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October 22, 2020 City Council Regular Meeting | |
Title 28. Amend Sections 8-3273(1)(a) Footnote 5 and 8-3363(33) of Article L. New Hampstead PD (Planned Development), Petition of Rob Brannen on behalf of New Hampstead Holdings LLC, District 1 (File No. 20-004023-ZA) | |
Strategic Priority Good Government | |
Description The petitioner, Robert Brannen, on behalf of New Hampstead Holdings LLC, is requesting a text amendment to Article L. New Hampstead PD to revise the definition of multifamily dwelling and separation standards for a proposed new housing type. New Hampstead is a Planned Development (PD) located in the western portion of Chatham County within the corporate limits of the City of Savannah. A PD is a master planning document created by action of the governing body, and the standards that are adopted apply only to the properties within the boundaries of the planned area. Any changes are required to be adopted by the governing body and do not affect other properties which are regulated by the general zoning ordinance. If approved, the proposed revisions allow a new housing type currently not permitted within the regulations of the New Hampstead PD. The housing type is a detached multifamily product designed as individual dwelling units on a single parcel of land. The intent of the housing type is to provide for a rent product where the owner/developer is responsible for maintenance, security, common areas and amenities which is typically found in a standard multi-family development. The current definition for multi-family requires that units be attached; the proposed change would permit them to be detached. If adopted, the change would only apply to properties designated for multi-family use within the boundaries of the New Hampstead PD. | |
Recommendation On September 22, 2020, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the text amendment to the New Hampstead PD.
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Contact Bridget Lidy, Planning and Urban Design | |
Financial Impact NA | |
Review Comments | |
Attachments Exhibit 1: MPC Recommendation Packet 20-004023-ZA Exhibit 2: Draft Ordinance for New Hampstead PD 20-004023-ZA |
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