The regular meeting of the City Council was held at 6:33 p.m. Mayor Johnson recognized Alderman Purtee to introduce Pastor Julius Roberson from the Historic Nicholsonboro Baptist Church to offer the invocation. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited in unison.
PRESENT: Mayor Van R. Johnson, II, Presiding Alderwoman Kesha Gibson-Carter, At-Large, Post 1 Alderwoman Alicia Miller Blakely, At-Large, Post 2 Alderwoman Bernetta B. Lanier, District 1 Alderman Detric Leggett, District 2 Alderwoman Linda Wilder-Bryan, District 3 Alderman Nick Palumbo, District 4, Vice-Chairman Alderwoman Dr. Estella Edwards Shabazz, District 5, Mayor Pro-Tem Alderman Kurtis Purtee, District 6 ALSO, PRESENT: City Manager Joseph A. Melder Chief of Staff Daphanie Williams City Attorney Bates Lovett Clerk of Council Mark Massey Deputy Clerk of Council Margaret Fox |
1. Adoption of the Regular Meeting Agenda for September 22, 2022. | |
Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz moved to adopt/approve the agenda as amended, thereby continuing/postponing agenda item #38 to the October 27, 2022, City Council Meeting, seconded by Alderwoman Lanier and Alderman Palumbo. The motion passed unanimously, 9-0-0. |
2. Approval of the Minutes for the Work Session and City Manager's Briefing Held on September 8, 2022, at 10:00 a.m. | |
Agenda Plus_WS DRAFT MINUTES_September 8, 2022 City Council Workshop.pdf | |
Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz moved to approve Items #2 and #3, seconded by Alderwoman Miller Blakely and Alderwoman Wilder-Bryan. The motion passed unanimously, 9-0-0. |
3. Approval of the Minutes for the Regular Meeting Held on September 8, 2022, at 2:00 p.m. | |
Exhibit 1: Draft Minutes - September 8, 2022 City Council Regular Meeting.pdf | |
Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz moved to approve Items #2 and #3, seconded by Alderwoman Miller Blakely and Alderwoman Wilder-Bryan. The motion passed unanimously, 9-0-0. |
4. Appearance and Special Musical Presentation by Singer Huxsie Scott. | |
Mayor Johnson exercised executive privilege and introduced Ms. Huxsie Scott who perfomed “Savannah Strong” written by Savannah Garrett from Atlanta, Georgia. Following her performance, Mayor Johnson read and presented a surprise Proclamation to Huxsie Scott with her family members present to witness the presentation. After fifty years of performing, Ms. Scott is closing her successful one-woman show. Comments of appreciation, recognition and congratulations were offered by Pastor Rick Temple of Overcoming By Faith, Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz, Alderwoman Gibson-Carter, and a rendition of 'Grandma's Hands' sung by Alderwoman Miller Blakely. Huxsie Scott invited everyone to her performance that evening at Savannah Theater at 8:00 p.m. |
5. A Proclamation Declaring September 22, 2022 as the International Day of Peace in Savannah. | |
Mayor Johnson announced September 22, 2022 as International Day of Peace in Savannah (observed on September 21, 2022). He introduced and asked the 64th Mayor of Savannah, Mayor Otis Johnson, to read the proclamation. Alderman Palumbo and Mediation Center Executive Director Jill Cheeks were also invited to the podium. PRESENTED by former Mayor Otis Johnson and Mayor Van R. Johnson II and to the Mediation Center Executive Director Jill Cheeks. Ms. Cheeks thanked Mayor and Council for the recognition. She invited all attendee to 'Peace In The Park', Sunday, September 25th, 12:00 noon to 4:00 p.m. at Daffin Park. |
6. Appearance by Representatives of Savannah State University to Formally Request the 2022 Homecoming Parade Permit. | |
PRESENTED by Mayor Van R. Johnson II and Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz to Interim Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. Sametria R. McFall and team. On behalf of President Kimberly Ballard-Washington, Faculty and staff, Dr. McFall welcomed Mayor, Council, and residents to all the festivities and the homecoming parade for Savannah State University. Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz moved to approve/issue a parade permit to Savannah State University, seconded by Alderwoman Miller Blakely and Alderwoman Lanier. The motion passed unanimously, 9-0-0. Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz presented the parade permit to Dr. McFall and she thanked Council for the parade permit. The Homecoming will be held on October 8th. |
7. Recognition of 311 Action Center Staff and Customer Service Representatives Across the Organization During National Customer Service Week October 3-7, 2022. | |
Mayor Johnson introduced Chief of Staff Daphanie Williams who recognized 311 Manager Sarah Torres and staff. In observance of National Customer Service Week, October 3-7, 2022, Ms. Williams gave a brief history of how the national holiday began and how Savannah has honored its customer service staff. On behalf of the customer service staff, Ms. Torres thanked Mayor and Council for recognition of the 311 staff and national customer service week. She gave residents instructions on how to reach the 311 staff; (in 912 area code dial 311, out of 912 area code dial 912-651-6565, option 6) and the app SAV311 for service requests. Ms. Torres introduced the 311 staff members, Ms. Latrelle Favors and Ms. Amanda Green (unable to attend). |
8. Approval of a Class E (by the Package) Alcohol License to Dayna Lee for Savannah Wine Institute, a Wine School at 602 East Henry Street between East Broad Street and Atlantic Avenue in Aldermanic District 2 (Continued from September 8, 2022). | |
Exhibit 1: Checklist - Savannah Wine Institute.pdf | |
Exhibit 2: Density Map - Savannah Wine Institute.pdf | |
Exhibit 3: Alcohol Reports - Savannah Wine Institute.pdf | |
Exhibit 4: Measurement Report - Savannah Wine Institute.pdf | |
Exhibit 5: Security Plan - Savannah Wine Institute.pdf | |
Mayor Johnson announced the first alcohol hearing for Item #8 was held on September 8, 2022. a. Alderwoman Gibson-Carter moved to reopen the alcohol hearing, seconded by Alderman Leggett. The motion passed 8-1-0. Alderman Palumbo voted no. Speaker(s):
Mayor Johnson asked Ms. Jones to advise the City Council of the laws relating to distance from a church in reference to this alcohol application. Because there will not be any distilled spirits on the premises, Ms. Jones indicated there is no distance requirement for this alcohol application (for distilled spirits, the distance is 100 yards). b. Alderman Palumbo moved to close the alcohol hearing for Item #8, seconded by Alderman Leggett and Alderwoman Wilder-Bryan. The motion passed unanimously, 8-0-1. Alderwoman Gibson-Carter abstained/recused herself. c. Alderman Palumbo moved to approve Item #8, seconded by Alderwoman Miller Blakely and Alderman Purtee. The motion passed 5-3-1. Alderwoman Lanier, Alderman Leggett, and Alderwoman Wilder-Bryan voted no, and Alderwoman Gibson-Carter abstained.
9. Public Hearing to Receive Comments on Proposed Redistricting of Savannah Aldermanic Districts Pursuant to the 2020 Census Data. | |
Mayor Johnson declared the public hearing open for Item #9. Mayor Johnson described the process involved with Metropolitan Planning Commission (MPC) staff to establish the legally required margins to change the aldermanic districts pursuant to the 2020 census data. The new maps were published in the beginning of August and placed in three areas in each District and placed online. There will be an additional notice and Council will vote on the plan on October 27, 2022. No speaker(s). Alderwoman Wilder-Bryan moved to close the public hearing for Item #9, seconded by Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz, Alderwoman Lanier and Alderman Leggett. The motion passed unanimously, 9-0-0. Mayor Johnson thanked Executive Director Melanie Wilson of MPC and her staff for all the hard work in the redistricting process. |
10. Approval to Annex 85.573 Acres Located off Veterans Parkway near the Little Ogeechee River. The property will be developed as industrial warehouses as part of the Rockingham Farms development. | |
Exhibit 1: Annexation Petition - Rockingham Farms.pdf | |
Exhibit 2: Ordinance - Rockingham Farms.pdf | |
Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz moved to approve Item #10, seconded by Alderwoman Wilder-Bryan and Alderman Palumbo. The motion passed, 7-2-0. Alderwoman Gibson-Carter and Alderwoman Miller Blakely voted no. |
11. Petition of Travis Burke on behalf of Rockingham Farms, LLC to Support Annexed Parcels Located at 343 Buckhalter Road and Garrard Avenue (PINs 10943 01001, 10946 01001 and 10946 01002) from M (Manufacturing) to M-CO (Manufacturing – County). Annexation for Aldermanic District 5 (File No. 22-003291-ZA). | |
Exhibit 1: Staff Report for Annexation File No. 22-003291-ZA.pdf | |
Exhibit 2: Annexation Maps File No. 22-003291-ZA.pdf | |
Exhibit 3: Rockingham Farms Ordinance .pdf | |
Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz moved to approve Item #11, seconded by Alderwoman Wilder-Bryan and Alderman Palumbo. The motion passed, 7-2-0. Alderwoman Gibson-Carter and Alderwoman Miller Blakely voted no. |
12. Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Contract to Procure Vehicle Warning Devices from JC Lewis Ford (LOCAL) in the Amount of $170,218. This will allow the Fleet Department to outfit nineteen Police utility vehicles with warning equipment. (Fleet) | |
Exhibit 1: Funding Verification - Warning Devices.pdf | |
Exhibit 2: Purchasing Notes - Warning Devices.pdf | |
Alderman Leggett expressed concerns with discrepancies during the process. JC Lewis out-sources the work to subcontractors. Policy states the winning vendor should have the license to do the work, not an outside source. The second bidding vendor had a higher price, but was Savannah First and had a license to do the work without outsourcing. City Manager Melder stated the City's policy does not prohibit sub-contracting. A meeting was held with the second bidder with Members of Council in attendance. Savannah First has two requirements: 1.) a business license with the City for a least a year; and 2.) a tax ID number which identifies you as a Savannah business. The award was given to the lowest bidder, JC Lewis whose bid was $44,000 lower than the second bidder. The second bidder has successfully worked with the City and hopefully, will continue to respond to bids in the future. The process was carried out according to the City's procurement process. Alderwoman Miller Blakely stated during her due diligence she found the subcontractor was based in Garden City. There are two contractors available within the City capable of doing the work. Alderwoman Miller Blakely asked if the contract award could be rescinded. City Manager Melder explained in detail the procurement process and the Savannah First requirements. He recommended Council approve Item #12, so the police cars can receive the needed devices. Alderman Purtee asked City Manager Melder the name of the sub-contractor (West Chatham Warning Devices or Savannah Communications). City Manager Melder asked Purchasing Director Johnnie Coker for the information. Mr. Coker stated West Chatham Warning Devices is the sub-contractor. Alderman Purtee stated the sub-contractor is in Chatham County adjacent to the City, not Garden City. Alderwoman Miller Blakely stated, at the meeting, it was stated the sub-contractor was in Garden City. Mayor Johnson indicated Savannah First does not mean Savannah only, it means Savannah businesses would be given priority. Alderwoman Wilder-Bryan moved to approve Item #12, seconded by Alderman Palumbo. The motion passed, 7-2-0. Alderwoman Gibson-Carter and Alderwoman Miller Blakely voted no. |
13. Notification of an Emergency Purchase to Procure 19 Police Vehicles with Brannen Motor Company in the Amount of $691,600. Due to current supply chain issues impacting the availability of vehicles, if the police vehicles were not purchased the lead time would increase substantially. (Fleet) | |
Exhibit 1: Funding Verification - Pursuit Vehicles.pdf | |
Exhibit 2: Purchasing Notes - Pursuit Vehicles.pdf | |
Alderwoman Gibson-Carter stated the City typically uses Wade Ford to receive a deep discount and they are a state-wide vendor. Brannen Motor Company is $11,380.00 lower than Wade Ford. She asked City Manager Melder to explain the difference. City Manager Melder explained the transactions were done at different times. Currently, the demand for vehicles is more than the supply, and the City had to locate the cars for the police department when Wade Ford could not deliver the 19 vehicles. Alderwoman Gibson-Carter moved to approve Items #13 and #14, seconded by Alderwoman Miller Blakely and Alderman Leggett. The motion passed unanimously, 9-0-0. |
14. Authorize the City Manager to Rescind an Award for 19 Police Vehicles with Wade Ford in the Amount of $702,980. Fleet Services received notification from Wade Ford informing us that our order for the 19 police vehicles has been cancelled due to a shortage of the 2022 model year vehicles. (Fleet) | |
Exhibit 1: Purchasing Notes - Rescind SPD Pursuit Vehicles.pdf | |
Alderwoman Gibson-Carter stated the City typically uses Wade Ford to receive a deep discount and they are a state-wide vendor. Brannen Motor Company is $11,380.00 lower than Wade Ford. She asked City Manager Melder to explain the difference. City Manager Melder explained the transactions were done at different times. Currently, the demand for vehicles is more than the supply, and the City had to locate the cars for the police department when Wade Ford could not deliver the 19 vehicles. Alderwoman Gibson-Carter moved to approve Items #13 and #14, seconded by Alderwoman Miller Blakely and Alderman Leggett. The motion passed unanimously, 9-0-0. |
15. Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Contract for 10 Medium-Duty Trucks with National Auto Fleet Group in Care of Alan Jay Fleet Sales in the Amount of $734,308. Two trucks will be fleet additions for the Historic Squares & Parks Department and Lift Station maintenance. The other eight will replace older units at the Water Distribution (5), and Signals, Street Lights, Signs & Markings Unit (3). (Fleet) | |
Exhibit 1: Funding Verification - Medium Duty Trucks.pdf | |
Exhibit 2: Purchasing Notes - Medium Duty Trucks.pdf | |
Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz moved to approve Items #15 through #17, seconded by Alderman Palumbo. The motion passed unanimously, 9-0-0. |
16. Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Contract to Install New Ballfield Lights in Daffin and Scarborough Parks with MUSCO Sports Lighting, LLC in the Amount of $474,118. This will provide more youth and adult sports teams with the opportunity to conduct practices and games during evening hours. (Recreation & Leisure) | |
Exhibit 1: Funding Verification - Ballfield Lights.pdf | |
Exhibit 2: Purchasing Notes - Ballfield Lights.pdf | |
Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz moved to approve Items #15 through #17, seconded by Alderman Palumbo. The motion passed unanimously, 9-0-0. |
17. Authorize the City Manager to Execute an Agreement for Maintenance Services with GEA Mechanical Equipment US, Inc. in the Amount of $30,396. Services are needed for equipment used to ensure that sludge does not overrun storage capacity and the water treatment process is not disrupted or compromised. (Industrial and Water Department) | |
Exhibit 1: Funding Verification - Centrifuge Maintenance.pdf | |
Exhibit 2: Purchasing Notes - Centrifuge Maintenance.pdf | |
Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz moved to approve Items #15 through #17, seconded by Alderman Palumbo. The motion passed unanimously, 9-0-0. |
18. Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Contract for the Fell Street Drainage Basin Study with EMC Engineering (LOCAL) in an Amount Not to Exceed $125,000. The study will be used to determine how to optimize the two stormwater pump stations in the basin and to size a replacement for the 106-year-old concrete outfall that conveys discharge to the Savannah River. Fell Street is located in the West Savannah neighborhood. (Stormwater) | |
Exhibit 1: Funding Verification - Fell Street Drainage Basin Study.pdf | |
Exhibit 2: Purchasing Notes - Fell Street Drainage Study.pdf | |
Alderwoman Lanier expressed concern of excessive flooding in Cloverdale, Woodville, and Hudson Hill. The very old infrastructure on the Westside is a huge problem. A comprehensive, scientific engineering study to build infrastructure models for the Westside is needed. This study is a good start, but a plan of action is needed not only for the work but for funding. Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz added, as SPLOST discussions start, funding in the next few years should include consideration of the Westside and the Springfield Basin drainage improvements. Mayor Johnson acknowledged/recognized the President of the West Savannah Community Association, Pastor Marsha Buford. Alderwoman Lanier moved to approve Item #18, seconded by Alderwoman Miller Blakely and Alderman Leggett. The motion passed unanimously, 9-0-0. |
19. Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Contract with Brief Cam for Video Analytics Software (100 cameras) for the Savannah Police Department Operations in the Amount of $149,072. The platform will assist SPD with case management, which will enhance SPD’s ability to identify, track, and seize people or vehicles associated with criminal activity. (Police) | |
Exhibit 1: Funding Verification - Brief Cam.pdf | |
Exhibit 2: Purchasing Notes - Brief Cam.pdf | |
Alderwoman Gibson-Carter commended the City on the cameras and asked City Manager Melder to give consideration to the areas requested that were sent to him in emails. Alderwoman Gibson-Carter moved to approve Item #19, seconded by Alderwoman Miller Blakely and Alderwoman Lanier. The motion passed unanimously, 9-0-0. |
20. Approval to Procure Taxiway Light Fixtures and Connection Kits from Allen Enterprises, Inc. to Rebuild Taxiway Lightning Circuits in the Amount of $92,488. | |
Exhibit 1: Crystal Reports - Sales Order Printing.pdf | |
HEARD after Item #7. Alderman Palumbo moved to approve Items #20, #21, #22, #23, #25, #26, and #27, seconded by Alderman Leggett and Alderwoman Wilder-Bryan. The motion passed unanimously, 9-0-0. |
21. Approval to Procure Two 2022 Dump Trucks from Sheehy Ford of Warrenton, VA in the Amount of $212,136. | |
Exhibit 1: Dump Trucks-Sheehy Ford.pdf | |
HEARD after Item #7. Alderman Palumbo moved to approve Items #20, #21, #22, #23, #25, #26, and #27, seconded by Alderman Leggett and Alderwoman Wilder-Bryan. The motion passed unanimously, 9-0-0. |
22. Approval to Renew an Advertising Contract with Adams Outdoor Advertising to Promote New Airlines, Routes, Parking Perks, and SAV to the Bluffton/HHI Markets on Multiple Billboards Located on Highway 278, in the Amount of $235,192. | |
HEARD after Item #7. Alderman Palumbo moved to approve Items #20, #21, #22, #23, #25, #26, and #27, seconded by Alderman Leggett and Alderwoman Wilder-Bryan. The motion passed unanimously, 9-0-0. |
23. Approval to Procure One 2022 GMC Sierra Skirted Chassis Flatbed Truck from Nalley Buick GMC Brunswick, GA in the Amount of $68,344. | |
Exhibit 1: Skirted Chassis Flatbed Truck-Nalley Buick GMC.pdf | |
HEARD after Item #7. Alderman Palumbo moved to approve Items #20, #21, #22, #23, #25, #26, and #27, seconded by Alderman Leggett and Alderwoman Wilder-Bryan. The motion passed unanimously, 9-0-0. |
24. Approval of Amendment No. 2 to Task Order No. 12 with AECOM for Additional Design Services on the Security Checkpoint Expansion Project in the Amount of $91,860. | |
Exhibit 1: AECOM - Amendment No. 2 to Task Order No. 12.pdf | |
HEARD after Item #7. Alderwoman Wilder-Bryan moved to approve Item #24, seconded by Alderwoman Lanier. The motion passed, 8-0-1. Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz recused herself due to a business conflict. |
25. Approval of Task Order No. 17 with AECOM, for Design Services on the Taxiway G & Bridge Project in the Amount of $512,915. | |
Exhibit 1: AECOM TW G & Bridge- Task Order No. 17.pdf | |
HEARD after Item #7. Alderman Palumbo moved to approve Items #20, #21, #22, #23, #25, #26, and #27, seconded by Alderman Leggett and Alderwoman Wilder-Bryan. The motion passed unanimously, 9-0-0. |
26. Approval to Ratify the Acceptance of Airport Improvement Program Grant Offer No. 3-13-0100-072-2022 from the Federal Aviation Administration in the Amount of $5,308,672. | |
HEARD after Item #7. Alderman Palumbo moved to approve Items #20, #21, #22, #23, #25, #26, and #27, seconded by Alderman Leggett and Alderwoman Wilder-Bryan. The motion passed unanimously, 9-0-0. |
27. Approval of Intergovernmental Agreement for Improvements to Interstate 95 at Airways Avenue/Pooler Parkway (P.I. 0018402), in an Amount Not to Exceed $120,000. | |
HEARD after Item #7. Alderman Palumbo moved to approve Items #20, #21, #22, #23, #25, #26, and #27, seconded by Alderman Leggett and Alderwoman Wilder-Bryan. The motion passed unanimously, 9-0-0. |
28. Authorize the City Manager to Accept a Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Youth Grant Award in the Amount of $1,051,232. The award will be used to provide youth programs from April 1, 2022 to June 30, 2024 to low-income youth between the ages of 16 and 24. The City serves as the fiduciary agent for the 10-county region. | |
Exhibit 1-PY22 Youth Statement of Award.pdf | |
Alderwoman Lanier requested data on the allocation of funds and numbers on the impact of the funds. Mayor Johnson stated he will provide the information for Alderwoman Lanier. Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz moved to approve Items #28 through #31, seconded by Alderwoman Miller Blakely and Alderman Palumbo. The motion passed unanimously, 9-0-0. |
29. Approval of Modification No. 1 to the PY2022 Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Eckerd Connects-Paxen Adult/Dislocated Worker Case Management Services Sub-award (Camden, Glynn, McIntosh) in the Amount of $16,750. | |
Alderwoman Lanier requested data on the allocation of funds and numbers on the impact of the funds. Mayor Johnson stated he will provide the information for Alderwoman Lanier. Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz moved to approve Items #28 through #31, seconded by Alderwoman Miller Blakely and Alderman Palumbo. The motion passed unanimously, 9-0-0. |
30. Authorize the City Manager to Accept the Initial PY22 Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Grant Awards for Adult ($179,112) and Dislocated Worker ($276,740) Programs. The awards will be used to provide programs from July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2024 to adults who are unemployed or underemployed, and adults who have lost their jobs. The City serves as the fiduciary agent for the 10-county region. | |
Exhibit 1 - PY22 Dislocated Worker Statement of Award.pdf | |
Exhibit 2 - PY22 Adult Statement of Award.pdf | |
Alderwoman Lanier requested data on the allocation of funds and numbers on the impact of the funds. Mayor Johnson stated he will provide the information for Alderwoman Lanier. Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz moved to approve Items #28 through #31, seconded by Alderwoman Miller Blakely and Alderman Palumbo. The motion passed unanimously, 9-0-0. |
31. Approval of a Water & Sewer Agreement with 4410 Properties, LLC for 4410 Ogeechee Road. This is for a development consisting of a 7,260 sq.ft. commercial strip plaza in the Chatham Parkway service area. | |
Exhibit 1 : Water & Sewer Agreement - 4410 Ogeechee Road.pdf | |
Alderwoman Lanier requested data on the allocation of funds and numbers on the impact of the funds. Mayor Johnson stated he will provide the information for Alderwoman Lanier. Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz moved to approve Items #28 through #31, seconded by Alderwoman Miller Blakely and Alderman Palumbo. The motion passed unanimously, 9-0-0. |
32. Authorize the City Manager to Acquire Required Property Interests to Facilitate the Truman Linear Park Trail Phase IIB Project. | |
Exhibit 1: Map - Truman Trail Phase II-B.pdf | |
Alderman Palumbo moved to approve Item #32, seconded by Alderman Purtee. The motion passed unanimously, 9-0-0. |
33. Authorize the City Manager to Declare King Street Surplus and Available for Sale Along with Portions of Munster Street – Petition #22-064. | |
Exhibit 1: Map - Munster & King Streets.pdf | |
Alderwoman Gibson-Carter asked Clerk of Council Massey if any correspondence was received in reference to Item #33. Mr. Massey indicated, no comments or correspondence was received in the Clerk's office. Alderwoman Gibson-Carter and City Manager Melder had dialogue on the appraised value of the property (property value too low), and the right of first refusal for adjacent property owner (Mr. Wardlaw). Mr. Melder explained the City is not selling the entire parcel, it will retain the most valuable portion of the parcel. An unidentified lady in the audience started to speak concerning the land. Addressing the lady, Mayor Johnson indicted this is not a public hearing. Alderwoman Gibson-Carter asked if the unidentified lady could speak. Mayor Johnson indicated this is not a public hearing. Alderwoman Gibson-Carter asked for the appraised value of the property. Senior Director of Real Estate David Keating reported in 2017 the appraised value of the entire parcel was $382,000; in 2022 the appraised value of the portion (southern half) the City is selling is $210,000. The same Appraiser was used in 2017 and 2022. Alderwoman Gibson-Carter asked if the lady will have access to her property (yes). City Manager Melder announced the petitioner has offered to pay an additional $400,000 toward the affordable housing fund for the purchase of the right-of-way; a total of $610,000. This incentive is a great deal for the City. Alderwoman Wilder-Bryan stated the Council has discussed community benefits for the past two plus years. She expressed appreciation to Mr. Wardlaw, for the first time, a developer is giving money back for the Community Housing Agency. Alderwoman Wilder-Bryan thanked everyone involved in the transaction. The community involved supports the transaction, it is a great community benefit agreement. Mayor Johnson thanked Mr. Wardlaw, Team Savannah and Mr. Yellin for all the work involved in the business transaction. Alderwoman Miller Blakely asked City Manager Melder to give the definitions of affordable housing, workforce housing, and income based housing. Mr. Melder gave the definitions. Alderwoman Miller Blakely discussed how affordable housing does not mean income-based, therefore, affordable does not necessarily mean a resident can afford the affordable housing rates. Mayor Johnson indicated the Savannah Affordable Housing Plan and Housing Savannah, Inc. provide housing that is affordable for Savannahians. Alderman Palumbo thanked Alderwoman Wilder-Bryan, the petitioner, and all the members of the community who participated in the process. This is a unique community benefits agreement and maybe not suitable for other communities, but it is the largest contribution on record for affordable housing. Alderwoman Wilder-Bryan again, thanked Mr. Wardlaw and MPC Executive Director Melanie Wilson and her staff for their work on the project. She informed the public that the $400,000 will go to CHSA for affordable housing that benefits single mothers, seniors and low-income individuals. Alderwoman Gibson-Carter advised City Manager Melder that she did not vote for this particular development. She is listening to residents of the 3rd and 4th District who feel the price/appraisal is too low. Alderwoman Gibson-Carter stated she will not be supporting Item #33. Alderwoman Lanier clarified there was no community benefit agreement; however, she is glad the $400,000 will be going into the housing fund to leverage affordable housing for residents. Alderwoman Lanier stated a community benefits agreement is created with resident input/preferences and that was not included in this process. Alderman Purtee moved to approve Item #33, seconded by Alderman Leggett and Alderwoman Wilder-Bryan. The motion passed, 8-1-0. Alderwoman Gibson-Carter voted no. Mayor Johnson indicated any contributions to election campaigns for any Member of the Savannah City Council is located at https://www.savannahga.gov/. |
34. Settlement #1 | |
Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz moved to approve Item #34, to authorize the City Attorney’s office to resolve the claim of Nancy Cook (vehicle accident) in the amount of $180,000.00, seconded by Alderman Palumbo. The motion passed unanimously, 9-0-0. |
35. Settlement #2 | |
Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz moved to approve Item #35, to authorize the City Attorney’s office to resolve a claim with Curtis V. Cooper by transferring property located at 635 East Broughton Street, seconded by Alderwoman Lanier. The motion passed unanimously, 9-0-0. |
36. Approval to Amend the Historic Sites and Monuments Standards and Guidelines to Present More Clarity About the Review Process for Historic Markers, Monuments, Murals, and Public Art and to Add Language Further Clarifying the Application Guidelines for Rotating Murals. | |
Exhibit 1: Staff Report on Revisions to the Historic Sites and Monuments Commission Master Plan & Guidelines.pdf | |
Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz moved to approve Item #36, seconded by Alderman Leggett and Alderwoman Wilder-Bryan. The motion passed unanimously, 9-0-0. |
37. Authorize Supplemental Budget Appropriations to the FY 2022 Capital Improvement Program. | |
Exhibit 1: FY22 Q3 Capital Improvements Projects Budget Appropriations Details | |
Alderwoman Gibson-Carter asked City Manager Melder how installation of new sidewalks were prioritized. Mr. Melder indicated Council Members will be asked for their individual districts priorities of new sidewalks before staff moves forward. Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz moved to approve Item #37, seconded by Alderman Palumbo and Alderwoman Wilder-Bryan. The motion passed unanimously, 9-0-0. |
38. Adoption of the Proposed Redistricting of Savannah Aldermanic Districts Pursuant to 2020 Census Data. | |
REMOVED from the agenda, and CONTINUED/POSTPONED Item #38 to the October 27, 2022, City Council Meeting, during the adoption of the agenda, upon advisement from the City Attorney’s office in order to meet hearing requirements. |
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Alderman Purtee announced Georgia Southern University's Homecoming is this weekend. As a Georgia Southern University graduate, Mayor Johnson said, go Eagles. Mayor Johnson thanked former Mayor Otis Johnson for attending the meeting. Alderman Leggett announced the new CAT tracker/app is out for everyone's use. Mayor Johnson announced the 35th anniversary of CAT Transit. Alderwoman Miller Blakely asked residents to respond to the MPC survey on transportation, posted on the MPC website.
Mayor Johnson adjourned the Regular Meeting at 8:26 p.m.
A video recording of the Regular Meeting can be found by copying and inserting the link below in your url:
Mark Massey, Clerk of Council
Date Minutes Approved: October 13, 2022
Signature: MM |
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