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May 12, 2022 City Council Regular Meeting | |
Title 37. Approval of a Resolution Adopting Amendment #1 to the Tatemville Neighborhood Redevelopment Plan in Support of Investments, Incentives, and Policies that Facilitate the Retention, Improvement and Development of Affordable Housing. | |
Strategic Priority Neighborhood Revitalization | |
Description A resolution adopting Amendment #1 to the Tatemville Neighborhood Redevelopment Plan for the purpose of increasing and supporting housing investments, incentives, and policies that 1) benefit low- and moderate-income persons including renters, homeowners, and homebuyers; 2) encourage resident diversity, and; 3) extend the date of the Tatemville Neighborhood Revitalization Plan through December 31, 2031 so it coincides with the date of the 10-year Housing Savannah Action Plan.
Adoption of this Resolution should result in the award of five (5) points in support of a highly competitive application for Statewide housing tax credits. Without these and other points that the City can assist with, the application becomes less competitive and may not be awarded.
Revitalization of the Fairgounds property has been an ongoing community discussion since the purchase of the property in 2016. More recently, the City participated in seven community meetings, two public workshops, and three neighborhood site tours of the property over the last 10 months with over 500 attendees. Those meeting are listed as follows:
2. July 15, 2021: Council Workshop 3. October 14, 2021: Council Workshop 4. October 21, 2021: Two 5th District Listening Sessions:
5. February 24, 2022: Virtual Meeting with 5th District Coalition Neighborhood Presidents 6. March 1, 2022: 1ST Neighborhood Site Tour and 2nd Neighborhood Site Tour (2 sessions) 7. March 18, 2022: 3RD Neighborhood Site Tour 8. March 23, 2022: 4TH Neighborhood Site Tour 9. April 6, 2022: Virtual Meeting with Developers and 5th District Coalition Neighborhood Presidents 10. April 11, 2022: Feiler Park Neighborhood Association Meeting | |
Recommendation Approval | |
Contact Martin Fretty, Senior Director, Housing & Neighborhood Services | |
Financial Impact N/A | |
Review Comments | |
Attachments Exhibit 1: Resolution Adopting the Tatemville Neighborhood Redevelopment Plan Amendment #1.pdf Exhibit 2: Amendment #1 to the Tatemville Neighborhood Redevelopment Plan with Appendix #1.pdf Exhibit 3: City of Savannah Fairgrounds Presentation - Final.pdf |
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