June 22, 2017 City Council Regular Meeting (Amended June 20, 2017) | |
The regular meeting of Council was held this date at 2:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of City Hall. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited in unison followed by the Invocation by Pastor Bernard Clarke of St. Phillip Monumental A.M.E. Church. |
1. Motion to Approve the Summary/Final Minutes of the City Council Special Meeting of May 31, 2017 | |
Special Meeting 05.31.17.pdf | |
Approved upon motion of Alderman Bell, seconded by Alderman Shabazz, and unanimously carried. |
2. Motion to Authorize the Mayor to sign an Affidavit and Resolution for an Executive Session held on Personnel on June 2, 2017 | |
Approved upon motion of Alderman Bell, seconded by Alderman Shabazz, and unanimously carried. |
3. Motion to Approve the Summary/Final Minutes of the City Council Strategic Planning Retreat of June 2-3, 2017 | | Strategic Planning Retreat Summary Minutes.pdf | |
Approved upon motion of Alderman Bell, seconded by Alderman Shabazz, and unanimously carried. |
4. Motion to Approve the Summary/Final minutes for the City Manager’s Briefing of June 8, 2017 | |
06.08.17 WS Minutes.pdf | |
Approved upon motion of Alderman Bell, seconded by Alderman Shabazz, and unanimously carried. |
5. Motion to Approve the Summary/Final Minutes of the City Council Meeting of June 8, 2017 | |
06.08.17 Minutes.pdf | |
Approved upon motion of Alderman Bell, seconded by Alderman Shabazz, and unanimously carried. |
6. Motion to Authorize the Mayor to sign an Affidavit and Resolution for an Executive Session held on Litigation and Real Estate on June 22, 2017 | |
BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah as follows:
At the meeting held on the 22nd day of June, 2017 the Council entered into a closed session for the purpose of discussing Litigation and Real Estate. At the close of the discussions upon this subject, the Council reentered into open session and herewith takes the following action in open session:
ADOPTED AND APPROVED: JUNE 22, 2017 upon motin of Alderman Bell, seconded by Alderman Shabazz, and unanimously carried. |
7. Plaque Presentation by Georgia Associations of Chiefs of Police Recognizing Re-Certification of the Savannah Chatham Metropolitan Police Department | |
Mayor DeLoach introduced Garden City Police Department Chief David Lyons who is also the Past President of the Georgia Association of Chiefs of Police. Chief Lyons was present to recognize the Savannah-Chatham Metropolitan Police Department for being recertified. He stated the task is not easy to do and congratulated Chief Lumpkin and staff for keeping up with the process despite everything else that is/was occurring in the City of Savannah.
Chief Lumplkin stated he gives the credit to all of the fine men and women working for the SCMPD and thanked them for their service to the department and the citizens of the City of Savannah. |
8. Appearance and recognition of Immanuel Malachi Davis, who has been selected to represent Georgia at the 21st Annual Down Under Hoops Classic in Australia. | |
Alderman Hall stated there is another young man that could not be present today that will also be in the Down Under Hoops Classic. Samuel Jones Carter who is currently in Leadership Camp, he had a 3.5 GPA. Alderman Hall congratulated both young men on thier accomplishments and stated after the tournament they will get the opportunity to spend three fun days in Hawaii. |
9. Motion to Approve Retail Beer and Wine (package) License to Avinash Patel of Shiv Convenience Store #4 | |
Density Map - Shiv's20170515_0025.pdf | |
Alcohol Information - Shiv Convenience20170516_0029.pdf | |
Additional Information - Shiv Convenience20170518_0049.pdf | |
Hearing closed upon motion of Alderman Bell, seconded by Alderman Shabazz, and unanimously carried.
Continued upon motion of Alderman Shabazz, seconded by Alderman Miller, and unanimously carried to the meeting of July 6, 2017 per the petitioner's request. |
10. Motion to Approve Consumption on Premises Liquor, Beer and Wine License for Nicole M. Allen of Host SCR FB, LLC t/a Kiosk Bar | |
Density Map - Kiosk Bar20170613_0100.pdf | |
Kiosk Bar20170616_0105.pdf | |
Alcohol License. Kiosk Bar. 061417.pdf | |
Hearing closed upon motion of Alderman Bell, seconded by Alderman Miller, and unanimously carried.
Approved upon motion of Alderman Bell, seconded by Alderman Durrence, and unanimously carried. |
11. Motion to Approve Package Beer and Wine License for Karan Patel of S & D Grandsons, Inc. t/a Quick Shop #1 | |
Density Map - Quick Shop #120170613_0099.pdf | |
Quick Shop #120170616_0106.pdf | |
Alcohol License. Quick Stop 1. 061417.pdf | |
Hearing closed upon motion of Alderman Foster, seconded by Alderman Durrence, and unanimously carried.
Approved upon motion of Alderman Miller, seconded by Alderman Durrence, and unanimously carried. |
12. Motion To Establish the A-1 Zoning District and Create Zoning Use Classifications for Campgrounds and Recreational Vehicle Parks (Petitioner, MPC staff) | |
Text Amendment 17-002466-ZA A-1 Agriculture Zoning District et al MPC Recommendation.pdf | |
Text Amendment 17-002466-ZA A-1 Agriculture Zoning District et al Draft Ordinance.pdf | |
Ordinance read for the first time in Council June 22, 2017, then by unanimous consent of Council read a second time, placed upon its passage, adopted and approved upon a motion by Alderman Thomas, seconded by Alderman Bell, and unanimously carried. |
13. Motion to Amend the Zoning Ordinance to Rezone 102 Acres Located at 275 Fort Argyle Road from R-A-CO to A-1 (Petitioner, Robert McCorkle) | |
275 Fort Argyle Road MPC Recommendation.pdf | |
275 Fort Argyle Road Draft Ordinance.pdf | |
Text Amendment 17-002466-ZA A-1 Agriculture Zoning District et al Draft Ordinance.pdf | |
Ordinance read for the first time in Council June 22, 2017, then by unanimous consent of Council read a second time, placed upon its passage, adopted and approved upon a motion by Alderman Bell, seconded by Alderman Thomas, and unanimously carried. |
14. Motion to Amend the Zoning Ordinance Regarding Density, Parking, Bonus Stories, and Upper-story Residential in the RIP-C, RIP-B-1, B-C, and B-G Zoning Districts (Petitioner, Lookin Good Properties) | |
MPC Recommendation Text Amendment 17-002242 Sections 8-3025(d) and 8-3090 Upper Story Residential.pdf | |
Draft Alternative Ordinance Text Amendment 17-002242 Sections 8-3025(d) and 8-3090 Upper Story Residential.pdf | |
Continued to the meeting of July 6, 2017, upon motion of Alderman Durrence, seconded by Alderman Miller, and unanimously carried. |
15. Motion To Amend the Zoning Ordinance Regarding Restaurants Serving Alcoholic Beverages In The RIP-D Zoning District (Petitioner, Harold Yellin) | |
MPC Recommendation Text Amendment 17-002256-ZA Sections 8-3205(a) 65b Restaurant with alcohol in RIP-D.pdf | |
Draft Ordinance Text Amendment 17-002256-ZA Sections 8-3205(a) 65b Restaurant with alcohol in RIP-D.pdf | |
Ordinance read for the first time in Council June 22, 2017, then by unanimous consent of Council read a second time, placed upon its passage, adopted and approved upon a motion by Alderman Thomas, seconded by Alderman Durrence, and unanimously carried. |
16. Motion to Rezone 0.19 Acres Located at 421 Jefferson Street from B-C/RIP-A to RIP-A (Petitioner, Stephen Jackson) | |
421 Jefferson Street 17-002217-ZA MPC Recommendation.pdf | |
421 Jefferson Street 17-002217-ZA Draft Ordinance.pdf | |
Ordinance read for the first time in Council June 22, 2017, then by unanimous consent of Council read a second time, placed upon its passage, adopted and approved upon a motion by Alderman Johnson, seconded by Alderman Durrence, and unanimously carried. |
17. Motion to Amend the Zoning Ordinance Regarding Multifamily Residential Uses in the West River Street Parking District (Petitioner, Harold Yellin) | |
Text Amendment 17-001379-ZA Sections 8-3090(e) & 8-3082(r) WRSD MPC Recommendation.pdf | |
Text Amendment 17-001379-ZA Sections 8-3090(e) & 8-3082(r) WRSD Draft Ordinance.pdf | |
Ordinance read for the first time in Council June 22, 2017, then by unanimous consent of Council read a second time, placed upon its passage, adopted and approved upon a motion by Alderman Thomas, seconded by Alderman Durrence, and unanimously carried. |
18. Motion to Rezone 1.92 Acres Located at 333 West Montgomery Crossroad from P-R-M-12 to B-N (Petitioner, Philip R. McCorkle) | |
333-west-montgomery-cross-road-17-001825-za-draft-ordinance.pdf | |
333-west-montgomery-cross-road-17-001825-za-mpc-recommendation-packet.pdf | |
Ordinance read for the first time in Council June 22, 2017, then by unanimous consent of Council read a second time, placed upon its passage, adopted and approved upon a motion by Alderman Shabazz, seconded by Alderman Miller, and unanimously carried. |
19. Motion To Amend The Comprehensive Plan's Future Land Use Map To Reclassify Property At 333 W. Montgomery Crossroad (Petitioner, Philip R. McCorkle) | |
333 West Montgomery Cross Road 17-001825-CPA Draft Ordinance.pdf | |
Ordinance read for the first time in Council June 22, 2017, then by unanimous consent of Council read a second time, placed upon its passage, adopted and approved upon a motion by Alderman Shabazz, seconded by Alderman Miller, and unanimously carried. |
20. Motion to Approve a Resolution Adopting a Living Wage Pay Provision for City of Savannah Employees | |
Living Wage_Resolution_Rev061417.docx | |
Approved upon motion of Alderman Shabazz, seconded by Alderman Bell, and unanimously carried. |
21. Motion to Approve Resolution Imposing a Temporary Stay on Short-Term Vacation Rental Registration | |
Revised 90 day stay.pdf | |
Continued to the meeting of July 6, 2017, upon motion of Alderman Durrence, seconded by Alderman Bell, and carried with the following voting in favor: Aldermen Bell, Miller, Durrence, Foster, Johnson, Hall and Shabazz; Mayor DeLoach and Alderman Thomas voted against the motion.
Ethel Manning, resident and owner of two Short Term Vacation Rentals appeared asking that the zoning be opened for STVR in other areas of the City besides Downtown. |
22. Appointment of Wanda Parrish to the Housing Authority of Savannah | |
Wanda Parrish application.pdf | |
Approved upon motion of Alderman Miller, seconded by Alderman Bell, and unanimously carried. |
23. Motion to Approve Billboard Lease on City Property with Lamar Advertising Company | |
6.5.2017 Draft 640.Lease.SAV.pdf | |
Approved upon motion of Alderman Thomas, seconded by Alderman Bell, and unanimously carried. |
24. Motion to Name Playground at Hull Park the Joseph C. Shearouse Playground | |
Petition - Joseph C Shearouse.pdf | |
072931 Ardmore Realtors Letter to Mayor and Aldermen.pdf | |
071631 Deed of Conveyance.pdf | |
Obit Nancy Calhoun.pdf | |
Joseph Shearouse Newspaper Article.pdf | |
City Manager Hernandez stated Joe Shearouse, Sr. had a distinguished 40 year career with the City of Savannah and asked that he and his family come forward. Mr. Shearouse was accompanied by his wife Celeste, daughters Mary Katherine and Stephanie and son Joe Shearouse, Jr. He thanked City staff and Council who were staff memebrs prior to becoming Council members. Alderman Thomas commended Mr. Shearouse on a job well done with the City for, four decades. He stated all the work he put into the City's parks and squares has and still can be seen by people whether residents or visitors and it is greatly appreciated. Alderman Bell stated she wanted to thank Mr. Shearouse for not only being a great asset to the City of Savannah but for also being a wonderful friend to her for many years and always being there for her. Alderman Johnson commended staff for giving Mr. Shearouse his flowers while he can still smell them and showing him the appreciation he deserves for a job well done throughout the various communities in the City of Savannah.
Approved upon motion of Alderman Bell, seconded by Alderman Shabazz, and unanimously carried per the City Manager's recommendation. |
25. Motion to Accept Recommendations from Berkshire Advisors, Inc.’s Report of a Police Department Management Study and Development of an Evidence Based Funding Formula | |
Berkshire Final Report.pdf | |
Police Services Study Presentation to City Council - June 15, 2017.pdf | |
061217-police-chief-management-response-to-police-services-study.pdf | |
City Manager Hernandez stated approval today gives staff direction for the implementation of the 49 recommendations from the Berkshire Consultants. In addition, Council has elected to select a 7 minute response time goal that SCMPD will work towards acheiving over the next three years, enact a cost recovery mechanism for E911/Emergency Communication Services and Specialized Law Enforcement Response Units.
Mayor DeLoach stated he wants everyone to know this is a big deal and believes this is a move in the right direction. He continued stating the City is endeavoring on increasing the size and quality of the Police force moving forward.
Approved upon motion of Alderman Miller, seconded by Alderman Foster, and unanimously carried to accept the recommendations and move forward. |
26. Motion to Renew Contract with Hurt, Norton, and Associates for Congressional Consulting Services | |
Hurt Norton Agreement fully signed 5-4-2016.pdf | |
Approved upon motion of Alderman Thomas, seconded by Alderman Miller, and unanimously carried. |
27. Motion to Award Annual Contract for Oils, Lubricants, and Anti-Freeze to Colonial Fuel and Lubricant Services and Barrett Oil Distributors (Event No. 5056) | |
Oils and Lubricants Bid Tab.pdf | |
Oils Lubricants and Anti Freeze Purchasing Summary.pdf | |
Oils Lubricants and Antifreeze Scope of Work.pdf | |
Oils, Lubricants and Anti-Freeze Funding Verification.pdf | |
Approved upon motion of Alderman Bell, seconded by Alderman Thomas, and unanimously carried. |
28. Motion to Renew Annual Contract for Liquid Aluminum Sulfate with Chemtrade (Event No. 4340) | |
Liquid Alum Bid Tab.pdf | |
Liquid Alum Scope.pdf | |
Liquid Alum Sulfate Funding Verification.pdf | |
Liquid Alum Purchasing Summary.pdf | |
Approved upon motion of Alderman Bell, seconded by Alderman Thomas, and unanimously carried. |
29. Motion to Award Annual Contract for Bio Solid Landfilling to Republic Services of Georgia (Event No. 5185) | |
Biosolids Landfilling Funding Verification.pdf | |
Biosolids Landfilling Purchasing Summary.pdf | |
Biosolids Landfilling Bid Tab.pdf | |
Biosolids Landfilling Scope.pdf | |
Approved upon motion of Alderman Bell, seconded by Alderman Thomas, and unanimously carried. |
30. Motion to Procure Construction Services for the Mills B. Lane Bridge from Massana Construction (Event No. 5053) | |
Mills B Lane Bid Tab.pdf | |
Mills B. Lane Bridge Funding Verification.pdf | |
Mills B. Lane Purchasing Summary.pdf | |
Mills B. Lane Purchasing Summary.pdf | |
Alderman Shabazz asked that this item be explained to ensure the residents in the 5th District would be aware of what will be occurring.
John Sawyer, Water & Sewer Bureau Chief appeared stating the Department of Transportation conducts inspection of bridges every 2 to 3 years, and recommended that the bridge on Mills B. Lane be replaced. He stated the City had consultants go out and inspect the bridge and it was determined that the bridge can be repaired to make necessary improvements rather than replace which will save the City money. Alderman Hall asked if traffic will still be able to access the bridge while the repairs are being made. Mr. Sawyer replied there will be a 60 to 90 day window and during some of the repairs traffic may still be able to access it.
Approved upon motion of Alderman Shabazz, seconded by Alderman Hall, and unanimously carried. |
31. Motion to Modify Contract for Intersection Improvements at Habersham and Kensington with JHC Corporation (Event No. 4606) | |
Intersection Funding Verification.pdf | |
Intersection Purchasing Summary.pdf | |
Continued to the meeting July 20, 2017 upon motion of Alderman Bell, seconded by Alderman Durrence, and unanimously carried per the City Manager's recommendation. |
32. Motion to Procure Gordonston Traffic Calming Services from SABE, Inc. (Event No. 5110) | |
Gordonston Funding Verification.pdf | |
Gordonston Traffic Calming Bid Tab.pdf | |
Gordonston Purchasing Summary.pdf | |
TrafficCalmingCandidates-Gordonston-FinalMasterPlan.pdf | |
Continued to the meeting of July 20, 2017, upon motion of Alderman Bell, seconded by Alderman Miller, and unanimously carried per the City Manager and District Alderman's recommendation. |
33. Motion to Award Annual Contract for Chlorinator Repair Parts to Templeton & Associates (Event No. 5048) | |
Chlorinator Repair parts Funding Verification Form.pdf | |
Chlorinator Repair Parts Purchasing Summary.pdf | |
Chlorinator Repair Parts Scope.pdf | |
Chlorinator Repair Parts Bid Tab.pdf | |
Approved upon motion of Alderman Bell, seconded by Alderman Thomas, and unanimously carried. |
34. Motion to Procure Flooring for the Liberty City Community Center (Event No, 5090) | |
Liberty City Flooring Bid Tab.pdf | |
Liberty City Flooring Purchasing Summary.pdf | |
Liberty City Flooring Scope.pdf | |
Liberty City Funding Verification.pdf | |
Alderman Shabazz stated she wanted to announce to the public and her constituents that the gym floor is finally here.
Approved upon motion of Alderman Shabzz, seconded by Alderman Miller, and unanimously carried. |
35. Motion to Procure Driving Range Netting from South Cover Inc. (Event No. 5163) | |
Driving Range Netting Bid Tab.pdf | |
Netting Funding Verification (1).pdf | |
Netting Purchasing Summary.pdf | |
Driving Range Netting Scope.pdf | |
Approved upon motion of Alderman Bell, seconded by Alderman Thomas, and unanimously carried. |
36. Motion to Amend Design Services Contract with Hussey Gay Bell for Central Precinct (Event No. 4693) | |
Central Precinct Amendment Purchasing Summary (1).pdf | |
Central Precinct Funding Verification Form.pdf | |
11.22.2016 Council Approval Memo.pdf | |
11.22.16 Council Minutes.pdf | |
Central Precinct site plan.pdf | |
Central Precinct concept design-SOUTH ELEVATION.pdf | |
City Manager Hernandez presented a revised drawing of the Central Precinct design to Council stating there is still alot of red brick present but he will reach out to the architecture and continue to work with the firm. He stated this is not the final design but is the direction staff is headed in.
Alderman Johnson stated, "we are not there yet" but it does look alot better than what was originally presented. He thanked Mayor DeLoach and Council for insisting in excellence in all we do regardless of the budget.
Approved upon motion of Alderman Johnson, seconded by Alderman Shabazz, and unanimously carried. |
37. Motion to Award Annual Contract for Microsoft Enterprise Licensing to Insight Public Sector (Event No. 5144) | |
Microsoft Enterprise Bid Tab.pdf | |
Microsoft Enterprise Licensing Funding Verification.pdf | |
Microsoft Enterprise Purchasing Summary.pdf | |
Microsoft Enterprise Scope.pdf | |
Approved upon motion of Alderman Bell, seconded by Alderman Thomas, and unanimously carried. |
38. Motion to Approve Contract Modification No. 1 for PowerEdge R730 Servers to Zones, Inc. (Event No. 5066) | |
Power Edge Servers Funding Verification.pdf | |
PowerEdge Purchasing Summary.pdf | |
Approved upon motion of Alderman Bell, seconded by Alderman Thomas, and unanimously carried. |
39. Motion to Procure Cart Tippers from Consolidated (Event No. 5146) | |
Cart Tippers Scope.pdf | |
Cart Tippers Bid Tab.pdf | |
Cart Tippers Funding Verification.pdf | |
Cart Tippers Purchasing Summary.pdf | |
Approved upon motion of Alderman Bell, seconded by Alderman Thomas, and unanimously carried. |
40. Motion to Award Contract for City Hall Interior Assessment to Lominack Kolman Smith (Event No. 4980) | |
City Hall Assessment Funding Verification.pdf | |
City Hall Assessment Purchasing Summary.pdf | |
City Hall Assessment Scope.pdf | |
Approved upon motion of Alderman Bell, seconded by Alderman Thomas, and unanimously carried. |
41. Motion to Award Contract for Economic Impact Study with Tourism Economics (Event No. 5215) | |
Economic Impact Study Scope of Work.pdf | |
Economic Impact Study Purchasing Summary.pdf | |
Economic Impact Study Funding Verification.pdf | |
Approved upon motion of Alderman Bell, seconded by Alderman Thomas, and unanimously carried. |
42. Motion to Approve Water and Sewer Agreement for May Howard Elementary School | |
May Howard Elementary School.pdf | |
Approved upon motion of Alderman Johnson, seconded by Alderman Durrence, and unanimously carried. |
43. Motion to Approve Water and Sewer Agreement for Spencer Elementary Replacement School | |
Spencer Elementary Replacement School.pdf | |
Approved upon motion of Alderman Johnson, seconded by Alderman Durrence, and unanimously carried. |
Upon motion of Alderman Miller, seconded by Alderman Durrence, and unanimously carried the agenda was amended to add a Settlement of Claims for Harry Glenn in the amount of $75,000. Harry Glenn Worker's Compensation Settlement of $75,000 - Harry Glenn is a former SCMPD officer. In August 2015, Mr. Glenn seriously injured his wrist while handling a pit bull during the course of his work as a police officer. Mr. Glenn underwent surgery and is now subject to permanent restrictions which effectively disqualified him from continued employment as a peace officer. Approved upon motion of Alderman Durrence, seconded by Alderman Thomas, and unanimously carried per the City Attorney's recommendation.
Announcements City Manager Hernandez announced that staff has been working in consistent with Council directions on text amendments to the City's Zoning Ordinance with respect to lodging uses within the Downtown core. There is currently a petition which went before the Metropolitan Planning Commission that they took action on earlier this month which they voted to deny at the City's request. Pursuant to the normal process that action is scheduled to before City Council on July 6. City Manager Hernandez stated he plans to authorize staff to withdraw the petition or let the item come before Council at the meeting and he will recommend that Council either deny the petition or reach out to the variety of stakeholders or interested parties that wish to provide further input on the item and then continue to work through a revised petition that will go back before the MPC for formal ratification by Council at some point in the future. |
Dyanne C. Reese, MMC Clerk of Council | |
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