June 6, 2019 City Council Workshop | |
Savannah City Government SUMMARY/FINAL MINUTES COUNCIL WORK SESSION & CITY MANAGER’S BRIEFING June 6, 2019 – 9:00 a.m. The workshop of Council was held at 10:00 a.m. in the second floor media room of City Hall. PRESENT: Mayor Eddie W. DeLoach, Presiding Mayor Pro-Tem Carolyn H. Bell Alderman Julian Miller, Chairman of Council Alderman Brian Foster, Vice-Chairman of Council Alderman Van R. Johnson, II, District 1 Alderman Bill Durrence, District 2 Alderman John Hall, District 3 Alderwoman Dr. Estella E. Shabazz, District 5 Alderman Tony Thomas, District 6
OTHERS PRESENT: Acting City Manager, Patrick C. Monahan Assistant to the City Manager, Bret Bell City Attorney, Bates Lovett Deputy City Attorney, Jen Herman Assistant City Attorney, William Shearouse Clerk of Council, Mark Massey and Deputy Clerk of Council, Margaret Fox
Workshop Agenda Items | |
1. ULI Report on the Redevelopment of the Savannah Civic Center | |
Exhibit 1: Presentation - ULI Report Civic Center Site Redevelopment.pdf | |
Mayor DeLoach called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. and recognized Glenn Hull, Special Projects Coordinator, from the City Manager's Office to give an update regarding the Summer 500 Program. He indicated there were 262 participates in the program. Every effort was made to match work assignments with businesses that coordinated with the student's career path, (e.g. 6 students are interning with the Fire Department). The Council congratulated Mr. Hull on his hard work and commended him on placing all the students enrolled in the program. Following Mr. Hull's presentation, Patrick Monahan, Acting City Manager, began the workshop discussions by introducing Liz Taschereau, Bridget Lidy and Luciana Spracher to begin with the Civic Center redevelopment plan. Liz Taschereau began the ULI Report presentation with a brief review of the Urban Land Institute's objectives and guidance of real estate use. She thanked the following sponsors for their participation in developing the application: Downtown Neighborhood Association, Historic Savannah Foundation, Savannah Area Chamber of Commerce, Savannah Downtown Business Association, and Savannah Old Town Tours. She then outlined the assignment of the Panel, the process and recommendations. Luciana Spracher, from Municipal Archives Department, described historical components in detail of the historical context of the Oglethorpe Plan. She outlined the Ward, the Civic Center site, the existing conditions, the square/street patterns, short & long term forecast, and the recommendations from the ULI Panel. Bridget Lidy, Director of Planning & Urban Design, concluded the presentation by reading the ULI recommendation by and thanking all involved with the long process in redeveloping the historic Oglethorpe Plan. She informed Mayor and Council that Council Meeting Agenda Item #55 is requesting a motion to adopt the recommendations of the ULI, regarding the redevelopment of the Savannah Civic Center Site.
2. NewZo – Articles 9-13 | |
Exhibit 1: Presentation - NewZo 9-13.pdf | |
Moved to Item #4 The City Manager began the NewZo presentation by informing Mayor and Council that the presentation is the wrap-up of the Chapter reviews and the full Zoning Ordinance and Maps will be discussed during the next Regular Meeting of Council. The first and second readings of Council will be in July. Bridget Lidy began by introducing Marcus Lotson, Director of Planning at Metropolitan Planning Commission (MPC), and they did a step by step description of the final Zoning Ordinances, Chapters 9-13. The Chapters included general site standards, natural resource standards, nonconformities, violations, penalties & enforcement, and abbreviations & definitions. Ms. Lidy outlined the next steps for completion of the NewZo Ordinance and she stated that there will be a target date of September 1, 2019, for implementation if Council approves NewZo.
3. White Bluff Cemetery Update | |
Exhibit 1: Presentation - White Bluff Road Cemetery.pdf | |
Moved up on the Agenda to Item #2. Bridget Lidy, Director of Planning & Urban Design, John Brannen, Cemeteries, and Gene Prevatt, Sanitation Director presented on behalf of Mr. Taffanye Young, Chief Community Services Officer pertaining to a permit request for 11305 White Bluff Road. The owners of the property, Hutton Development, request to transfer the remains, stones and burial objects that were discovered on the property during demolition. Ms. Lidy explained the process of moving the remains as required by State Code. Hutton Development is working with the City to relocate the remains to Laurel Road Cemetery with the rest of their family. Since this was the first instance of relocating remains, staff will be working to produce an Archeological Ordinance to address future occurrences. Mayor and Council requested options the City can take pertaining to Evergreen Cemetery maintenance. The property has been unattended and quite an eyesore for some time. Mayor and Council instructed the City Attorney to look at addressing the issue of maintenance at Evergreen Cemetery from a legal standpoint. |
4. Public Works Complex | |
Exhibit 1: Presentation - Public Works Complex.pdf | |
Moved to Agenda Item #3 Health Lloyd, Chief Infrastructure & Development Officer began the presentation with a brief status update of the relocation of the public works facility. He introduced Charles Tessmer, Water & Sewer Planning and Engineering who explained the reasons why the relocation was necessary (consolidation of services). He presented a slide presentation that included the following:
A discussion followed with Mayor and Council who ask for additional information on the selection of the location, departments assigned to the administration building, and ease of access to the location while driving. |
5. Agenda Format Discussion | |
Exhibit 1: Memo from the Acting City Manager Regarding the Consent Agenda.pdf | |
Patrick Monahan, Acting City Manager, discussed the addition of a Consent Agenda to the current meeting format. He detailed how incorporating the Consent Agenda would minimize changes made to the agenda once it has been published, increase the effectiveness of preparing the Agenda, become more transparent to the public, and not effect any Ordinances or alcohol readings, etc. Any item on the Consent Agenda could be pulled by any Alderman for separate consideration on the Regular Meeting Agenda. He indicated Council could try the Consent Agenda out for a few months and see if it will improve the conductance of meetings. Mayor and Council commended Mr. Monahan on aiming to organize the meetings more effectively. Acting City Manager indicated that Alderman Durrence asked for a briefing on the old storm water lines on Bolton Street because of the recent rain. Alderman Durrence requested information on 3rd party involvement (property and people effected). Heath Lloyd, Chief Infrastructure & Development Officer, discussed the Bolton Street flooding issue and other streets as it relates to the hundred and two year old infrastructure. Storm water lines throughout the City need rehab and the department will attempt to minimize damage to public and private property. Alderwoman Bell expressed concern with flooding between 132nd Street between 16th Street and Abercorn. She requested the engineering department to take a look at that area for flooding issues. Mr. Lloyd indicated staff is currently examining flooding streets and removing debris for more effective drainage. Mr. Monahan will update Council as the process moves along. |
6. Personnel, Real Estate, and Litigation | |
Moved to Agenda Item #7 Alderman Durrence moved, seconded by Alderman Foster, to conduct a closed executive session pertaining to litigation and personnel. The motion carried unanimously. Alderman Durrence moved, seconded by Alderman Miller, to close executive session and adjourn the workshop. The motion carried unanimously. The executive session began at 12:28 p.m. and ended at 12:37p.m. There was no action taken during the executive session. Hearing no objections, the Mayor adjourned the workshop at 12:37 p.m. |
7. Review of Agenda | |
Moved to Agenda Item #6 The City Manager along with Council reviewed the Regular Meeting Agenda with the following changes/modifications:
The video recording of the Council meeting can be found by copying and pasting the below link in url: https://savannahgovtv.viebit.com/player.php?hash=uITDWk1absH7
Mark Massey, Clerk of Council Date Minutes Approved: June 20, 2019 Initials: mm |
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