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June 27, 2024, City Council Regular Meeting
20. Petition of Rafaella Nutini on Behalf of the Housing Authority of Savannah for a Text Amendment to the Hitch Village PUD in Aldermanic District 2 (File No. 24-002441-ZA).
Strategic Priority
Good Government

The Petitioner is requesting approval of an amended Master Plan for the Fred Wessels-Hitch Village Planned Development (PUD). The intent of the amendment is to permit the relocation of a proposed 60-foot right-of-way. This realignment would result in a safer and more efficient design for the future early childhood learning center (ECLC) slated to be constructed on the site. 


In 2012, the Housing Authority of Savannah (HAS) received a Choice Neighborhoods Initiative Planning Grant through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development which allowed it to undertake a planning effort to create a “transformation plan” not only for the redevelopment of its own property, but for portions of East Savannah and the Wheaton Street Corridor. The plan is known as the East Savannah Gateway Transformation Plan (Plan). The Plan represents a local comprehensive planning effort to bring private and public stakeholders together to develop strategies for the plan’s three key elements: housing, people, and neighborhood. The PUD district, which includes the previously approved master plan, provides for a variety of housing choices for mixed-income residents with an opportunity to develop neighborhood-serving commercial and institutional uses. The rezoning request and PUD establishment were previously heard and approved by the MPC at the March 18, 2015 meeting. Both were approved by City Council on April 16, 2015.


On May 21, 2024, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the amended Fred Wessels-Hitch Village Planned Development Master Plan.

Bridget Lidy, Senior Director, Planning and Urban Design Department
Financial Impact
Review Comments
Exhibit 1: MPC Recommendation for Hitch Village PD (File No. 24-002441-ZA).pdf
Exhibit 2: Maps for Hitch Village PD (File No. 24-002441-ZA).pdf
Exhibit 3: Early Childhood Learning Center Site Plan.pdf
Exhibit 4: Amended Hitch Village Master Plan (File No. 24-002441-ZA).pdf
Exhibit 5: Draft Ordinance for Hitch Village PUD (File No. 24-002441-ZA).pdf
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