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March 27, 2025 City Council Regular Meeting | |
Title 18. Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Contract for West Victory Drive Medians Irrigation and Planting with Tidewater Landscape Management, Inc., in An Amount not to Exceed $272,385. This contract will be utilized by the Park and Tree Department for the installation of landscape and irrigation along West Victory Drive from Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard to Ogeechee Road. (Park & Tree) | |
Strategic Priority Neighborhood Revitalization | |
Description This is for the approval of an annual contract for West Victory Drive Medians Irrigations and Planting with Tidewater Landscape Management, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $272,385. This contract will be utilized by the Park and Tree Department for the installation of landscape and irrigation along West Victory Drive from Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard to Ogeechee Road. Turf (centipede grass) will be installed on median end-caps and alternating coontie palms, Encore ® “Autumn Embers” dwarf azaleas, and Monrovia ® “Georga Petite” Indian hawthorn between the palm trees and shrubbery. These improvements will enhance West Victory Drive and create beautiful medians.
The bid was advertised, opened, and reviewed. Three proposals were received, and one was deemed non-responsive. The contract term expires on March 27, 2026. Delivery: As needed. Terms: Net 30 days. The bidders were:
L.B. Tidewater Landscape Management, Inc. (Garden City, GA) (D) $272,385 02. ASAP Landscape Management Group (Decatur, GA) (D) $503,217.53
A pre-bid meeting was not conducted. (D) Indicates a non-local, non-DBE business.
Local vendors notified via the supplier portal: Yes
Total sent: 1041
Total received: 2 | |
Recommendation Approval | |
Contact Scott DeArmey, Director of Urban Forestry Division | |
Financial Impact Expenditure of $272,385 from Park & Tree Funds | |
Review Comments | |
Attachments Exhibit 1: Funding Verification - West Victory Drive Medians Irrigation and Planting.pdf Exhibit 2: Purchasing Notes - West Victory Drive Medians Irrigation and Planting.pdf |
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