinance, Article Y, Section 30 Redline | |
Item 10 was continued/deferred to the May 23, 2019, Regular Meeting. |
11. Motion to Amend the Zoning Ordinance by Creating the Savannah Harbor Parcel 5 PUD (Petitioner: Joseph R. Ross) | |
Exhibit 1: Planning Commission Recommendation - Savannah Harbor Parcel 5 PUD Text.pdf | |
Exhibit 2: Draft Master Plan - Savannah Harbor Parcel 5 PUD Text.pdf | |
Exhibit 3: Draft Ordinance - Savannah Harbor Parcel 5 PUD Text.pdf | |
[FIRST READING ONLY] - Amend Zoning Ordinance by creating the Savannah Habor Parcel 5 PUD. |
12. Motion to Rezone 0 Resort Drive from PUD-B-W-70 to the Savannah Harbor Parcel 5 PUD (Petitioner: Joseph R. Ross) | |
Exhibit 1: Planning Commission Recommendation - Savannah Harbor Parcel 5 PUD Rezoning.pdf | |
Exhibit 2: Aerial Map - Savannah Harbor Parcel 5 PUD Rezoning.pdf | |
Exhibit 3: Original Savannah Harbor Master Plan - Savannah Harbor Parcel 5 PUD Rezoning.pdf | |
Exhibit 4: 2000 Plat Book 19S Pages 99A-99E - Savannah Harbor Parcel 5 PUD Rezoning.pdf | |
Exhibit 5: 2002 Plat Book 25P Page 4 - Savannah Harbor Parcel 5 PUD Rezoning.pdf | |
Exhibit 6: Draft Master Plan - Savannah Harbor Parcel 5 PUD Rezoning.pdf | |
Exhibit 7: Draft Ordinance - Savannah Harbor Parcel 5 PUD Rezoning.pdf | |
Exhibit 8: PUD Text - Savannah Harbor Parcel 5 Rezoning.pdf | |
[FIRST READING ONLY] - Rezone O Resort Drive from PUD-B-W-70 to the Savannah Harbor Parcel 5 PUD. |
13. Amend the Code of the City of Savannah, Section 7-1018, Appendix I, Section 208 Speed Limits for Off-System Roadways | |
Exhibit 1: Resolution - Drayton - Whitaker GDOT.pdf | |
Exhibit 2: Redline Version - Appendix 1. Sec. 208 - Whitaker - Drayton.pdf | |
At the request of the City Manager, item 13 was withdrawn from the Regular Agenda. |
14. Motion to Approve Contract Modification Number 1 with E&D Contracting Services, Inc. for Colonial Drive Drainage Improvements in the amount of ($13,388.50) and Increasing the Contract Term by 127 Calendar Days (Event 6043) | |
Exhibit 1: Colonial Drive Purchasing Summary | |
Exhibit 2: Colonial Drive Funding Verification | |
Exhibit 3: Colonial Drive Change Order.pdf | |
Alderman Hall moved to approve item 14 as presented, Alderman Miller seconded. The motion carried unanimously. |
15. Motion to Procure Furniture for the Central Police Precinct from The HON Company C/O Mason, Inc. (Event No. 7089) | |
Exhibit 1: Central Precinct Furniture Purchasing Summary | |
Exhibit 2: Central Precinct Furniture Funding Verification | |
Alderman Johnson moved to approve item 15 as presented, Alderman Miller seconded. The motion carried unanimously. |
16. Motion to Approve Contract Amendment No. 1 for Professional Services Related to the Arena Project with Jones Lang LaSalle, Inc. in the amount of $195,000 to Include the Development and Implementation of a Sustainability Master Plan for the Arena Project (Event No. 5466) | |
Exhibit 1: JLL Sustainability Management Purchasing Summary.pdf | |
Exhibit 2: JLL Sustainability Management Services Funding Verification.pdf | |
Exhibit 3: JLL Sustainability Management Services Scope.pdf | |
Alderman Miller moved to approve item 16 as presented, Alderman Durrence seconded. The motion carried unanimously. |
17. Notification of Emergency Procurement of an Odor Control System from Reynolds Construction (Event No. 7096) | |
Exhibit 1: Odor Control Purchasing Summary | |
Exhibit 2: Odor Control Funding Verification | |
Alderman Durrence moved to approve items 17, 18 and 20 through 33 (with one vote), Alderman Miller seconded. The motion carried unanimously. |
18. Motion to Renew Annual Contract for DNA Laboratory Services with Serological Research Institute (Event No. 4421) | |
Alderman Durrence moved to approve items 17, 18 and 20 through 33 (with one vote), Alderman Miller seconded. The motion carried unanimously. |
19. Motion to Renew Annual Contract for Electrical Repair Services with Aiken Harper (Event No. 4126) | |
Exhibit 1: Electrical Repairs Purchasing Summary | |
Exhibit 2: Electrical Repairs Funding Verification | |
Exhibit 3: Electrical Repairs Scope | |
At the request of the City Manager, item 19 was withdrawn from the Agenda. |
20. Motion to Renew Annual Contract for HVAC Maintenance Services for Water Treatment Facilities with Boaen Mechanical Services, Inc. (Event No. 4902) | |
Exhibit 1: HVAC Maintenance Purchasing Summary | |
Exhibit 2: HVAC Maintenance Funding Verification | |
Exhibit 3: HVAC Maintenance Scope | |
Alderman Durrence moved to approve items 17, 18 and 20 through 33 (with one vote), Alderman Miller seconded. The motion carried unanimously. |
21. Motion to Renew Annual Maintenance Agreement for ArcGIS with Environmental Systems Research Information Group, Inc. (Event No. 6160) | |
Exhibit 1: ESRI Purchasing Summary | |
Exhibit 2: ESRI Funding Verification | |
Alderman Durrence moved to approve items 17, 18 and 20 through 33 (with one vote), Alderman Miller seconded. The motion carried unanimously. |
22. Motion to Renew Annual Contract with ChemTrade Chemicals US, LLC. for Liquid Aluminum Sulfate (Event No. 4340) | |
Exhibit 1: Liquid Aluminum Sulfate Purchasing Summary | |
Exhibit 2: Liquid Aluminum Sulfate Funding Verification | |
Exhibit 3: Liquid Aluminum Sulfate Scope | |
Alderman Durrence moved to approve items 17, 18 and 20 through 33 (with one vote), Alderman Miller seconded. The motion carried unanimously. |
23. Motion to Rescind Award for Renovations to the Savannah Police Department Forensics Garage from Red Cloud (Event No. 6814) | |
Exhibit 1: SPD Forensics Garage Purchasing Verification | |
Exhibit 2: SPD Forensics Garage Funding Verification | |
Alderman Durrence moved to approve items 17, 18 and 20 through 33 (with one vote), Alderman Miller seconded. The motion carried unanimously. |
24. Motion to Award a Contract for Renovations to the Savannah Police Department Forensics Garage to Johnson-Laux Construction (Event No. 6814) | |
Exhibit 1: SPD Forensics Garage Purchasing Summary | |
Exhibit 2: SPD Forensics Garage Funding Verification | |
Alderman Durrence moved to approve items 17, 18 and 20 through 33 (with one vote) Alderman Miller seconded. The motion carried unanimously. |
25. Motion to Award Annual Contract for Ammunition for Savannah Police Department from Precision Delta (Event No. 6946) | |
Exhibit 1: Ammunition Purchasing Summary | |
Exhibit 2: Ammunition Funding Verification | |
Exhibit 3: Ammunition Scope | |
Exhibit 4: Ammunition Bid Tab | |
Alderman Durrence moved to approve items 17, 18 and 20 through 33 (with one vote), Alderman Miller seconded. The motion carried unanimously. |
26. Motion to Award Annual Contract for Construction Testing Services to Whitaker Laboratory (primary) and Terracon Consultants, Inc. (secondary) (Event No. 6831) | |
Exhibit 1: Construction Testing Purchasing Summary | |
Exhibit 2: Construction Testing Funding Verification | |
Exhibit 3: Construction Testing Scope | |
Exhibit 4: Construction Testing Bid Tab | |
Alderman Durrence moved to approve items 17, 18 and 20 through 33 (with one vote), Alderman Miller seconded. The motion carried unanimously. |
27. Motion to Award Annual Contract for Powdered Activated Carbon to CarbPure Technologies, LLC (Event No. 6508) | |
Exhibit 1: PAC Purchasing Summary | |
Exhibit 2: PAC Funding Verification | |
Exhibit 3: PAC Scope | |
Exhibit 4: PAC Bid Tab | |
Alderman Durrence moved to approve items 17, 18 and 20 through 33 (with one vote), Alderman Miller seconded. The motion carried unanimously. |
28. Motion to Award Annual Contract for Scrap Tire Disposal Services to Press W.T.H. (Event No. 6904) | |
Exhibit 1: Scrap Tire Purchasing Summary | |
Exhibit 2: Scrap Tire Funding Verification | |
Exhibit 3: Scrap Tire Scope | |
Exhibit 4: Scrap Tire Bid Tab | |
Alderman Durrence moved to approve items 17, 18 and 20 through 33 (with one vote), Alderman Miller seconded. The motion carried unanimously. |
29. Motion to Award Annual Contract Corrosion Control Additive to American Development Corporation (Event No. 7095) | |
Exhibit 1: Corrosion Control Purchasing Summary | |
Exhibit 2: Corrosion Control Funding Verification | |
Alderman Durrence moved to approve items 17, 18 and 20 through 33 (with one vote), Alderman Miller seconded. The motion carried unanimously. |
30. Motion to Approve a Leasing Agreement with Georgia Power Lighting Services for 13 License Plate Readers (Event No. 7074) | |
Exhibit 1: LPRs Purchasing Summary | |
Exhibit 2: LPRs Funding Verification | |
Alderman Durrence moved to approve items 17, 18 and 20 through 33 (with one vote), Alderman Miller seconded. The motion carried unanimously. |
31. Motion to Procure WorkSource Coastal Website Update and Maintenance Services from Scott Jacobs Agency (Event No. 6876 | |
Exhibit 1: Website Update Purchasing Summary | |
Exhibit 2: Website Update Funding Verification | |
Exhibit 3: Website Update Scope | |
Alderman Durrence moved to approve items 17, 18 and 20 through 33 (with one vote), Alderman Miller seconded. The motion carried unanimously. |
32. Motion to Procure Two Small Sports Utility Vehicles from J.C. Lewis Ford (Event No. 6934) | |
Exhibit 1: Small SUV Purchasing Summary | |
Exhibit 2: Small SUV Funding Verification | |
Exhibit 3: Small SUV Scope | |
Exhibit 4: Small SUV Bid Tab | |
Alderman Durrence moved to approve items 17, 18 and 20 through 33 (with one vote), Alderman Miller seconded. The motion carried unanimously. |
33. Motion to Procure DIRTT Counter and Wall Systems and Associated Components for Installation at the Coastal Georgia Center (Event No. 7139) | |
Exhibit 1: Purchasing Summary - DIRTT Counter and Wall System.pdf | |
Exhibit 2: Funding Verification - DIRTT Counter and Wall System.pdf | |
Alderman Durrence moved to approve items 17, 18 and 20 through 33 (with one vote), Alderman Miller seconded. The motion carried unanimously. |
34. Motion to Approve an Agreement to Transfer a Portion of Jimmy DeLoach to the Georgia State Department of Transportation for a Portion of Highway 204 (Abercorn Street) | |
Exhibit 1: GDOT Letter - Jimmy DeLoach Parkway.pdf | |
Exhibit 2: Order of Commissioner - Jimmy DeLoach Parkway.pdf | |
Exhibit 3: MOU - Jimmy DeLoach Parkway.pdf | |
Exhibit 4: Map - Jimmy DeLoach Parkway.pdf | |
At the conclusion of discussions between the Aldermen and the City Manager concerning a state road, a median corridor, Jimmy DeLoach Pkwy., Abercorn Extension, Middle Ground Rd., and Montgomery Crossroads, Mayor DeLoach called the question. Alderman Miller moved to approve item 34 as presented, Alderman Foster seconded. Alderman Durrence did not vote. The motion carried, 7-0-1. |
35. Motion to Approve Subgrant Funding from Criminal Justice Coordinating Council for Comprehensive Opioid Abuse Site-Based Program | |
Exhibit 1: Award Letter - CJCC Opioid Abuse Site-Based Program.pdf | |
Alderman Miller moved to approve item 35, Alderman Foster seconded. Alderman Durrence did not vote. The motion carried, 7-0-1. |
36. Motion to Approve a Leasing Agreement with 7 Drayton Street Hotel, LLC. for 15 Parking Spaces at the Whitaker Street Garage | |
Alderman Miller moved to approve item 36, Alderman Foster seconded. Alderman Durrence did not vote. The motion carried, 7-0-1. |
37. Motion to Approve Resolution to Declare Portions of Reid Street and Edinburgh Street Right-of-Way Surplus and Available for Sale. | |
Exhibit 1: Current Map - Reid Street and Edinburgh Street ROW Surplus.pdf | |
Exhibit 2: Resolution - Reid Street and Edinburgh Street ROW Surplus.pdf | |
Exhibit 3: Proposed Map - Reid Street and Edinburgh Street ROW Surplus.pdf | |
Alderman Hall moved to approve item 37, Alderman Miller seconded. Alderman Durrence did not vote. The motion carried, 7-0-1. |
38. Motion to Approve an Operating Agreement and Lease of Tricentennial Park to Coastal Heritage Society (Event No. 6851) | |
Exhibit 1: Tricentennial Park Purchasing Summary | |
Exhibit 2: Tricentennial Park Scope | |
Exhibit 3 Tricentennial Park Funding Verification.pdf | |
Exhibit 4: Draft Lease - Tricentennial Park.pdf | |
Alderman Miller moved to approve item 38, Alderman Foster seconded. Alderman Durrence did not vote. The motion carried, 7-0-1. |
39. Motion to Approve Real Property Exchange with Row Pine Development, LLC. | |
Exhibit 1: Aerial Maps - Row Pine Exhange.pdf | |
Alderman Johnson expressed concern with a previous 2001 agreement that included 54 parking spaces. He wants the City to acknowledge responsibility to Curtis Cooper in replacing those parking spaces to the end of the agreement. Yvonne Pryor, Operator of Intercity Night Shelter asked the Council to consider giving the Shelter 5 lots. She indicated that letters were sent to the City last year for the opportunity to purchase those lots. The City Manager committed to explore property opportunities with Ms. Pryor in a future meeting and report back to the Council on the outcome of that meeting. Alderman Johnson moved to approve item 39, Alderman Miller seconded. The motion carried unanimously. |
40. Motion to Direct the City Manager to Issue a Request for Proposal from Interested Non-Profit Organizations to Construct, Operate, and Maintain a Community Recreation Facility at the Fairgrounds | |
Exhibit 1: Draft RFP - Fairgrounds.pdf | |
Considered after item 41. There were seven (7) residents who spoke on behalf of the Fairgrounds property located in the th District:
At the conclusion of the speakers, there was debate and discussion with Council and the City Manager on the original purpose of the Fairgrounds property. Discussions around residential/affordable housing along with recreational facilities was mentioned as the original purpose of the property. Alderwoman Shabazz indicated to Clerk of Council, she would provide a summary of input of top priorities from District 5 local residents, to be part of the permanent records. Councilwoman Shabazz requested a substitute motion. Mayor DeLoach informed the public that the City has no problem with a recreational facility on the Fairgrounds property. He instructed staff to look at Councilwoman Shabazz's master plan and create another master plan option, then revisit this issue in 30 days and present the 2 RFP master plans to residents and let the community decide which option to pursue. Alderwoman Shabazz requested more than 30 days to produce a decent master plan for the Fairgrounds property. Alderman Miller moved to continue for 30 days and delay a decision for an 'RFP' giving the City staff time to schedule at least 2 open meetings (hearings). The motion failed for lack of a second. The City Manager requested clear direction from Council on what they wanted in the master plan for creation of the RFP. He further recommended an upcoming workshop for Council to work through the issues of the Fairgrounds property. Alderwoman Shabazz moved to have a counter motion to withdraw the motion on the table, delay this process, meet with the community, pending a Council workshop. The motion failed for lack of a second. The City Manager recommended beginning the master planning process by engaging the Urban Land Institute rather than a for profit planning private business. It will take at least 90 days. Alderman Durrence moved to authorize the City Manager to engage Urban Land Institute to begin development of a master plan for the Fairgrounds property, Alderwoman Shabazz seconded. Alderman Miller voted no. The motion carried, 7-1-0. |
41. Motion to Authorize the City Manager to Issue $45 Million in Bonds, through the Downtown Savannah Authority to be Repaid with the Proceeds from the City’s Rental Motor Vehicle Tax, to Provide Additional Funding for the $165 million New Savannah Arena Development Budget. | |
Considered prior to item 40. There was debate among Aldermen and the City Manager concerning the future of the existing Civic Center, as it relates to the construction of the new arena. Alderman Miller moved to approve item 41, Alderman Durrence seconded. Alderman Thomas and Alderwoman Shabazz voted no. The motion carried, 6-2-0. |
42. An Appearance by a Representative from the Savannah Philharmonic Orchestra to Invite the Mayor and Aldermen to "Philharmonic in the Streetz" | |
Item 42 was presented as 4A. during the PRESENTATIONS. |
ANNOUNCEMENTS/CLOSING REMARKS: Mayor DeLoach recognized the following:
Hearing no further business, Mayor DeLoach declared the City Council meeting adjourned at 5:00pm. The video recording of the Council meeting can be found by copying and pasting the below link in your url: https://savannahgovtv.viebit.com/player.php?hash=j9vZQ0ia8UXt
Mark Massey, Clerk of Council Date Minutes Adopted: June 6, 2019Initials: mm
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