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March 27, 2025 City Council Regular Meeting
17. A Joint Petition of Bridget Lidy on Behalf of the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah, Georgia and Brianna Paxton for a Zoning Text Amendment to Sections 3.12 Special Exceptions, 3.21 Variances, 5.4 Principal Use Table, 5.9 Traditional Residential Districts, 5.12 Traditional Neighborhood Districts, 5.13 Traditional Districts, 8.1 Residential Use Standards for Limited and Special Uses (File No. 24-004284-ZA). (Postponed from the March 13, 2025 City Council Meeting.)
Strategic Priority
Good Government

The Petitioner requests a text amendment to the Zoning Ordinance text to enable and regulate density increases for affordable housing in the Traditional zoning districts. The proposed revisions would allow a reduced lot area per unit below the minimum specified by these zoning districts, provided that the reduced lot area is used to expand affordable housing opportunities. The petition includes specific amendments to the following sections of the Zoning Ordinance:

  1. Section 3.12: Special Exceptions
  2. Section 3.21: Variances
  3. Section 5.4: Principal Use Table
  4. Section 5.9: Traditional Residential
  5. Section 5.12: Traditional Neighborhood
  6. Section 5.13: Traditional Commercial
  7. Section 8.1: Residential Use Standards for Limited and Special Uses

On November 7, 2024, a public hearing was held, during which the City Council recommended continuing the item to allow staff time to engage with the impacted neighborhoods and assess their interest in the proposed revisions. In response to this directive, several meetings were held with neighborhood leadership resulting in four neighborhoods—Cuyler Brownville, Cann Park/Jackson Park, Historic Carver Village, and Midtown—expressing a desire to opt out of the program. Meanwhile, Live Oak, Victorian, and Thomas Square/Metropolitan expressed a wish to participate.

In response to feedback, the Zoning Ordinance has been updated to include a new provision—Section 7.6 Affordable Housing Overlay District. The revision is designed to enhance the availability, accessibility, and affordability of housing by promoting the development of diverse housing options. This includes permitting density increases for affordable housing by reducing the minimum lot area per unit and allowing additional housing types in select zoning districts and neighborhoods. The proposal provides otherneighborhoods the opportunity to participate in the program if they wish. An accompanying zoning map amendment to formally establish the Affordable Housing Overlay District will be presented to City Council in April.


On October 15, 2024, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the proposed text amendment with the following condition:

The following four (4) updated programmatic elements shall be presented to the Planning Commission by the Department of Planning and Urban Design within 180 days of the date of City Council adoption in support of its competent future disposition of requests for Special Exceptions pursuant to the proposed text amendment:

  1. A definition of affordable housing;

  2. A defined period of affordability;

  3. Nomination of an ombudsman and a documented explanation of the intended mechanism for ongoing compliance monitoring;

  4. Delineation and establishment of an ‘infill development boundary’ to prevent adverse rezonings and development in locations lacking adequate infrastructure.

The Planning Commission also recommended creation of the following programmatic elements for future refinement of the density bonus program:

  1. Contextual guidelines for missing middle housing typologies such as a pre-approved plan book or design manual;

  2. Occupancy standards to ensure incentivized housing developments are effectively tailored to meet the needs of Savannah’s diverse community.

Bridget Lidy, Planning and Urban Design
Financial Impact
Review Comments
Exhibit 1: MPC Recommendation Packet (File No. 24-004284-ZA).pdf
Exhibit 2: City Council Housing Savannah Action Plan Update.pdf
Exhibit 3: Final Proposed Revisions 10.09.2024 (File No. 24-004284-ZA).pdf
Exhibit 4: Proposed Zoning Revisions as of 03.20.2025 (File No. 24-004284-ZA).pdf
Exhibit 5: Draft Ordinance as of 03.20.2025 (File No. 24-004284-ZA).pdf
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