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December 19, 2024, City Council Regular Meeting
57. Motion to Authorize the City Manager to Grant a Utility Easement to Georgia Power Company for Electrical Distribution Lines and Equipment at Daffin Park – 1401 E. Victory Drive (PIN 20076 29001).
Strategic Priority
Economic Strength And Poverty Reduction

Georgia Power Company (GPC) has existing above-ground electrical distribution poles, lines, and equipment at the City-owned Daffin Park located at 1401 E. Victory Drive (PIN 20076 29001). A title research finds that GPC does not have a easement for these facilities. Most such lines and equipment are located within City right-of-way and governed by a franchise agreement. GPC intends to replace a few of the existing power poles and trim trees to decrease the number and length of power outages experienced by its customers. GPC has requested an easmement prior to commencing these planned upgrades.

This item has been reviewed and approved by Water Sewer Planning & Engineering, Traffic Engineering, Stormwater, Development Services, Planning & Urban Design, Park & Tree, Recreation & Leisure Services, and Real Estate Services. GPC has committed to ensuring contact is made to both Park & Tree and Recreation & Leisure Services Departments prior to any tree work.




David Keating, Senior Director of Real Estate Administration
Financial Impact
Review Comments
Exhibit 1 - Daffin Park - Street Map.pdf
Exhibit 2 - Daffin Park - Easement Agreement.pdf
Exhibit 3 - Daffin Park - Easement Exhibit A.pdf
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