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June 27, 2024, City Council Regular Meeting | |
Title 37. Authorize the City Manager to Rescind the Award for Three (3) Dump Trucks from Wade Ford, and Re-Award to National Automotive Fleet Group c/o Associate Fuel Systems in the Amount of $366,000. The three (3) dump trucks will serve as a valuable fleet addition for the Sanitation Department to support the newly established Sanitation Litter Crew. (Fleet) | |
Strategic Priority Good Government | |
Description This contract is to rescind the previous award for three (3) dump trucks to Wade Ford, and re-award the contract to National Automotive Fleet Group in the amount of $366,000. The original purchase approved by City Council on December 21, 2021, aimed to procure three (3) dump trucks from Wade Ford. However, due to ordering bank cutoffs and limited vehicle allocations, Wade Ford cannot fulfill the vehicle order. Therefore, staff recommends procuring the vehicles from the National Automotive Fleet Group.
The three (3) dump trucks will serve as a valuable fleet addition for the Sanitation Department to support the newly established Sanitation Litter Crew. This initiative aims to assist the Sanitation Department in meeting the increasing service demands related to emptying litter and recycling baskets, removing loose litter from blocks, and maintaining the clean appearance of the City of Savannah. The acquisition of these dump body trucks will significantly bolster the Sanitation Department's capacity to support the City of Savannah's litter crew initiative.
Per section 2-4154 of the City’s Purchasing Ordinance, the City may purchase goods or services through the use of a cooperative purchasing agreement. The contract used for this procurement is a cooperative Sourcewell contract #060920-NAF (Class 4-8 Chassis w/ Related Equipment). It was competitively bid by Sourcewell and expires August 1st, 2025.
The vendor is: C.C. National Auto Fleet Group C/O Associate Fuel Systems (Conley, GA)(D) $366,000
A pre-proposal meeting was not conducted as these goods are being procured through the use of a cooperative purchasing agreement. (D) Indicates non-local, non-DBE business. Local available: No | |
Recommendation Approval | |
Contact Ervin Williams, Senior Director, Fleet Services Department | |
Financial Impact Expenditure of $366,000 from the Vehicle Replacement Fund/Vehicle Purchases/Vehicular Equipment Fund | |
Review Comments | |
Attachments Exhibit 1: Funding Verification - Sanitation Dump Trucks.pdf Exhibit 2: Purchasing Notes - Sanitation Dump Trucks.pdf |
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