The regular meeting of the City Council was held at 6:32 p.m. Mayor Johnson recognized Bishop James Gregory Rodges, Senior Pastor of Jonesville Baptist Church of the PAW to offer the invocation. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited in unison.
PRESENT: Mayor Van R. Johnson, II, Presiding Alderwoman Kesha Gibson-Carter, At-Large, Post 1 Alderwoman Alicia Miller Blakely, At-Large, Post 2 Alderwoman Bernetta B. Lanier, District 1 Alderman Detric Leggett, District 2 Alderwoman Linda Wilder-Bryan, District 3 Alderman Nick Palumbo, District 4, Vice-Chairman Alderwoman Dr. Estella Edwards Shabazz, District 5, Mayor Pro-Tem Alderman Kurtis Purtee, District 6 ALSO, PRESENT: City Manager Joseph A. Melder Chief of Staff Daphanie Williams City Attorney Bates Lovett Clerk of Council Mark Massey Deputy Clerk of Council Margaret Fox |
1. Adoption of the Regular Meeting Agenda for May 25, 2023. | |
Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz moved to adopt/approve the agenda as amended to add a special recognition as requested by Mayor Johnson, seconded by Alderwoman Gibson-Carter and Alderman Palumbo. The motion passed unanimously, 9-0-0. |
2. Approval of the Minutes for the Work Session and City Manager's Briefing Held on May 11, 2023, at 12:00 p.m. | |
Exhibit 1: Draft Minutes - May 11, 2023 City Council Workshop.pdf | |
Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz moved to approve Items #2 and #3, seconded by Alderwoman Gibson-Carter and Alderman Purtee. The motion passed unanimously, 9-0-0. |
3. Approval of the Minutes for the Regular Meeting Held on May 11, 2023, at 2:00 p.m. | |
Exhibit 1: Draft Minutes - May 11, 2023 City Council Regular Meeting.pdf | |
Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz moved to approve Items #2 and #3, seconded by Alderwoman Gibson-Carter and Alderman Purtee. The motion passed unanimously, 9-0-0. |
4. A Proclamation Declaring the Month of May as National Historic Preservation Month. It is important to celebrate the role of historic preservation in our lives and the contributions made by dedicated individuals in helping to safeguard the tangible aspects of the heritage that has shaped us as a people. | |
READ and PRESENTED by Mayor Johnson to the Historic Savannah Foundation and the Metropolitan Planning Commission (MPC). Accepted by MPC Executive Director Melanie Wilson, the first female and first African-American to serve as MPC Executive Director. Ms. Wilson thanked Mayor and Council for the recognition and proclamation. Alderwoman Gibson-Carter, Alderwoman Wilder-Bryan, and Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz added comments. Alderwoman Lanier and Alderwoman Miller Blakely stated for purposes of the record they are excusing themselves from this presentation. They indicated they do not support this recognition due to the City’s previous position and lack of attention given to The Weeping Time, Yamacraw Village, and other historical properties located in District 1.
ADDED: A Proclamation Recognizing April 27, 2023, and May 25, 2023, as Colonel Hank Reed Day in the City of Savannah. READ and PRESENTED by Mayor Johnson to Colonel Hank Reed. Colonel Reed thanked the Mayor and Aldermen/Alderwomen for the honor and recognized the Savannah Downtown Redevelopment Authority (SDRA) Board for the outstanding contributions to the City. Also in attendance was Mrs. Heidi Reed. Alderman Palumbo and Alderman Leggett added comments.
5. Approval of a Class C (Liquor, Beer, Wine) (By the Drink) Alcohol License with Sunday Sales to C. Ansley Williams for Boar's Head Grill and Tavern, a Restaurant, Located at 1 N. Lincoln Street Ramp Between East Bay and East River Streets in Aldermanic District 2. | |
Exhibit 1: Checklist - Boar's Head Tavern & Grill.doc | |
Exhibit 2: Density Map - Boar's Head Grill and Tavern.pdf | |
Exhibit 3: Alcohol Reports - Boar's Head Grill and Tavern.pdf | |
Exhibit 4: Measurement Report - Boar's Head Grill and Tavern.pdf | |
Exhibit 5: Security Plan - Boar's Head Grill and Tavern.pdf | |
Mayor Johnson declared the alcohol hearing open for Item #5. No speaker(s). a. Alderman Leggett moved to close the alcohol hearing for Item #5, seconded by Alderwoman Wilder-Bryan and Alderman Palumbo. The motion passed unanimously, 9-0-0. b. Alderman Leggett moved to approve Item #5, seconded by Alderwoman Wilder-Bryan and Alderman Palumbo. The motion passed unanimously, 9-0-0. |
6. Approval of a Zoning Text Amendment to Permit “Pharmacy for Medical Cannabis Dispensary or Medical Marijuana Dispensary” as a Limited and Special Use in Certain Zoning Districts. (File No. 22-003953-ZA) | |
Exhibit 1: MPC Recommendation Packet (File No. 22-003953-ZA).pdf | |
Exhibit 2: Extend Temporary Stay of Medicinal Cannabis for an Additional 180 Days dated October 13, 2022.pdf | |
Exhibit 3: Revised Draft Ordinance for Medical Cannabis Dispensaries (File No. 22-003953-ZA) .pdf | |
Mayor Johnson declared the zoning hearing open for Item #6. City Manager Melder gave brief background information and outlined the recommendations of the ordinance for Council. Speaker(s):
Alderwoman Wilder-Bryan asked who would regulate the dispensary. Ms. Lidy answered the State. Alderwoman Wilder-Bryan expressed concern for the locations of the dispensaries. City Manager Melder and Ms. Lidy explained the City's zoning ordinance will enforce the locations. Alderwoman Wilder-Bryan recommended holding the agenda item until applications from the State can be viewed by Council. Alderman Palumbo requested an explanation of the application approval process. Ms. Lidy explained the process. He also requested information on the State's regulations as it relates to the legislature. Ms. Lidy answered. Alderwoman Miller Blakely expressed concern for the five (5) licenses issued by the State and if they will be able to open multiple locations. City Manager Melder and Ms. Lidy explained the State's process, one license, one location. There was discussions of the alcohol overlay and marina (Coffee Bluff Marina) districts as it relates to placing dispensaries in those locations. Mayor Johnson stated this is a rapidly evolving industry and the City has the opportunity to put parameters in place for the future. Alderman Leggett stated the City has put safeguards in place relating to established locations of the dispensaries. He asked if the City will receive any revenues for sales. Ms. Lidy indicated the only fees the City will receive will be the business license fees. Alderwoman Lanier expressed concern for equity, diversity and inclusion. She questioned why the dispensaries could not be located in the alcohol overlay districts when the residents in those districts are experiencing the same illnesses the cannabis/marijuana oil will be able to relieve. She stated the City is sending mixed messages, the dispensaries should go anywhere and in any district within the City, wherever pharmacies can go or be placed. Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz expressed concern for Council not having the ability to determine where the dispensaries will be located in the City. Will the State have the authority to determine the placement of the dispensaries without the input of Council. City Manager Melder explained the City will have authority over the locations of the dispensaries via zoning. Alderwoman Miller Blakely asked City Manager Melder when the alcohol overlay districts will be discussed. City Manager Melder indicted, it is Council's decision when to revisit alcohol overlay changes. He indicated there are several locations in the 1st and 5th districts where the dispensaries will be able to operate. Alderwoman Gibson-Carter and City Manager Melder discussed staff's decision to not have the dispensaries located in alcohol overlay districts. Alderwoman Gibson-Carter expressed concern for any medical research as it relates to diseases within alcohol overlay districts that a local dispensaries would be of benefit to residents experiencing those diseases. Alderman Purtee called the question. Alderwoman Lanier asked Ms. Lidy were there any recommendations from MPC which were not incorporated into the final ordinance. Ms. Lidy answered, everything from MPC was incorporated into the ordinance. Alderman Purtee moved to close the zoning hearing for Item #6, seconded by Alderman Palumbo. The motion passed, 8-1-0. Alderwoman Gibson-Carter voted no. See related Agenda Item #9. |
7. Approval of a Zoning Text Amendment for Bridget Lidy on Behalf of the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah to Revise Sections 4.1.7 Buidling Measurements, 8.7.2 Generally, 8.7.4 Accessory Dwelling Units, 8.7.5 Caretaker Dwelling Unit as well as 13.2 and 13.5 Definitions of the Zoning Ordinance. Citywide. (File No. 22-005883) | |
Exhibit 1: MPC Recommendation for Accessory Dwelling Units (File No. 22-05883-ZA).pdf | |
Exhibit 2: Draft Ordinance for ADUs (File No. 22-005883-ZA) .pdf | |
Mayor Johnson declared the zoning hearing open for Item #7. Speaker(s):
Written comment(s):
Alderman Leggett expressed concern for parking associated with the Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs). Mr. Lotson indicated parking associated with the main dwelling unit can be applied to the ADU. At the request of Alderman Leggett, Mr. Lotson discussed how ADUs coincide with the Oglethorpe Plan as it relates to the historic district (by limiting heights). Alderman Leggett requested City Manager Melder to schedule a meeting for Council to discuss the establishment of STDRs as it relates to ADUs. City Manager Melder indicated he will comply. Alderwoman Miller Blakely requested a listing of places in the City where ADUs are not permitted. City Manager Melder will send the requested data to Council Members. Alderwoman Lanier expressed concern of the heights and square footage of the ADUs. Mr. Lotson explained the height and square footage restrictions, the requirements, and the associated possible variances. Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz moved to close the zoning hearing for Item #7, seconded by Alderwoman Wilder-Bryan. The motion passed, 8-0-1. Alderman Purtee was not present for the vote. See related Agenda Item #10. |
8. Approval of a Zoning Text Amendment for Bridget Lidy on Behalf of the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah to Revise Section 3.2, Public Notice Procedures, to Comply with the Georgia Zoning Procedures Law. Citywide. (File No. 23-001583) | |
Exhibit 1: MPC Recommendation for Public Notification (File No. 23-001583-ZA).pdf | |
Exhibit 2: Georgia HB 1405.pdf | |
Exhibit 3: Draft Ordinance for Public Notification (File No. 23-005813-ZA).pdf | |
Mayor Johnson declared the zoning hearing open for Item #8. Speaker(s):
When a large parcel needs to be rezone by the City, Alderwoman Lanier asked Mr. Lotson to explain how the City notifies/negotiates with the property owner. Mr. Lotson explained the notice procedure. Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz moved to close the zoning hearing for Item #8, seconded by Alderman Palumbo. The motion passed unanimously, 9-0-0. See related Agenda Item #11. |
9. Approval of a Zoning Text Amendment to Permit “Pharmacy for Medical Cannabis Dispensary or Medical Marijuana Dispensary” as a Limited and Special Use in Certain Zoning Districts. (File No. 22-003953-ZA) | |
Exhibit 1: MPC Recommendation Packet (File No. 22-003953-ZA).pdf | |
Exhibit 2: Extend Temporary Stay of Medicinal Cannabis for an Additional 180 Days dated October 13, 2022.pdf | |
Exhibit 3: Revised Draft Ordinance for Medical Cannabis Dispensaries (File No. 22-003953-ZA) .pdf | |
After the first reading was considered the second reading and a request that an ordinance be placed and passed upon its adoption, Alderman Palumbo moved to approve Item #6, seconded by Alderman Purtee. The motion passed, 6-3-0. Alderwoman Gibson-Carter, Alderwoman Miller Blakely, and Alderwoman Lanier voted no. Alderwoman Miller Blakely stated she voted no because it's not in the overlay districts. |
10. Approval of a Zoning Text Amendment for Bridget Lidy on Behalf of the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah to Revise Sections 4.1.7 Buidling Measurements, 8.7.2 Generally, 8.7.4 Accessory Dwelling Units, 8.7.5 Caretaker Dwelling Unit as well as 13.2 and 13.5 Definitions of the Zoning Ordinance. Citywide. (File No. 22-005883) | |
Exhibit 1: MPC Recommendation for Accessory Dwelling Units (File No. 22-05883-ZA).pdf | |
Exhibit 2: Draft Ordinance for Accessory Dwelling Units (File No. 22-005883-ZA) .pdf | |
After the first reading was considered the second reading and a request that an ordinance be placed and passed upon its adoption, Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz moved to approve Item #10, seconded by Alderman Palumbo. The motion passed, 8-0-1. Alderman Purtee was not present for the vote. |
11. Approval of a Zoning Text Amendment for Bridget Lidy on Behalf of the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah to Revise Section 3.2 Public Notice Procedures to Comply with the Georgia Zoning Procedures Law. Citywide. File No. 23-001583. | |
Exhibit 1: MPC Recommendation for Public Notification (File No. 23-001583-ZA).pdf | |
Exhibit 2: Georgia HB 1405.pdf | |
Exhibit 3: Draft Ordinance for Public Notification (File No. 23-005813-ZA).pdf | |
After the first reading was considered the second reading and a request that an ordinance be placed and passed upon its adoption, Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz moved to approve Item #11, seconded by Alderwoman Wilder-Bryan and Alderman Palumbo. The motion passed unanimously, 9-0-0. |
12. Approval to Amend Article E. 'Hotel Motel Tax' of the 2023 Revenue Ordinance to Adjust the Hotel Motel Tax Rate from Six Percent to Eight Percent and Establish an Effective Collection Date of September 1, 2023. | |
Exhibit 1. Article E. Hotel Motel Tax | |
Exhibit 2- Article E. Hotel Motel Tax TRACKED CHANGES | |
Mayor Johnson declared the 1st and 2nd readings of Agenda Item #12 open for public comment. Mayor Johnson gave a brief history of House Bill 718. The Bill was introduced by State Representative Edna Jackson (former Mayor) and signed into law by the Governor, changing the Hotel Motel Tax Rate from six percent to eight percent. Mayor Johnson thanked Governor Kemp for signing the law to amend the hotel motel tax rate from six percent to eight percent. Mayor Johnson indicated the City receives significant revenue from tourism dollars. An increase in the hotel motel tax rate by 2% would benefit the City economically. For the past years, the hotel motel tax rate failed, due to a failure of all parties to agree on the use of revenue. The revenue must be related to tourism related projects. Mayor Johnson announced, this year, after many meetings, a lot of hard work, and trips to Atlanta, House Bill 718 passed. Today, City Council will consider amending Article E Hotel Motel Tax Revenue Ordinance by adjusting the tax rate from six percent to eight percent. Mayor Johnson thanked City Manager Melder, City Attorney Lovett, Chief Operating Officer Bret Bell; and most importantly Director of Policy and Intergovernmental Affairs Joe Shearouse for his dedicated work and professionalism during deliberations. Mayor Johnson specifically thanked the City Lobbyist Marcia Rubensohn, former Mayor and State Representative Edna Jackson, Chairman of the City's Delegation Ron Stephens, Chairman Colonel Bill Hitchens, State Senator Ben Watson, Chairman Carl Gilliard, Chairman Jesse Petrea, State Senator Billy Hickmen, State Senator Derek Mallow, State Representative Anne Allen Westbrook, and Team Savannah. Mayor Johnson discussed some of the projects the City will be able to complete with the additional tax revenue; namely, River Street reconstruction, Tide-to-Town trail, and the development of the Waterworks Building. He thanked Alderman Leggett and Alderman Palumbo who worked on his behalf during the early stages of the process. City Manager Melder thanked Mayor Johnson and especially Mr. Shearouse. The City Manager thanked Michael Owens at TLC and Savannah Area Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Bert Brantley for all their hard work and support during the process. City Manager Melder acknowledged there would be no success without the hard work by residents, staff, and Council during prior years. Speaker(s):
Alderwoman Miller Blakely read a portion of the Hotel Motel Tax Rate Resolution for citizens to know what tourism development projects would be funded. Alderwoman Miller Blakely stated when the hotel motel tax rate increase was previously discussed, $7 million was requested to assist employees working in the hotel motel industry. At the request of Alderwoman Miller Blakely, City Manager Melder described some of the tourism product development projects outlined in the Resolution approved by the State House and the Governor. The list of projects has not changed. He indicated some of the projects approved by all partners involved. Alderwoman Miller Blakely expressed concern for the $2 million allocated in the Resolution for a water access facility on Savannah's Southside, namely Belles Ferry. Alderman Purtee explained the item related to the sixth district for access to public waterways. A few sites were identified, but any waterway within the City can be utilized. Alderwoman Lanier discussed and expressed her concerns for monies allocated for the Waterworks Building and the prior request for $7 million for the motel hotel industry employees (housing, transportation, childcare, etc.). Mayor Johnson, City Manager Melder and Alderwoman Lanier continued in discussion. After the first reading was considered the second reading and a request that an ordinance be placed and passed upon its adoption, Alderwoman Wilder-Bryan moved to approve Item #12, seconded by Alderman Palumbo and Alderman Purtee. The motion passed, 6-3-0. Alderwoman Gibson-Carter, Alderwoman Miller Blakely, and Alderwoman Lanier voted no. See related Agenda Item #22. Alderwoman Gibson-Carter asked City Manager Melder the amount of revenue the additional two percent of hotel motel tax will generate. Mr. Melder answered, under the current model for 2022, for this year the total collected was $34.6 million. The projected at eight percent for 2023 is $52 million. Alderwoman Gibson-Carter and City Manager Melder discussed the amount/percentages of revenue from the tax which will be applied to the City's general fund. Alderwoman Gibson-Carter expressed her concern for how the additional hotel motel tax revenue will be utilized as it relates to parks, employees of the hotel motel industry, residents living in hotel/motels, and low wealth residents who will not receive any benefits from the increased tax revenues. Alderman Purtee and Alderman Palumbo expressed appreciation for the additional tax revenue that will be available for the improvement of the City's trails. Alderman Palumbo thanked all the partners and staff involved in getting HB 718 approved. Mayor Johnson asked City Attorney Lovett if the hotel motel tax can be legally used for compensation for employees in the hotel motel industry, for childcare, for housing, (no). There is an element for transportation. Mayor Johnson indicated the prior request of $7 million for hotel motel employees are not allowable by law. As it relates to the 2021 Resolution list of projects, Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz expressed her concern for the fifth district inclusion and to confirm the $37 million for the Waterworks Building. She indicated when the listed projects are completed, the City will realize additional revenue for new projects in future years. Alderwoman Lanier asked City Manager Melder the amount allocated for the Waterworks Building, $20 million. Alderwoman Wilder-Bryan commented on equity; the first district was allotted projects and/or funds as opposed to the third district without any projects. |
13. Authorize the City Manager to Execute Contract Modification No. 1 for Energy Performance Owner's Representative Services with 2KB Energy Services in an Amount Not to Exceed $199,654. The modification covers the additional responsibilities related to the investment grade energy audit (IGEA) activities and the negotiation and execution of a GESPC, if pursued, specifically for water resources facilities. (Sustainability) | |
Exhibit 1: Funding Verification - Energy Performance Owner's Rep.pdf | |
Exhibit 2: Purchasing Notes - Energy Performance Owner's Rep.pdf | |
Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz moved to approve Items #13, #15, #17, and #20, seconded by Alderwoman Lanier. The motion passed unanimously, 9-0-0. |
14. Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Contract with Stantec Consulting Services, LLC in an Amount Not to Exceed $492,500. The contract will encompass a range of services, including environmental assessments of properties, development of cleanup plans, grant management support, and reporting. The geographic focus of this grant-funded project includes the area between Habersham and Pennsylvania Ave north of Victory Drive, portions of the 37th St. / Victory Drive corridor, and neighborhoods in the west side of Savannah along Bay Street. (Sustainability) | |
Exhibit 1: Funding Verification - Environmental Consultant.pdf | |
Exhibit 2: Purchasing Notes - Environmental Consultant.pdf | |
Alderwoman Wilder-Bryan moved to approve Item #14, seconded by Alderman Palumbo. The motion passed unanimously, 9-0-0. |
15. Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Contract for Temporary Traffic Table Installation and Removal Services with SABE, Inc. (Primary)(LOCAL)(DBE) and AWP, Inc. (Secondary) in the Amount of $206,720. The Transportation Services Department will use this service in an effort to expedite the installation of temporary traffic calming devices on approved residential streets. (Transportation) | |
Exhibit 1: Funding Verification - Traffic Table.pdf | |
Exhibit 2: Purchasing Notes - Traffic Table.pdf | |
Alderwoman Gibson-Carter asked when will the traffic calming devices be placed in Cloverdale, Cann/Jackson Park and Twickenham. City Manager Melder indicated he will forward to Council the status of all the applications. Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz moved to approve Items #13, #15, #17, and #20, seconded by Alderwoman Lanier. The motion passed unanimously, 9-0-0. |
16. Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Contract to Procure Various Playground Renovations, Multi-Station Play Structures, and Site Amenities with GameTime c/o Dominica Recreation Products, Inc. in an Amount Not to Exceed $539,024. This equipment will replace aging park and playground features at 21 playgrounds as part of the Recreation Reimagined Initiative. (Parks & Recreation) | |
Exhibit 1: Funding Verification - Various Multi-Station Play Structures.pdf | |
Exhibit 2: Purchasing Notes - Various Multi-Station Play Structures.pdf | |
Alderwoman Miller Blakely requested a listing of all the playgrounds being refurbished. City Manager Melder will provide Council with the complete listing. Alderwoman Miller Blakely moved to approve Item #16, seconded by Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz and Alderwoman Gibson-Carter. The motion passed unanimously, 9-0-0. |
17. Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Contract for PLX PenLink Software from PenLink in the Amount of $57,371. PLX PenLink will allow for the capability to aggregate and analyze the digital evidence the Savannah Police Department captures from mobile devices, social media, and other third-party systems. (Innovation + Technology) | |
Exhibit 1: Funding Verification - Penlink Software.pdf | |
Exhibit 2: Purchasing Notes - Penlink Software.pdf | |
Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz moved to approve Items #13, #15, #17, and #20, seconded by Alderwoman Lanier. The motion passed unanimously, 9-0-0. |
18. Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Contract for Recorder's Court A/V Solution with NetPlanner Systems, Inc. (LOCAL) in the Amount of $340,905. The Recorder's Court will use this project to implement a robust, cloud-based, audio-video conferencing and recording solution to three courtrooms allowing multiple parties reliable remote access to court proceedings. (Innovation + Technology) | |
Exhibit 1: Funding Verification - Recorders Court A/V Solution.pdf | |
Exhibit 2: Purchasing Notes - Recorders Court A/V Solution.pdf | |
Alderwoman Gibson-Carter expressed her concern for the disparity of persons in recorders court and she recommended night court as a possible solution. Alderwoman Gibson-Carter moved to approve Item #18, seconded by Alderwoman Miller Blakely. The motion passed unanimously, 9-0-0. |
19. Authorize the City Manager to Procure a Contract for New and Replacement Mobile Data Terminals (MDT) with Law and Order Technology, LLC in an Amount Not to Exceed $920,000. The mobile data terminals will provide the Savannah Police Department (SPD) and Savannah Fire Department (SFD) real time GPS locations and information for current tasks. (IT) | |
Exhibit 1: Funding Verification - Mobile Data Terminals.pdf | |
Exhibit 2: Purchasing Notes - Mobile Data Terminals.pdf | |
Alderwoman Gibson-Carter moved to approve Item #19, seconded by Alderwoman Miller Blakely. The motion passed unanimously, 9-0-0. |
20. Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Contract for Modernization of the Elevators in the Savannah Police Department (SPD) Headquarters Building with TK Elevator (LOCAL) in an Amount Not to Exceed $886,035. The scope of the contract encompasses various updates and enhancements to the elevators, including the controller, motor, governor, car, hoist way, doors, car fixtures, and pit. (Capital Projects) | |
Exhibit 1: Funding Verification - SPD Elevators.pdf | |
Exhibit 2: Purchasing Notes - SPD Elevators.pdf | |
Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz moved to approve Items #13, #15, #17, and #20, seconded by Alderwoman Lanier. The motion passed unanimously, 9-0-0. |
21. Approval of Change Order No. 2 with Barnett Southern Corporation for the Southeast Quadrant Stormwater Drainage Improvements Project, in the Amount of $51,175. | |
Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz moved to approve Item #21, seconded by Alderman Palumbo. The motion passed unanimously, 9-0-0. |
22. Approval of a Resolution to Authorize the City Manager to Execute the Hotel/Motel Excise Tax under O.C.G.A. 48-13-51(b) by Amending the City of Savannah's Hotel Motel Tax Rate from 6% to 8%; to Allow All Necessary Acts to Accomplish the Intent of this Resolution; and to Provide an Effective Date for the Execution of September 1, 2023. | |
Exhibit 1. Hotel Motel Tax Resolution | |
Alderwoman Wilder-Bryan moved to approve Item #22, seconded by Alderman Palumbo. The motion passed, 6-3-0. Alderwoman Gibson-Carter, Alderwoman Miller Blakely, and Alderwoman Lanier voted no. See related Agenda Item #12. |
23. Approval of a Water & Sewer Agreement with Ann Street Property Owner, LLC for Kehoe Assemblage, a Development Consisting of a 215 Hotel Rooms, 232 Apartments and 2 Restaurants in the President Street Service Area in District 2. | |
Exhibit 1 : Water & Sewer Agreement - Kehoe Assemblage.pdf | |
Alderwoman Wilder-Bryan moved to approve Items #23, #24, and #25, seconded by Alderman Palumbo. The motion passed, 8-1-0. Alderwoman Gibson-Carter voted no. |
24. Approval of a Water & Sewer Agreement with Godley Station Enterprises, LLC for Brookline Subdivision Phases 3 & 4. This is for a development consisting of 109 single family homes in the Godley West service area in District 1. | |
Exhibit 1 : Water & Sewer Agreement - Brookline Subdivision Phases 3 & 4.pdf | |
Alderwoman Wilder-Bryan moved to approve Items #23, #24, and #25, seconded by Alderman Palumbo. The motion passed, 8-1-0. Alderwoman Gibson-Carter voted no. |
25. Approval of a Water & Sewer Agreement with Marion Lake Owner, LLC for Marion Lake, a Development Consisting of a 305 Unit Multi-family Development in the Godley West Service Area in District 1. | |
Exhibit 1 : Water & Sewer Agreement - Marion Lake.pdf | |
Alderwoman Wilder-Bryan moved to approve Items #23, #24, and #25, seconded by Alderman Palumbo. The motion passed, 8-1-0. Alderwoman Gibson-Carter voted no. |
26. Authorize the City Manager to Approve Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Effecting a Second Extension of Facilities Use Agreement with the Savannah-Chatham County Public School System Board of Education. | |
Exhibit 1 - BOE IGA - Map Attachment.pdf | |
Exhibit 3 - BOE IGA - Current Agreement.pdf | |
Exhibit 2 - BOE IGA - MOU Modified Extension of Facilities Use Agreement Exp 5-31-2025.pdf | |
Alderwoman Lanier asked City Manager Melder if this MOU is in place in other areas of the City, Yes. Alderwoman Lanier can speak with Chief Taffanye Young for more information. Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz moved to approve Item #26, seconded by Alderwoman Wilder-Bryan. The motion passed unanimously, 9-0-0. |
27. Settlement #1 | |
Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz moved to approve Item #27, to authorize the City Attorney's Office to resolve the (settlement agreement) claim of Jamia Beaton for $35,000.00, seconded by Alderwoman Wilder-Bryan. The motion passed unanimously, 9-0-0. |
28. Added Item on 05/22 - Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Contract for Network Maintenance Services, Equipment, and Security Annual Renewal with Layer 3 Communications (LOCAL) in an Amount Not to Exceed $1,075,000. The Innovation+Technology Services Department will use the service for hardware and software maintenance for designated Juniper, Aruba, and Palo Alto Networks equipment. (IT) | |
Exhibit 1: Funding Verification - Network Maintenance, Equipment, and Security.pdf | |
Exhibit 2: Purchasing Notes - Network Maintenance, Equipment, and Security.pdf | |
Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz moved to approve Item #28, seconded by Alderman Purtee. The motion passed unanimously, 9-0-0. |
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Mayor Johnson welcomed and congratulated the newly married Mr. & Mrs. Jay Melder. Mayor Johnson congratulated the class of 2023 of the Chatham-Savannah Public School Systems, private and parochial schools from kindergarten through twelfth grades. Monday is Memorial Day. Mayor Johnson encourages everyone to remember those who died serving our Country. Alderman Purtee announced he met with the Special US Assistant District Attorney and the partnership program has been very successful. She has prosecuted felony drugs, felony guns and felonies within the City of Savannah. Alderman Leggett announced the 2nd District and Hitch Village community had a successful event on Saturday. Alderwoman Wilder-Bryan announced on May 26th PUSH partnered with Riverview Health and the 3rd District for a Hollywood Crown for the Elderly event. On May 30th, In the Park with Kareem Hill and others. Alderwoman Wilder-Bryan thanked the many students who sent letters to Council Members. Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz announced Seniors On The Go program with Nick Roberts and the Recreation Leisure Services staff for a successful event. Alderman Palumbo congratulated Urban Planning & Design Director Bridget Lidy on the completion of two (2) complicated projects and presenting the projects before Council today.
Mayor Johnson adjourned the Regular Meeting at 10:27 p.m.
A video recording of the Regular Meeting can be found by copying and inserting the link below in your url:
Mark Massey, Clerk of Council
Date Minutes Approved: June 8, 2023
Signature: MM |
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