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November 23, 2021 City Council Regular Meeting | |
Title 12. Petition of Rebecca Holcombe on Behalf of Property Owner Jaki Gatch for a Zoning Map Amendment to Rezone 5313 Skidaway Road (PIN 20122 02021) from RSF-10 (Residential Single Family-10) to O-I (Office Institutional). Aldermanic District 3 (File No. 21-004900). MPC Recommends Rezoning to OI-T (Office Institutional-Transition) with Conditions. | |
Strategic Priority Good Government | |
Description The petitioner, Rebecca Holcombe, on behalf of the property owner, Jaki Gatch, is requesting to rezone 5313 Skidaway Road (PIN 20122 02021) from (Residential Single Family-10) to O-I (Office Institutional). The purpose of the rezoning is to convert the exiting residential building into an office for use by the petitioner. The 0.35-acre parcel is located on the northwest corner the intersection of two arterial streets, DeRenne Avenue and Skidaway Road. The corner lots of the intersection were developed with retail, personal service shops, and institutional uses. While there are residences that abut Skidaway Road and DeRenne Avenue in the surrounding area, the subject parcel is the only residence at this intersection. 5313 Skidaway Road is a part of the Forest Park (formerly Forest Hills) neighborhood. Three office zoning classifications exist in the Zoning Ordinance with increased levels of intensity and corresponding development standards to include OI-T (Office Institutional-Transition), O-I (Office Institutional), and OI-E (Office – Institutional – Extend). The OI-T district allows fewer non-residential uses and is intended to “…facilitate the orderly transition of properties originally developed for residential use to limited nonresidential uses. These properties are located in areas where increased automobile traffic, road widening or other factors have diminished residential viability, resulting in the need for a transitional area to buffer surrounding residential properties.” Rather than pursue the O-I zoning district, the Planning Commission is recommending approval of the OI-T (Office Institutional-Transition) district with conditions since it is more compatible with the surrounding area. In addition, single family residential is a permitted use in the OI-T district allowing the property to remain conforming should it not be converted to an office.
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Recommendation On November 2, 2021, the Planning Commission denied the request to rezone 5313 Skidaway Road (PIN 20122 02021) from RSF-10 to O-I. Instead, the Planning Commission is recommending the rezoning of the subject property to OI-T (Office Institutional - Transition) subject to the following conditions:
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Contact Bridget Lidy, Senior Director, Planning and Urban Design | |
Financial Impact N/A | |
Review Comments | |
Attachments Exhibit 1: Maps -- 5313 Skidaway Road Exhibit 2: MPC Recommendation -- 5313 Skidaway Road Exhibit 3: Draft Ordinance -- 5313 Skidaway Road |
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