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September 12, 2024, City Council Regular Meeting
26. Authorize the City Manager to Execute an Annual Contract for the Child Development Associate (CDA) Job Training Program with Summit Training Specialist, LLC in an Amount Not to Exceed $71,400. The Child Development Associate (CDA) job training program will serve 120 income eligible scholarship recipients. (Human Services)
Strategic Priority
Economic Strength And Poverty Reduction

This annual contract is for Child Development Associate (CDA) job training services from Summit Training Specialist, LLC in an amount not to exceed $71,400. The Emerge Job Training Program is hosted by the Human Services Department and provides scholarships for high demand and high wage entry level employment opportunities for income-eligible residents of the city of Savannah. Scholarships are available to applicants who meet the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development income guidelines and helps to defray the cost of tuition, equipment, and supplies associated with the job certification program.


The Child Development Associate (CDA) job training program will serve 120 income-eligible scholarship recipients. The 10-week program prepares program participants to earn a certificate of completion and obtain the Child Development Associate Credential issued by the Council for Professional Recognition. Successful participants will complete 120 hours of training and classroom observations. CDA graduates working in childcare facilities are eligible to receive state funding to complete additional test preparation courses to earn a National CDA certification, making them more competitive for employment in the childcare industry.


The RFP was advertised, opened, and reviewed. The contract includes four (4) one-year renewal options. Delivery: As needed. Terms: Net 30 days.


The vendor is:

L.B. Summit Training Specialists, LLC (Eden, GA)(D)       $71,400


A pre-bid conference was not conducted. (D) Indicates non-local, non-DBE-business.

Local vendor notified via the supplier portal: No

Total sent: 330

Total received: 1 



Kerri Reid, Senior Director, Human Services Department
Financial Impact
Expenditure of $71,400 from the Community Development Fund
Review Comments
Exhibit 1: Funding Verification - Child Development Associate Training Services (Emerge).pdf
Exhibit 2: Purchasing Notes - Child Development Associate Training Services (Emerge).pdf
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