The work session and City Manager’s briefing was held at 12:04 p.m. Mayor Johnson recognized Alderman Purtee to offer a prayer.




Mayor Van R. Johnson, II, Presiding

Alderwoman Alicia Miller Blakely, At-Large, Post 2

Alderwoman Bernetta B. Lanier, District 1

Alderwoman Linda Wilder-Bryan, District 3

Alderman Nick Palumbo, District 4, Vice-Chairman

Alderwoman Dr. Estella Edwards Shabazz, District 5, Mayor Pro-Tem

Alderman Kurtis Purtee, District 6

ABSENT:    Alderwoman Kesha Gibson-Carter, At-Large, Post 1

Alderman Detric Leggett, District  2


City Manager Joseph A. Melder

Chief of Staff Daphanie Williams

City Attorney Bates Lovett

Clerk of Council Mark Massey

Deputy Clerk of Council Margaret Fox

Workshop Agenda Items
1. Proposed FY23-FY27 Capital Improvement Program
Exhibit 1: FY23-FY27 Capital Presentation.pdf
Exhibit 2: FY23 Proposed Capital Project Allocation Listing.pdf

PRESENTED by City Manager Melder, Office of Management & Budget Senior Director Melissa Carter, and Senior Capital Improvement Projects Analyst Victoria Keller.

  • Mayor Johnson recognized the budget team by asking members of the team to stand.  On behalf of Council, he thanked Ms. Carter and her team for the outstanding work on preparing and submitting the FY2023 Budget.
  • Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz commended budget staff and asked Ms. Keller to confirm if page 251 was the Capital Improvement Program (yes).
  • Alderwoman Lanier requested a chart listing Council's priorities with associated costs.  Ms. Carter indicated Council's priorities can be viewed in the City Manager's Budget Message.  Alderwoman Lanier requested the priority text in pie chart format (Ms. Carter will prepare the pie chart for Council).  Alderwoman Lanier requested the explanation/definition of the term 'Force Main Pig' as listed on the FY23 Proposed Capital Project Allocations.  Assistant City Manager Health Lloyd explained the pig is a plug (large roto router) used to clean out the force main to increase capacity.


The PowerPoint presentation is available and on file in the Clerk of Council's office.  

2. Inclusionary Zoning
Exhibit 1: Inclusionary Zoning Presentation.pdf

PRESENTED by City Manager Melder, Planning & Urban Design Senior Director Bridget Lidy, Senior Planner Candra Teshome, and Housing Director Martin Fretty.

City Manager Melder thanked Candra Teshome on her contributions to the City of Savannah and congratulated her on her new position in Asheville, NC.

The following questions and comments include Item #2 Inclusionary Zoning; and Item #3 Accessory Dwelling Units.

  • Mayor Johnson thanked City Manager Melder and City staff for delivering the information requested by Council.
  • Alderwoman Miller Blakely asked why inclusionary zoning included only 10% of property for tax credits and why no areas on the Southside were included.  Ms. Lidy answered, the 10% is only a proposed recommendation, it can be increased at Council's discretion.  Alderwoman Miller Blakely asked why they used 15 years and not 20 years.  Ms. Lidy explained, 15 years was used as a possible option, but 20 years can be used for the affordability.  City Manager Melder explained that during staff analysis it was determined that putting inclusionary zoning on the Southside would suppress development.  Alderwoman Miller Blakely disagreed with City Manager Melder and recommended at least some inclusionary zoning on the Southside.
  • In relation to inclusionary zoning, Alderman Palumbo asked how area median income (AMI) was calculated and what are the geographic boundaries used.  Mr. Fretty answered, the AMI, geographic area, and fair market rents used is calculated and used by HUD on an annual basis (the tables are available online).  Alderman Palumbo asked what are the expectations for the future and how will staff assess if the mechanism is working.  City Manager Melder explained, moving forward any inclusionary zoning ordinance will need some adjustments and the ordinance will need to include provisions that will not cause any harm to residents.  If Council approves an inclusionary zoning ordinance staff will need to look for ways to expand and develop the program annually.
  • Mayor Johnson indicated he would be interested in viewing the staff's recommendations and/or assessment on achieving the City's ultimate plans.  City Manager Melder will share staff's recommendations based on the collected data with Mayor and Council.
  • Alderwoman Lanier discussed accessory dwelling units and inclusionary zoning as it relates to area density and the needs of the population to create quality of life (grocery stores, retail, etc.).  Equity policies: inclusionary zoning, accessory dwelling units (ADU), community benefit ordinance, and community benefit agreements that empower residents and provide what is needed in the community to create quality of life.  Alderwoman Lanier recommended inclusionary zoning city wide, not just in certain areas and reducing the ADU minimum lot area from 200% to 150% (150% is the proposed revision for minimum lot area requirement).         
  • Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz questioned if inclusionary zoning would be feasible for residents.  Multi-family developments between Anderson and Derenne Avenues were discussed as it relates to parking incentives.  Ms. Lidy explained, since parking structures are expensive to build, reducing the amount of parking required as incentives would reduce the amount of the total development so as to include affordable housing with the inclusionary zoning.  Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Shabazz stated she does not support the program.


The PowerPoint presentation is available and on file in the Clerk of Council's office.             

3. Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs)
Exhibit 1: Accessory Dwelling Unit Presentation.pdf

PRESENTED by City Manager Melder, Planning & Urban Design Senior Director Bridget Lidy, Senior Planner Candra Teshome, Housing Director Martin Fretty.

Following the presentations, questions and comments included Item #2 Inclusionary Zoning; and Item #3 Accessory Dwelling Units.


The PowerPoint presentation is available and on file in the Clerk of Council's office.

Mayor Johnson adjourned the Workshop at 1:40 p.m.


A video recording of the workshop can be found by copying and inserting the link below in your url:



Mark Massey, Clerk of Council


Date Minutes Approved:     December 8, 2022 


Signature:   MM 

Agenda Plus