June 22, 2017 City Council Regular Meeting (Amended June 20, 2017) | |
Title Motion to Approve a Resolution Adopting a Living Wage Pay Provision for City of Savannah Employees | |
Description Recommend approval of a resolution to pay part-time and full-time benefits-eligible City employees a minimum of 3% above the current living wage in a manner that is fair and consistent with applicable federal, state and other laws governing pay. The Living Wage is an hourly rate of pay intended to provide the amount of income, adjusted for inflation, needed to provide a decent standard of living. For the purpose of this resolution, the living wage calculation is based upon one individual worker, not family size or any dependents. The Living Wage will be defined by the nationally recognized Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Living Wage Calculator or a comparable calculator should the MIT Calculator no longer remain current or reliable. All such payments shall be made pursuant to applicable law and City policy. Living Wage increases will be subject to City Council approval as part of the annual budget approval process. A Living Wage increase will not mandate a wage increase for all City positions. Currently, 3% above the calculated Living Wage for eligible City of Savannah employees is $11.1961 per hour. Six positions in the City organization have a starting salary below this rate. However, none of the employees currently in these positions earns below $11.1961 per hour. Thus, adoption would have no financial impact to the City at this time. | |
Recommendation Approval
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Contact Joseph Shearouse, Jr., City Manager's Office | |
Financial Impact $0.00 | |
Review Comments | |
Attachments Living Wage_Resolution_Rev061417.pdf |
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