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October 27, 2022 City Council Regular Meeting
16. Charter Amendment for the Pension Plan. This is a proposed ordinance to amend to the City Charter to address changes to the City of Savannah Employees’ Retirement Plan (the “Pension Plan”) effective January 1, 2023.
Strategic Priority
Good Government

This is a proposed ordinance to amend to the City Charter to address changes to the City of Savannah Employees’ Retirement Plan (the “Pension Plan”) effective January 1, 2023. The following changes are being made to our pension ordinance and the changes are included in the attached documents. The Retirement Board originally discussed the proposed Ordinance at its meeting on November 3, 2020, and recommended approval to the Mayor and City Council.


  1. Sections 1.A., 1.B., and 1.C. of the proposed Ordinance amends the Pension Plan to require a Social Security Administration determination for disability or a determination for disability benefits under the City’s long-term disability plan in order to be eligible for disability benefits under the Plan (rather than the Retirement Board determining disability based on physician certifications). 

  2. Section 1.D. of the Ordinance amends the Pension Plan to require that if a participant is re-employed by the City while receiving pension benefits under the Plan, the participant’s pension benefits will cease and, during the period of re-employment, the participant will make contributions to the Plan. Upon re-retirement, the participant’s pension benefits will be recalculated and payment shall commence following the participant’s re-retirement. Retirees who are elected to office or selected to fill a vacancy in an appointed office (City Manager, City Attorney, or City Clerk), however, will continue to have choice to continue their pension or rejoin and contributed to the Plan. The amendment will be in effect for re-employments on and after January 1, 2023.




Jeffery Grant, Senior Director, Human Resources
Financial Impact
Review Comments
Exhibit 1: Memo Regarding the Ordinance for Charter Amendment Effective 1-1-2023 (Pension Plan).docx
Exhibit 2: Notice of Charter Amendment - Pension Plan (Disability and Rehires).docx
Exhibit 3: Ordinance to Amend City of Savannah Employees Retirement Plan (Disability and Rehires).docx
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