Due to the Coronavirus Pandemic, the regular meeting of the City Council was held via Zoom video communications at 6:30 p.m. Following the roll call, Mayor Johnson asked Alderwoman Gibson-Carter to introduce Reverend Da’Henri R. Thurmond, Sr., Senior Pastor of St. Paul C.M.E. Church, who provided the invocation. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited in unison.
PRESENT: Mayor Van R. Johnson, II, Presiding Alderwoman Kesha Gibson-Carter, At-Large, Post 1, Chairman Alderwoman Alicia Miller Blakely, At-Large, Post 2 Alderwoman Bernetta B. Lanier, District 1 Alderman Detric Leggett, District 2 Alderwoman Linda Wilder-Bryan, District 3 Alderman Nick Palumbo, District 4, Vice-Chairman Alderwoman Dr. Estella Edwards Shabazz, District 5, Mayor Pro-Tem Alderman Kurtis Purtee, District 6
OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Pat Monahan City Attorney Bates Lovett Clerk of Council Mark Massey |
1. Adoption of the Regular Meeting Agenda for October 22, 2020 | |
Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz moved to adopt/approve the agenda as presented, Alderman Palumbo seconded. The motion passed unanimously. |
2. Approval of Minutes for the Work Session and City Manager's Briefing held on October 8, 2020 at 11:00 a.m. | |
Exhibit 1: Minutes - October 8, 2020 City Council Regular Meeting.pdf | |
Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz moved to approve Items #2 and #3, Alderwoman Lanier seconded. The motion passed unanimously. |
3. Approval of Minutes for the Regular Meeting held on October 08, 2020 at 2:00 p.m. | |
20201008_DRAFT-RM MINUTES_Agenda Plus - October 8, 2020 City Council Regular Meeting.pdf | |
Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz moved to approve Items #2 and #3, Alderwoman Lanier seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
ORGANIZATIONAL ITEMS Mayor Johnson announced this was the last evening meeting of 2020. City Council voted at the last meeting to move the November 26th meeting to November 24th at 2:00 p.m. and the December 24th meeting to December 22nd at 2:00 p.m. to allow Council and staff to celebrate the holidays with their families. |
4. An Appearance by the Veteran's Council of Chatham County to Announce the Veteran of the Year 2020-2021 and 2020 Parade Grand Marshall | |
Mayor Johnson introduced Colonel Ed Wexler and Attorney Doug Andrews of the Veterans Council of Chatham County who presented the 2020-2021 Veteran of the Year, Jimmy Ray (not present), and 2020 Parade Grand Marshall, Christina Gibson (not present). Colonel Wexler announced the customary flags will be flown on Veteran's Day, Wednesday, November 11th on Broughton Street. There will also be a scaled-down Veterans' Day Banquet on November 8th at Post 184 and a ceremony honoring World War I at Daffin Park at the Memorial on Saturday afternoon, November 7th. Mayor Johnson thanked Colonel Wexler and Mr. Andrews for their service and announced due to COVID-19 there was no parade permit issued this year for the Veteran's Day Parade but the City plans observances on Veterans Day through the 3rd Infantry at Hunter and Fort Stewart. Colonel Wexler announced a scaled down Parade will be in the City of Port Wentworth. Alderwoman Miller Blakely sent out congratulation to Grand Marshall Christine Gibson and thanked the. Veterans Council of Chatham County for their selection of a woman this year. Alderwoman Gibson-Carter thanked Mr. Andrews for his continued service to Veterans.
Mayor Johnson took a point of personal privilege to say Connect Savannah had announced 'The Best of Savannah' and the City's Communication's Office won for best local web site. Mayor Johnson and Council Members congratulated the entire communication's department team. City Hall also won for the best historic building. Built in 1906 and occupied in 1907, it is one of the oldest buildings in Savannah. Mayor Johnson thanked all involved for the honor. |
CONSENT AGENDA - (This section shall include all routine items for which it is anticipated there will be no debate or requests for public input. Any Alderman can remove consent items for discussion or separate consideration.) | |
5. Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Contract Renewal for Fleet Inventory Software Maintenance with AssetWorks in the Amount of $52,994.07 (Event No.8094) | |
Exhibit 1: Purchasing Summary - Fleet Inventory Software.pdf | |
Exhibit 2: Funding Verification - Fleet Inventory Software.pdf | |
Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz moved to approve Items #5, #6, #7, #8, #10 and #11 per the City Manager's recommendation, Alderwoman Wilder-Bryan and Alderman Purtee seconded. The motion passed unanimously. |
6. Authorize the City Manager to Execute Contract Modification No.1 for Construction Services with Johnson Laux Construction Company in the Amount of $21,317.53 (Event No. 7319) | |
Exhibit 1: Purchasing Summary - MPC Office Repairs.pdf | |
Exhibit 2: Funding Verification - MPC Office Repairs.pdf | |
Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz moved to approve Items #5, #6, #7, #8, #10 and #11 per the City Manager's recommendation, Alderwoman Wilder-Bryan and Alderman Purtee seconded. The motion passed unanimously. |
7. Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Contract for Fire Truck Preventative Maintenance with Palmetto Fire Apparatus Holdings for up to $35,000 (Event No.8042) | |
Exhibit 1: Purchasing Summary - Fire Apparatus Preventative Maintenance.pdf | |
Exhibit 2: Funding Verification - Fire Apparatus Preventative Maintenance.pdf | |
Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz moved to approve Items #5, #6, #7, #8, #10 and #11 per the City Manager's recommendation, Alderwoman Wilder-Bryan and Alderman Purtee seconded. The motion passed unanimously. |
8. Authorize the City Manager to Procure Lift Station Monitoring Equipment from Emerson Power and Water in the Amount of $99,293.90 (Event No. 8131) | |
Exhibit 1: Purchasing Summary - Lift Station Equipment.pdf | |
Exhibit 2: Funding Verification - Lift Station Equipment.pdf | |
Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz moved to approve Items #5, #6, #7, #8, #10 and #11 per the City Manager's recommendation, Alderwoman Wilder-Bryan and Alderman Purtee seconded. The motion passed unanimously. |
9. Authorize the City Manager to Approve the Grant-Funded Purchase of Two Unmarked Ford Explorer SUVs in the Amount of $69,630 (Event No. 8140) | |
Exhibit 1: Funding Verification - Police Vehicles.pdf | |
Exhibit 2: Purchasing Summary - Police Vehicles.pdf | |
Alderwoman Gibson-Carter thanked everyone for selecting her to serve on the Committee to provide support to strengthen the police outreach for citizens suffering from mental health issues. Alderwoman Gibson-Carter moved to approve Item #9, Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz and Alderwoman Miller Blakely seconded. The motion passed unanimously. |
10. Authorize the City Manager to Procure Dell Work Stations for SCADA from Dell Marketing L.P. in the Amount of $46,800 (Event No. 8091) | |
Exhibit 1: Purchasing Summary - SCADA Workstations.pdf | |
Exhibit 2: Funding Verification - SCADA Workstation s.pdf | |
Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz moved to approve Items #5, #6, #7, #8, #10 and #11 per the City Manager's recommendation, Alderwoman Wilder-Bryan and Alderman Purtee seconded. The motion passed unanimously. |
11. Authorize the City Manager to Procure a Truck Engine Replacement from Vanguard Truck Center of Savannah in the Amount of $35,133.95 (Event No. 8132) | |
Exhibit 1: Purchasing Summary - Truck Engine Replacement.pdf | |
Exhibit 2: Funding Verification - Truck Engine Replacement.pdf | |
Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz moved to approve Items #5, #6, #7, #8, #10 and #11 per the City Manager's recommendation, Alderwoman Wilder-Bryan and Alderman Purtee seconded. The motion passed unanimously. |
12. Acceptance Of Three Proposals To Develop The Fairgrounds Property and Next Steps | |
Mayor Johnson stated this is not a decision and asked the City Manager to discuss the proposals. City Manager Monahan outlined the RFP process and the three (3) accepted proposals. Mr. Monahan gave details of the three proposals. He outlined the next steps for the selection of the awarded firm. Mr. Monahan recommended Council view presentations from all three firms. The first event will be a ZOOM meeting, the second presentation would be live at the Johnny Mercer Theater at the Civic Center. The public would provide input after the second presentation for Council to select the winning firm. Staff would then negotiate the final terms of the development agreement and begin to bind the proposal into commitments/timelines that would be backed by performing guarantees. Mayor Pro-Tem thanked the City Manager for moving the Fairgrounds development along, and getting the proposals to this final phase. Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz moved to approve Item #12 per the City Manager's recommendation, Alderwoman Miller Blakely seconded. The motion passed unanimously. Later in the meeting (during Item #37). Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz announced the Clerk of Council did receive written public comments for Item #12. The Clerk of Council provided the written public comment(s) by the following persons to Mayor and Aldermen/Alderwomen:
13. Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Contract for Benefit Consulting Services with USI Benefits Consulting, Inc. for up to $135,000 (Event No.7519) | |
Exhibit 1: Funding Verification - Benefit Consulting Services.pdf | |
Exhibit 2: Purchasing Summary - Benefits Consulting Services.pdf | |
Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz moved to approve Items #13, #14 and #15 per the City Manager's recommendation, Alderman Purtee seconded. The motion passed unanimously. |
14. Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Contract for Fire Truck Tires with Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company for up to $102,230 ( Event No.8027) | |
Exhibit 1: Purchasing Summary - Fire Truck Tires.pdf | |
Exhibit 2: Funding Verification - Fire Truck Tires.pdf | |
Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz moved to approve Items #13, #14 and #15 per the City Manager's recommendation, Alderman Purtee seconded. The motion passed unanimously. |
15. Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Contract Renewal for Water, Sewer and Storm Line Repair Services with Southern Champion Construction for up to $3,500,000 (Event No. 5512) | |
Exhibit 1: Purchasing Summary - Water, Sewer and Storm Line Repair Services.pdf | |
Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz moved to approve Items #13, #14 and #15 per the City Manager's recommendation, Alderman Purtee seconded. The motion passed unanimously. |
16. Approval to Execute a Contract with Daifuku / Logan Teleflex for Baggage Handling System Improvements (CBIS Recapitalization Project) in the Amount of $209,492 | |
Exhibit 1: Proposal - Baggage Handling System Improvements.pdf | |
Alderwoman Wilder-Bryan moved to approve Items #16 through #21, Alderman Purtee seconded. The motion passed unanimously. |
17. Approval to Execute a Contract with W.S. Nielsen Company Inc. for the Replacement of Acrylic Glazing on Four Entrance Canopies in the Amount of $108,975 | |
Exhibit 1: Proposal - Acrylic Glazing Replacement.pdf | |
Alderwoman Wilder-Bryan moved to approve Items #16 through #21, Alderman Purtee seconded. The motion passed unanimously. |
18. Approval to Execute a Professional Services Agreement for Federal Aviation Relations Support with Woodward & Associates in the Amount of $96,000 | |
Exhibit 1: Agreement - Woodward & Associates.pdf | |
Alderwoman Wilder-Bryan moved to approve Items #16 through #21, Alderman Purtee seconded. The motion passed unanimously. |
19. Approval to Procure an Industrial Rider Sweeper-Scrubber from Tennant Sales and Service Company in the Amount of $69,499.07 | |
Exhibit 1: Proposal - Rider Sweeper-Scrubber.pdf | |
Alderwoman Wilder-Bryan moved to approve Items #16 through #21, Alderman Purtee seconded. The motion passed unanimously. |
20. Approval to Procure a Tennant Disk Floor Scrubber from W.W. Grainger, Inc. in the Amount of $60,684 | |
Exhibit 1: Invoice - Floor Scrubber.pdf | |
Alderwoman Wilder-Bryan moved to approve Items #16 through #21, Alderman Purtee seconded. The motion passed unanimously. |
21. Approval to Procure an Airfield Lighting Control System from ADB SafeGate, Inc. in the Amount of $29,959.75 | |
Exhibit 1: Proposal - Airfield Lighting Control System.pdf | |
Alderwoman Wilder-Bryan moved to approve Items #16 through #21, Alderman Purtee seconded. The motion passed unanimously. |
22. Approval of Class C (Beer, Wine) (By the Drink) Alcohol License with Sunday Sales for Karen L. Kovach of Homewood Suites at 5820 White Bluff Road (Aldermanic District 4) | |
Exhibit 1: Checklist - Homewood Suites by Hilton Savannah.pdf | |
Exhibit 2: Density Map - Homewood Suites by Hilton Savannah.pdf | |
Exhibit 3: Alcohol Reports - Homewood Suites by Hilton Savannah.pdf | |
Exhibit 4: Measurement Report - Homewood Suites by Hilton Savannah.pdf | |
Mayor Johnson opened the alcohol public hearings for Items #22 and #23. The Clerk of Council reported there were no public comments and no registered speakers through Zoom for Items #22 and #23. a. Alderwoman Wilder-Bryan moved to close the alcohol public hearings for Items #22 and #23, Alderman Palumbo seconded. The motion passed unanimously. b. Alderman Palumbo moved to approve Item #22, Alderman Leggett and Alderwoman Wilder-Bryan seconded. The motion passed unanimously. c. Alderman Leggett moved to approve Item #23, Alderwoman Wilder-Bryan and Alderwoman Miller Blakely seconded. The motion passed unanimously. |
23. Approval of Class C (Beer, Wine) (By the Drink) Alcohol License for Stephen Hamile of Bella Napoli at 18 East State Street (Aldermanic District 2) | |
Exhibit 1: Checklist - Bella Napoli Savannah.pdf | |
Exhibit 2: Density Map - Bella Napoli Savannah.pdf | |
Exhibit 3: Alcohol Reports - Bella Napoli Savannah.pdf | |
Exhibit 4: Measurement Report - Bella Napoli Savannah.pdf | |
Mayor Johnson opened the alcohol public hearings for Items #22 and #23. The Clerk of Council reported there were no public comments and no registered speakers through Zoom for Items #22 and #23. a. Alderwoman Wilder-Bryan moved to close the alcohol public hearings for Items #22 and #23, Alderman Palumbo seconded. The motion passed unanimously. b. Alderman Palumbo moved to approve Item #22, Alderman Leggett and Alderwoman Wilder-Bryan seconded. The motion passed unanimously. c. Alderman Leggett moved to approve Item #23, Alderwoman Wilder-Bryan and Alderwoman Miller Blakely seconded. The motion passed unanimously. |
24. Second Reading and Public Hearing of the Downtown Savannah Authority Bond Application for Approximately $8.6 million to Partially Fund the Arena Parking Garage | |
Exhibit 1 - Request for Assistance - DSA Parking Garage Bonds.pdf | |
Exhibit 2 - Projected Debt Service - DSA Parking Garage Bonds.pdf | |
Exhibit 3 - DSA Application To City - DSA Parking Garage Bonds.pdf | |
Mayor Johnson opened the second public hearing for Item #24. The first public hearing was heard on October 8, 2020. Mayor Johnson expressed the City's opportunity to build the parking garage and use the City's credit by the issuance of bonds through the Downtown Savannah Authority (DSA). Speakers:
Alderwoman Miller Blakely asked who will be responsible for the construction, will there be local and DBE participation, and how does this affect the Tennebaum property (the parking lot). City Manager Monahan responded, the overall parking plan includes both the parking lot and the parking garage. Any construction related to the new Arena must meet the DBE requirements. Alderwoman Miller Blakely asked the City Manager if the same company that is building the new Arena will be building the parking garage. Can we get local companies to build the parking garage. Mr. Monahan responded, the Council will make that decision, today we will only decide on the method of financing and not the construction. Alderwoman Miller Blakely wants to make sure there is local DBE participation on the project. Alderwoman Lanier is glad to see the City using the local contractors, especially the DBE's. She asked what is the next step after this second reading. City Manager Monahan responded, if Council approves, the DSA will meet next week to confirm, the bonds will be sold, possibly to a bank rather than open bond market since the amount is small. The Council will need to approve the bond application today. Alderwoman Gibson-Carter asked City Manager Monahan for the total dollars spent on parking for the new Arena. Mr. Monahan responded, the total for parking is estimated at $15.5 million. Alderwoman Gibson-Carter questioned the amount to be at $18 million with $10 million currently contracted for the Tennebaun property. Mr. Monahan detailed the parking Arena cost to date: $7 million for the parking lot, $5 million from SPLOST VI for the Arena parking garage, and $8.5 million in bonds for the parking garage, with debt service to be paid with the parking fund. Alderwoman Gibson-Carter referred back to Bret Bell's presentation for the Arena parking at a cost of $5 million to lease the property from the Tennebaum family, and an additional $5 million to develop. Mr. Bell and Mr. Monahan explained the lease payments are $500,000 per year, and the build-out for the lot is estimated at between $7 - $7.5 million. a. Alderwoman Lanier moved to close the public hearing for Item #24, Alderwoman Wilder-Bryan seconded. The motion passed unanimously. b. Alderwoman Wilder-Bryan moved to approve Item #24, Alderman Leggett and Alderman Palumbo seconded. The motion passed, 7-2-0. Alderwoman Gibson-Carter and Alderwoman Miller Blakely voted no. |
25. Amend Sections 8-3273(1)(a) Footnote 5 and 8-3363(33) of Article L. New Hampstead PD (Planned Development), Petition of Rob Brannen on behalf of New Hampstead Holdings LLC, District 1 (File No. 20-004023-ZA) | |
Exhibit 1: MPC Recommendation Packet 20-004023-ZA | |
Exhibit 2: Draft Ordinance for New Hampstead PD 20-004023-ZA | |
Mayor Johnson opened the zoning hearing for Item #25 and corrected the District to 5. Speakers:
Alderwoman Miller Blakely asked for the location and if the detached units could be sold as individual housing. Mr. Lotson reponded, this is a product prototype with no existing structures and the units are for rental only. Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz reminded Alderwoman Miller Blakely of a previous trip they made several years ago to the New Hamstead area of vacant land with streets and fire hydrants. This is the area for the planned unit development (PUD) for the New Hampstead Planned Development. Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz moved to close the zoning hearing for Item #25, Alderwoman Miller Blakely seconded. The motion passed unanimously. |
26. Approval of a Special Use Permit to Allow Alcohol Sales by the Drink in Association with a Restaurant for the Property Located at 2605 Whitaker Street (PIN 20074 23005), Petition of Dana Braun (Agent), on behalf of 2605 Whitaker Street, LLC (Owner), District 2 (File No. 20-4025-ZA) | |
Exhibit 1: MPC Recommendation Packet 20-004025-ZA | |
Exhibit 2: Map of 2605 Whitaker Street 20-004025-ZA | |
Mayor Johnson opened the zoning hearing for Item #26. Speakers:
The Clerk of Council reported no public comments were received but he did receive two (2) written public comments from the following, which were sent to the Mayor and Aldermen/Alderwomen:
Alderwoman Wilder-Bryan asked for the specific location of the property at 2605 Whitaker Street. Mr. Lotson and Attorney Braun gave the specific location at Whitaker and Victory. Alderman Leggett asked Attorney Braun to give the specific definition of 'Special Use Permit'. Attorney Braun and Mr. Lotson responded, the sale of alcohol beverages with meals as the special use and the petitioner must come before Council to request and get approval for the special use. Alderman Leggett expressed his concerns for additional business receiving alcohol licenses under the disguise of a restaurant. This enables more people to walk the streets with alcoholic beverages. He will continue to do his due diligence in making sure the citizens residing in those areas maintain a good quality of life. Alderman Palumbo asked Attorney Braun to describe the parking for the restaurant. Attorney Braun responded, the petitioner has a lease for property to use as a parking lot at the intersection of 42nd Street and Whitaker Street (a block south of the restaurant) for the patrons. There is also parking along 43rd Street on both sides of Whitaker Street. Alderman Palumbo asked if the trees on the parking lot property will remain. Attorney Braun answered yes. Alderwoman Lanier has concerns about parking for the citizens who live in the area. She asked the Clerk of Council what the written public comments addressed. He replied: Mr. Bernstein objected to aspects of the parking lot and Ms. Mobley had concerns for recent incidents in the area. Alderwoman Miller Blakely asked what type of food will be served and how far it is from Victory North. Attorney Braun responded, the restaurant is directly north of Victory North - the venue abuts to Victory North, and they will serve a Latin menu for breakfast, for lunch there will be salads, sandwiches and hot plates; and for dinner there will be an upscale menu. Alderwoman Miller Blakely asked for the hours of operation. Attorney Braun responded: the restaurant will open early for breakfast; lunch hours are 11:00 am - 2:00 pm; and reopen for dinner, 5:00 pm - 10:00 pm weekdays, and dinner hours, 5:00 pm - 11:00 pm on weekends. Mayor Johnson commented, it is an aggressive schedule and menu given we are in the middle of COVID-19. Attorney Braun explained the petitioner started construction of the restaurant and plans to operate according to the safety measures of COVID. There will be take-out for the patrons similar to the existing area restaurants. Alderwoman Miller Blakely wants to make sure this restaurant does not turn into a speak-easy type establishment. Attorney Braun assured Alderwoman Miller Blakely the petitioner has invested substantial money in kitchen equipment and tables for the restaurant and has no intention of using the establishment as a type of speak-easy. Alderwoman Miller Blakely has concerns for parking given Victory North is so close and has events occasionally. Alderwoman Wilder-Bryan asked Attorney Braun how will the City be able to determine the alcohol sales to prevent areas from saturation of alcohol sales. Attorney Braun answered, the petitioner is asking for a small unique restaurant at this time, he would need to come back before Council to request an alcohol license permit. It will be up to Council to approve an alcohol license at that time. Alderwoman Lanier asked if the property is in the 'Pilot Red Cup Zone'. Ms. Lidy responded, the Pilot program is solely on Bull Street down to Victory. The Pilot program has expired and will coming back to Council next meeting for an extension or to discontinue. a. Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz moved to close the zoning hearing for Item #25, Alderman Leggett seconded. The motion passed unanimously. b. Alderman Leggett moved to approve Item #26, Alderwoman Gibson-Carter seconded. The motion passed unanimously. |
27. Approval of an Ordinance to Adopt the Chatham County Animal Services Ordinance (Note: This item will be postponed until November 12, 2020) | |
Exhibit 1: Ordinance - Animal Control.pdf | |
Exhibit 2: Presentation - Animal Control (Chatham County).pdf | |
Exhibit 3: Ordinance - Chatham County Animal Control.pdf | |
Mayor Johnson announced Item #27 will be postponed/continued, until Dr. Harper from the County is available to present at a future work session. Later in the meeting (during Item #29): Alderwoman Gibson-Carter requested public comment be introduced as part of the presentation and staff participate in the work session. |
28. Amend Sections 8-3273(1)(a) Footnote 5 and 8-3363(33) of Article L. New Hampstead PD (Planned Development), Petition of Rob Brannen on behalf of New Hampstead Holdings LLC, District 1 (File No. 20-004023-ZA) | |
Exhibit 1: MPC Recommendation Packet 20-004023-ZA | |
Exhibit 2: Draft Ordinance for New Hampstead PD 20-004023-ZA | |
After the first reading was considered the second and a request that an ordinance be placed and passed upon its adoption, Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz moved to approve Item #28 with the correction from District 1 to District 5, Alderwoman Miller Blakely seconded. The motion passed unanimously. |
29. Amend Sections 8.7.4 Accessory Dwelling Units and 11.5 Nonconforming Lots of the Zoning Code, Petition of Bridget Lidy on behalf of the Mayor and Aldermen (File No. 20-003831-ZA) | |
Exhibit 1: MPC Recommendation | |
Exhibit 2: Draft Ordinance Revisions | |
Alderman Leggett requested to table Item #29 in order to get all parties involved including Bridget Lidy, Director of Planning and Urban Design. Alderwoman Lanier agreed with Alderman Leggett but requested more time. Mayor Johnson suggested postponing/continuing to the December 10, 2020 Council meeting. Alderwoman Lanier moved to postpone/continue Item #29 to the December 10, 2020 Council meeting, Alderman Leggett and Alderwoman Wilder-Bryan seconded. The motion passed unanimously. |
30. Resolution to Adopt the Canal District Master Plan | |
Exhibit 1: Canal District Master Plan.pdf | |
Exhibit 2: Canal District Playbook.pdf | |
Exhibit 3: Canal District Master Plan Resolution.pdf | |
Mayor Johnson announced Item #30 is not ready. Item #30 will be continuted/held. |
31. Approval to Accept a $1,500 Sponsorship of the Pennsylvania Avenue Resource Center's Community Garden by Center Parc Credit Union | |
Exhibit 1: Agreement - Community Garden | |
Exhibit 2: Ordinance - Division 11 Municipal Naming Rights and Sponsorship | |
Alderwoman Wilder-Bryan moved to approve Item #31, Alderwoman Miller Blakely seconded. The motion passed unanimously. Alderwoman Wilder-Bryan thanked Ms. Willie Mae Knight for her service. |
32. Approval of a Water and Sewer Agreement with Metro Savannah Baptist Church, Inc for the Eleemosynary | |
Exhibit 1: Agreement -The Eleemosynary.pdf | |
Alderwoman Wilder-Bryan moved to approve Item #32, Alderman Leggett and Alderman Palumbo seconded. The motion passed unanimously. |
33. Approval of a Memorandum of Understanding with the Chatham Savannah Homeless Authority to Develop and Implement the Streets to Stability Initiative | |
Exhibit 1: Streets to Stability MOU with CSAH.pdf | |
Exhibit 2: Streets to Stability Overview | |
City Manager Monahan explained the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Chatham County, the Homeless Authority and a number of community stakeholders with a new initiative called "Streets to Stability" to create a strategy to provide unsheltered individuals a more stable lifestyle including permanent housing. It will assist with the homeless population in getting individuals off the streets and out of unsafe conditions. It includes a number of initiatives City Council has committed as priorities: 1.) to look at ways to reduce and stop panhandling through lawful means. The program is called 'Give Change to Matters'; and 2.) a centralized program of community engagement and coordination with community groups or faith based organizations. Chatham County has donated $50,000 towards the initiative and asks the City of Savannah to match the contribution. Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz is happy to see the City and its staff moving forward with the Homeless Authority in reference to the issue of panhandling. Alderwoman Miller Blakely asked the City Manager if he examined ways the City could issue business license to give back to the City. The City Manager referred to the City Attorney stating he does not believe panhandlers can be given business license. Alderman Purtee had conversation with attorneys and local non-profit organizations about the possibility of panhandlers getting business license. Alderman Purtee reported the City cannot require individuals to apply for a business license to panhandle. The panhandlers still have constitutional rights to protect them. Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz has been working with the City Attorney, while keeping the Mayor in the loop, for some type of ordinance which fits the City of Savannah to cover the panhandling issue. For now, she feels the MOU is a first step in handling the situation. Alderman Purtee moved to approve Item #33, Alderman Leggett and Alderwoman Wilder-Bryan seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
34. Approval of An Easement for 5.4 Acres of a Closed Landfill for an Equipment Laydown Area | |
Exhibit 1: Easement Plat - MacAljon.pdf | |
Exhibit 2: Agreement - MacAljon.pdf | |
Alderwoman Lanier moved to approve Item #34, Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz seconded. The motion passed unanimously. |
35. Approval of An Intergovernmental Agreement with Garden City to Shift the City of Savannah City Limit Along Dean Forrest Road | |
Exhibit 1: Agreement - Garden City.pdf | |
Exhibit 2: Map - Garden City.pdf | |
Exhibit 3: Legal Description - Garden City.pdf | |
Exhibit 4: Aerial Map - Garden City.pdf | |
Alderwoman Lanier moved to approve Item #35, Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz and Alderman Purtee seconded. The motion passed unanimously. |
36. Agreement with Bryan County for Sewer Services | |
Exhibit 1: Agreement - Bryan County.pdf | |
City Manager Monahan explained the water and sewer services for the Bryan County Industrial Park and the City of Savannah Manufacturing Center. City Manager Monahan recommends approval. Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz moved to approve Item #36 per the City Manager's recommendation, Alderwoman Lanier and Alderwoman Wilder-Bryan seconded. The motion passed unanimously. |
37. Approval of an Agreement with Michael E. Brown | |
Exhibit 1: Agreement - Michael Brown.pdf | |
Mayor Johnson and each Alderman/Alderwoman individually thanked Acting City Manager Monahan for the excellent service given to the City of Savannah and wished him much success during his return to retirement. Alderwoman Miller Blakely added for the record, she wants the City to proceed with hiring a permanent City Manager after the holidays. The Mayor and Aldermen/Alderwomen welcomed Michael Brown as the new Acting City Manager and each recalled prior working relationships with Mr. Brown. Alderwoman Wilder-Bryan moved to approve Item #37, Alderman Purtee seconded. The motion passed unanimously. |
38. Approval to Authorize the City Manager to Execute An Access Easement and An Easement Amendment to Support and Facilitate an Industrial Project off Kelly Hill Road | |
DSI Map.pdf | |
Draft Parcel Easement.pdf | |
DSI escrow agreement. Draft.pdf | |
Draft Canal Crossing Esmt.pdf | |
Alderwoman Lanier moved to approve Item #38, Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz seconded. The motiion passed unanimously. |
39. Approval to Authorize the City Manager to Execute a SPLOST 6 Agreement with the Coastal Heritage Society | |
Exhibit 1: Agreement - CHS SPLOST.pdf | |
City Manager Monahan explained the amendment will redefine the work being done for the Childrens Museum, the cost was preauthorized with the SPLOST VI funds. Alderwoman Lanier encouraged everyone to visit the Childrens Museum given the City has a huge investment in the project. Going forward, Alderwoman Lanier suggested the City use SPLOST VI fund more equitably. Alderwoman Lanier moved to approve Item #39, Alderwoman Wilder-Bryan and Alderman Purtee seconded. The motion passed unanimously. |
40. Approval of a Non-Exclusive Easement for Use of the West River Street River Walk | |
[Modified Document] Riverwalk Easement Agreement.docx | |
Mayor Johnson announced Item #40 will be removed/pulled to give staff an opportunity to continue their due diligence. |
41. Settlement #1 | |
Mayor Johnson announced Item #41 will be removed/pulled to allow for further discussions. |
42. Settlement #2 | |
Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz moved to authorize the settlement of the class action filing pertaining to the City’s Preservation Fee in the amount of $2,750,000.00, Alderwoman Lanier seconded. The motion passed unanimously. |
CLOSING: Alderwoman Lanier announced on November 5, 2020 there will be a Zoom meeting by staff to discuss a community benefits ordinance. For interested residents, the press release will be issued Friday, October 23, 2020. Alderman Purtee announced the 'Great Savannah Clean-Up' for Saturday, October 24, 2020. He encouraged all residents to participate in cleaning up their neighborhoods. Alderwoman Miller Blakely encouraged the community to exercise their right to vote. Vote like your life depends on it because it does. She added, don't forget COVID is still here and real. Wash your hands, wear face mask and continue to social distance to protect yourself and your families. Mayor Johnson encouraged citizens to vote and informed the public they could early vote this weekend at the Chatham County Voter Registration Office main location, 1117 Eisenhower Drive and at the Civic Center, 301 W. Oglethorpe Avenue. Citizens can drop off Absentee Ballots at Early Voting Box Locations: WW Law Community Center, Carver Village Community Center, Liberty City Community Center, Savannah Civic Center, as well as the Chatham County Voter Registration Office at 1117 Eisenhower Drive. Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz thanked Alderman Palumbo for including her in his Victory Drive clean-up efforts of the right-of-ways and medians during the past weekend. Mayor Johnson thanked the public and all in Zoom attendance.
Mayor Johnson adjourned the meeting at 8:31 p.m.
The audio recording of the Council Meeting can be found by copying and inserting the below link in your url:
Mark Massey, Clerk of Council Date Minutes Approved: November 12, 2020 Initials: mm |
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