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September 26, 2024, City Council Regular Meeting
16. Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Contract for Phase 1B for the I&D Water Treatment Plant Optimization, Upgrade and Expansion Project with Hussey, Gay, Bell (LOCAL) in the Amount of $12,567,600. This will enable the City to proceed with capital improvements to the I&D Water Treatment Plant and associated water distribution infrastructure, ensuring the City of Savannah's water supply meets current and future demands as well as applicable regulatory compliance requirements (Water Resources).
Strategic Priority

This is for a contract for Phase 1B for the I&D Water Treatment Plant Optimization, Upgrade, and Expansion Project with Hussey, Gay, Bell in the amount of $12,567,600. Phase 1B was included in the original scope of the solicitation; however, its initiation was contingent upon the awarding of Phase 1A. With the work for Phase 1A now completed, the City is in a position to proceed with awarding Phase 1B. Following Phase 1A evaluations, Hussey Gay Bell, in collaboration with the City of Savannah’s project staff, has developed a comprehensive work plan aimed at increasing the capacity and enhancing the efficiency of Savannah's Industrial & Domestic Water Treatment Plant (I&D WTP) facility and water distribution systems. This proposal is designed to meet near-term water demands and lays the foundation for future, long-term I&D WTP capital improvements. HGB’s scope of services to be performed under Phase 1Binclude: (1) immediate capacity improvements to meet near-term water supply demands and regulatory requirements; (2) procurement of a construction manager at risk to lead construction efforts; (3) master planning of the long-term capital improvements for the I&D SWTP and distribution systems; and (4) development of a comprehensive financial plan and strategy to fund the near-term and long-term capital improvements.The scope of services are:

I. Master Planning – Phase 1B

  • Contract Management and Administration
  • Demand Analysis
  • Projected Demand/Supply Balance Assumptions
  • Dissolved Oxygen Mitigation Modeling
  • Pump Station Transient Analyses
  • Facility Evaluation
  • Facility Optimization and Planning Document
  • Distribution System Assessment
  • Basis of Design Report - Master Planning

II. Integrated Capital Program Funding and Financial Roadmap

  • Baseline 5-year Financial Plan for the Water Utility
  • Comprehensive Water Master Plan and CIP Portfolio
  • Funding Strategy Evaluation and Capital Financing
  • Comprehensive 10-year Financial Plan
  • Presentation of Financial Plan and Funding Strategies
  • WIFIA Application and Funding
  • Wastewater Financial Plan, Cost of Service, and Rate Evaluation

III. Water Treatment Plant Immediate Improvements

  • Raw Water Pumping and Conveyance Capacity Improvements
  • Filter Uprating and Sedimentation Basin Improvements
  • Sludge Collection System Rehabilitation
  • Disinfection Contact Time (CT) Improvements
  • Peak Demand Decoupling Hydraulic Analysis and Modifications
  • Plant Chemical Feed Systems Expansion
  • Remote Chlorine Residual Monitoring
  • Construction Manager At-Risk (CMAR) Procurement Support Services
  • Permitting Support
  • Basis of Design Report - Immediate Improvements
  • Construction Administration and Construction Observation Services
  • Record Drawing and Closeout Services




Ronald Feldner, Chief, Water Resources
Financial Impact
Expenditure of $12,567,600 from the Capital Improvement Fund
Review Comments
Exhibit 1: Funding Verification - I&D Plant Optimization.pdf
Exhibit 2: Purchasing Notes - I&D Plant Optimization.pdf
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