The regular meeting of the City Council was held at 2:05 p.m. Mayor Johnson recognized Vice Chair and District 3 Alderwoman Linda Wilder-Bryan to introduce The Right Reverend Frank Logue, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Georgia, to offer the invocation. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited in unison. PRESENT: Mayor Van R. Johnson, II, Presiding Alderwoman Carolyn H. Bell, At-Large, Post 1 Alderwoman Alicia Miller Blakely, At-Large, Post 2 Alderwoman Bernetta B. Lanier, District 1 Alderman Detric Leggett, District 2 Alderwoman Linda Wilder-Bryan, District 3 - Vice Chair Alderman Nick Palumbo, District 4 - Chairman Alderwoman Dr. Estella Edwards Shabazz, District 5 - Mayor Pro Tem Alderman Kurtis Purtee, District 6 ALSO, PRESENT: City Manager Joseph A. Melder Chief of Staff Daphanie Williams City Attorney Bates Lovett Clerk of Council Mark Massey Deputy Clerk of Council Margaret Fox |
1. Adoption of the Regular Meeting Agenda for March 28, 2024. | |
Mayor Pro Tem Dr. Shabazz moved to adopt/approve the agenda for March 28, 2024, as amended to continue Item #6; continue Item #7; and add Item #21, seconded by Ald. Lanier and Ald. Palumbo. The motion passed unanimously, 9-0-0. |
2. Approval of the Minutes for the Work Session and City Manager's Briefing Held on March 14, 2024, at 12:00 p.m. | |
Exhibit 1: Draft Minutes - March 14, 2024, City Council Workshop.pdf | |
Mayor Pro Tem Dr. Shabazz moved to approve Items #2 and #3, seconded by Ald. Miller Blakely and Ald. Palumbo. The motion passed unanimously, 9-0-0. |
3. Approval of the Minutes for the Regular Meeting Held on March 14, 2024, at 2:00 p.m. | |
Exhibit 1: Draft Minutes - March 14, 2024, City Council Regular Meeting.pdf | |
Mayor Pro Tem Dr. Shabazz moved to approve Items #2 and #3, seconded by Ald. Miller Blakely and Ald. Palumbo. The motion passed unanimously, 9-0-0.
Mayor Johnson took a moment of personal privilege and recognized special guests in the audience, including the City Manager’s wife Kimberly Melder, and their guest Belva Fonquay from Washington, D.C. He also recognized Connor, Carson, and Julian, students participating in St. Andrew School’s Civic Leadership program. |
4. An Appearance by the Savannah Music Festival to Provide a Preview of the 2024 Savannah Music Festival. | |
INTRODUCED by Mayor Johnson, Savannah Music Festival (SMF) Executive Director Gene Dobbs Bradford appeared, along with the SMF Jazz Academy who performed “Lift Every Voice and Sing”. Mr. Bradford gave a brief background of the SMF and the programs offered. Each member of the Academy provided their name, grade, and attending school. |
5. Approval to Add a Class C (Liquor, Beer, Wine) (By the Drink) and a Class A (Liquor, Beer, Wine) (Caterer) Alcohol License with Sunday Sales to Christian Santiago for Orale Tacos & Tequila, a Restaurant Located at 36 Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard. The establishment is located between Congress and Broughton Streets in Aldermanic District 2. | |
Exhibit 1: Checklist - Orale Tacos.pdf | |
Exhibit 2: Density Map - Orale Tacos.pdf | |
Exhibit 3: Alcohol Reports - Orale Tacos.pdf | |
Exhibit 4: Measurement Report - Orale Tacos.pdf | |
Exhibit 5: Security Plan - Orale Tacos.pdf | |
Mayor Johnson declared the alcohol hearing open for Item #5. No speaker(s). a. Ald. Leggett moved to close the alcohol hearing for Item #5, seconded by Ald. Wilder-Bryan and Ald. Palumbo. The motion passed unanimously, 9-0-0. b. Ald. Leggett moved to approve Item #5, seconded by Ald. Wilder-Bryan and Ald. Palumbo. The motion passed unanimously, 9-0-0. |
6. Petition of Robert L. McCorkle, Agent for Travis Stringer of Foram Development, LLC on Behalf of 621 Gwinnett, LLC for a Zoning Map Amendment to Rezone 810 E. Broad Street, 613-623 E. Gwinnett Street, and 610-614 E. Bolton Street (PIN 20043 07001, -04, -05, -06, -13, -15, -18, -19, and -20) from TC-2 to DX. The item was recommended as a PD (Small Planned Development) in Aldermanic District 2 (File No. 23-001408-ZA). (Recommendation pending.) | |
Exhibit 1: MPC Recommendation Packet (File No. 23-001408-ZA).pdf | |
Exhibit 2: Combined Maps (File No. 23-001408-ZA).pdf | |
Exhibit 3: Small Planned Development (S-PD) as of 10.2023.pdf | |
Exhibit 4: Revised - Small Planned Development (S-PD) as of 03.2024.pdf | |
Exhibit 5: General Development Plan as of 10.2023.pdf | |
Exhibit 6: Revised - General Development Plan as of 3.2024.pdf | |
Exhibit 7: Arch Site Plan and First Floor as of 10.2023.pdf | |
Exhibit 8: Revised - Arch Site Plan and Elevations 03.2024.pdf | |
Exhibit 9: Current TC-2 (Traditional Commerical-2) Development Standards.pdf | |
Exhibit 10: E. Broad and E. Gwinnett Renderings.pdf | |
Ald. Leggett moved to REMAND/RETURN Items #6 and #8 to the Metropolitan Planning Commission (MPC) for reconsideration, and CONTINUE to the April 25, 2024, City Council Meeting, seconded by Ald. Miller Blakely. The motion passed unanimously, 9-0-0. See related Agenda Item #8. Speaker card(s) completed:
Written comment(s):
7. Petition of Robert L. McCorkle, Agent for Ramsey Khalidi, LLC for a Text Amendment to Section 5.4 to Add the Indoor Amusement Use as a Limited Use in the I-L (Light Industrial) Zoning Districts (File No. 24-000624-ZA). | |
Exhibit 1: MPC Recommendation (File No. 24-000624-ZA).pdf | |
Exhibit 2: Proposed Ordinance Revision (File No. 24-000624-ZA).pdf | |
Mayor Pro Tem Dr. Shabazz moved to REMAND/RETURN Items #7 and #9 to the Metropolitan Planning Commission (MPC) for reconsideration, and CONTINUE to the April 25, 2024, City Council Meeting, seconded by Ald. Lanier. The motion passed unanimously, 9-0-0. See related Agenda Item #9. |
8. Petition of Robert L. McCorkle, Agent for Travis Stringer of Foram Development, LLC on Behalf of 621 Gwinnett, LLC for a Zoning Map Amendment to Rezone 810 E. Broad Street, 613-623 E. Gwinnett Street, and 610-614 E. Bolton Street (PIN 20043 07001, -04, -05, -06, -13, -15, -18, -19, and -20) from TC-2 to DX. The item was recommended as a PD (Small Planned Development) in Aldermanic District 2 (File No. 23-001408-ZA). (Recommendation pending.) | |
Exhibit 1: MPC Recommendation Packet (File No. 23-001408-ZA).pdf | |
Exhibit 2: Combined Maps (File No. 23-001408-ZA).pdf | |
Exhibit 3: Small Planned Development (S-PD) as of 10.2023.pdf | |
Exhibit 4: Revised - Small Planned Development (S-PD) as of 03.2024.pdf | |
Exhibit 5: General Development Plan as of 10.2023.pdf | |
Exhibit 6: Revised - General Development Plan as of 3.2024.pdf | |
Exhibit 7: Arch Site Plan and First Floor as of 10.2023.pdf | |
Exhibit 8: Revised - Arch Site Plan and Elevations 03.2024.pdf | |
Exhibit 9: Current TC-2 (Traditional Commerical-2) Development Standards.pdf | |
Exhibit 10: E. Broad and E. Gwinnett Renderings.pdf | |
Ald. Leggett moved to REMAND/RETURN Items #6 and #8 to the Metropolitan Planning Commission (MPC) for reconsideration, and CONTINUE to the April 25, 2024, City Council Meeting, seconded by Ald. Miller Blakely. The motion passed unanimously, 9-0-0. See related Agenda Item #6. |
9. Petition of Robert L. McCorkle, Agent for Ramsey Khalidi, LLC for a Text Amendment to Section 5.4 to Add the Indoor Amusement Use as a Limited Use in the I-L (Light Industrial) Zoning Districts (File No. 24-000624-ZA). | |
Exhibit 1: MPC Recommendation (File No. 24-000624-ZA).pdf | |
Exhibit 2: Ordinance Revision (File No. 24-000624-ZA).pdf | |
Mayor Pro Tem Dr. Shabazz moved to REMAND/RETURN Items #7 and #9 to the Metropolitan Planning Commission (MPC) for reconsideration, and CONTINUE to the April 25, 2024, City Council Meeting, seconded by Ald. Lanier. The motion passed unanimously, 9-0-0. See related Agenda Item #7. |
10. Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Contract for the Purchase of an Automated Solid Phase Extractor with Biotage in the Amount of $55,070. This equipment will be used to analyze over 250 compounds by the Cross Roads Treatment Facility to maintain compliance with the Environmental Protection Division. (Water Reclamation) | |
Exhibit 1: Funding Verification - Biotage Extractor.pdf | |
Exhibit 2: Purchasing Note - Biotage Extractor.pdf | |
Mayor Pro Tem Dr. Shabazz moved to approve Items #10, #11, #12, and #15, seconded by Ald. Palumbo. The motion passed unanimously, 9-0-0. |
11. Authorize the City Manager to Execute an Annual Contract for Tactical Emergency Casualty Care (TECC) Training with Rescue Training, Inc.(LOCAL) in an Amount Not to Exceed $99,750. The Savannah Fire Department will utilize this contract to teach and train personnel in TECC to improve active shooter and mass casualty responses. (Fire) | |
Exhibit 1: Funding Verification - Tactical Emergency Casualty Care Training.pdf | |
Exhibit 2: Purchasing Notes - Tactical Emergency Casualty Care Training.pdf | |
Mayor Pro Tem Dr. Shabazz moved to approve Items #10, #11, #12, and #15, seconded by Ald. Palumbo. The motion passed unanimously, 9-0-0. |
12. Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Contract for Design and Construction Administration for the Savannah Police Department Headquarters with Raymond Engineering, Inc. (LOCAL) in the Amount of $120,000. The services will cover additional scope to upgrade all areas of the building to current codes and improve accessibility. (Capital Projects) | |
Exhibit 1: Funding Verification - SPD Design Services.pdf | |
Exhibit 2: Purchasing Notes - SPD Design Services.pdf | |
Mayor Pro Tem Dr. Shabazz moved to approve Items #10, #11, #12, and #15, seconded by Ald. Palumbo. The motion passed unanimously, 9-0-0. |
13. Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Contract for Employee Classification and Compensation Study with Baker Tilly US, LLP in an Amount Not to Exceed $235,000. The purpose of the study is to review and revise the existing compensation and classification structures for all positions to align with organizational resources. (Human Resources) | |
Exhibit 1: Funding Verification - Employee Classification and Compensation Study.pdf | |
Exhibit 2: Purchasing Notes - Employee Classification and Compensation Study.pdf | |
Ald. Miller Blakely noted that the Study is done every five (5) years. City Manager Melder confirmed the last Employee Classification and Compensation Study was completed in 2019. Ald. Miller Blakely moved to approve Item #13, seconded by Ald. Purtee. The motion passed unanimously, 9-0-0. |
14. Authorize the City Manager to Execute Contract Modification No. 2 For Sidewalk, Curb, and Cobblestone Repair with Savannah River Utilities (Primary)(LOCAL) and Savannah Paving (Secondary) in an Amount Not to Exceed $350,000. The proposed increase will help account for the accelerated rate of permanent traffic table installations as part of the residential traffic calming efforts and allow the contractors to stay on schedule with ongoing sidewalk repairs. (Transportation Services) | |
Exhibit 1: Funding Verification - Sidewalk, Curb, and Cobblestone Repair.pdf | |
Exhibit 2: Purchasing Notes - Sidewalk, Curb, and Cobblestone Repair.pdf | |
Ald. Wilder-Bryan thanked City Manager Melder, Assistant City Manager Lloyd, and staff for making sure this project happened. Ald. Wilder-Bryan moved to approve Item #14, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Dr. Shabazz and Ald. Palumbo. The motion passed unanimously, 9-0-0. |
15. Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Contract for Gounds Maintenance for Public Right of Ways with J. Corbett Enterprises, Inc.(LOCAL)(DBE) in an Amount not to Exceed $1,525,000. This contract will be used to maintain public right of ways of 170 miles. (Park & Tree) | |
Exhibit 1: Funding Verification - Ground Maintenance for Public ROW.pdf | |
Exhibit 2: Purchasing Notes - Ground Maintenance for Public ROW.pdf | |
Mayor Pro Tem Dr. Shabazz moved to approve Items #10, #11, #12, and #15, seconded by Ald. Palumbo. The motion passed unanimously, 9-0-0. |
16. Development Agreement with Forsyth Commons, LLC for an Underground Public Parking Structure. | |
Exhibit 1: Request for PILOT Arrangement for the Development of a New City Parking Garage at Forsyth Park.pdf | |
Exhibit 2: Development Agreement - Forsyth Park Parking Garage.pdf | |
Mayor Johnson indicated there is a payment in lieu of taxes (PILOT) from the project developers for a new City parking garage. Mayor Pro Tem Dr. Shabazz moved to approve Item #16, seconded by Ald. Palumbo. The motion passed, 8-1-0. Ald. Miller Blakely voted no. Speaker card(s) completed:
Written comment(s):
17. Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Purchase and Sale Agreement and Closing Documents for the Sale of a 0.84-acre Portion of City Property on Louisville Road to the Georgia Ports Authority in the Amount of $1,341,000. | |
Exhibit 1: Purchase and Sales Agreement with Georgia Ports Authority for .34 Acre Portion of Louisville Road.pdf | |
Ald. Lanier moved to approve Item #17, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Dr. Shabazz and Ald. Miller Blakely. The motion passed unanimously, 9-0-0. |
18. Settlement #1. | |
Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz moved to approve Item #18, authorizing the City Attorney’s Office to settle the claim (worker’s compensation) of Jerry Sanders in the amount of $59,267.00, seconded by Ald. Lanier, Ald. Purtee, and Ald. Wilder-Bryan. The motion passed unanimously, 9-0-0. |
19. Approval of the Installation of a Historical Marker Adjacent to the World War II Memorial “A World Apart” on River Street to Provide Interpretive Context to the Memorial. | |
Exhibit 1: Signed HSMC Recommendation (23-006346-H) WWII Memorial Marker.pdf | |
Exhibit 2: Submittal Packet - WWII Memorial Marker.pdf | |
Ald. Wilder-Bryan moved to approve Item #19, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Dr. Shabazz and Ald. Miller Blakely. The motion passed unanimously, 9-0-0. Speaker card(s) completed:
20. Approval of a Major Subdivision: Edgewater Phase 1B New Hampstead. The proposed property totals 27.176 acres and will consist of 52 lots with varying lot sizes. The property is located at the intersection of Little Neck Road and Bottlebrush Drive in Alderman District 5. | |
Exhibit 1: Plat - Major Subdivision: Edgewater Phase 1B New Hampstead - Signed.pdf | |
Mayor Pro Tem Dr. Shabazz moved to approve Item #20, seconded by Ald. Palumbo. The motion passed unanimously, 9-0-0.
ADDED: BOARD APPOINTMENTS 21. Traffic Calming Committee appointment of Brian Heyward, representing District 1. HEARD after Item #15. Ald. Lanier moved to approve Item #21, appointment of Brian Heyward to the Traffic Calming Committee representing District 1, seconded by Ald. Miller Blakely. The motion passed unanimously, 9-0-0. Ald. Wilder-Bryan announced there is a vacancy for District 3, Traffic Calming Committee representative. |
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Ald. Purtee announced a meeting on Saturday at 10:00 a.m. at Triplett Park to walk through the site information for the Windsor Forest Community Center. Residents are invited to attend and ask questions and/or voice their opinions. Mayor Johnson announced the Egg-Extravaganza date has been changed and will be rescheduled. Ald. Miller Blakely explained the reason why she voted no on Item #16. The $28 million in Revenue Bonds she feels is too much for the City to pay, and she hates the current structure will be demolished. City Manager Melder indicated the City will be using money from the Parking Fund and not the General Fund or use any tax payer dollars for the debt service on the parking garage revenue bonds. Ald. Palumbo gave kudos to the Parks & Recreation Department on the three new tennis and pickle ball courts at Daffin Park. Ald. Bell asked the community to continue to pray/remember Kevin "Catfish" Jackson, he is experiencing extreme health challenges. Mayor Pro Tem Dr. Shabazz sent Holiday Blessings to all residents, wishing them a happy Good Friday and Easter Resurrection weekend. Mayor Johnson thanked Council Members, City Manager Melder, City Attorney Lovett, Clerk of Council Massey, and Team Savannah for a successful visioning session held Monday and Tuesday at the Civic Center. The session was intense and energetic, but engaging. Ald. Leggett asked everyone to raise in prayer 7 year old Antonio Moody's family on the loss of their son, and 20 year old Stacey Donovan. Ald. Wilder-Bryan announced and invited residents to the Greek & Civic Clean Up Day in Avondale Park. She also requested assistance for Elder Babies including Riverview Veranda, Stillwell Towers, and Savannah Gardens combined senior prom in June. Mayor Johnson sent condolences to the family of employee Earl Bryant pertaining to the loss of their son, Rasheed Rock Bryant.
Mayor Johnson adjourned the Regular Meeting at 2:45 p.m.
The video recordings of the Regular Meeting can be found by copying and inserting the link below in your url:
Mark Massey, Clerk of Council
Date Minutes Approved: April 11, 2024
Signature: MM |
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