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June 27, 2024, City Council Regular Meeting
33. Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Contract for New Mobile Data Terminals (MDTs) from Law and Order Technology in an Amount Not to Exceed $300,000. The mobile data terminals (MDTs) will be used by the police and fire departments. (ITS)
Strategic Priority
Good Government

This contract is to procure mobile data terminals (MDTs) from Law and Order Technology, LLC in an amount not to exceed $300,000. The mobile data terminals (MDT) will be used for the police and fire departments. The MDT’s will allow users to communicate with Central Dispatch while providing real-time GPS location mapping and information relevant to the current task.


Per section 2-4154 of the City’s Purchasing Ordinance, the City may purchase goods or services through the use of a state contract. The contract used for this procurement is State of Georgia contract No. 99999-SPD-SPD0000161-0009, End-User Computing with Panasonic Corporation. Law & Order Technology, LLC is an authorized reseller of Panasonic equipment. Delivery: As requested. Terms: Net 30 days.


The vendor is:

S.C. Panasonic Corporation C/O Law and Order Technology (Boynton Beach, FL)(D) $300,000


A pre-proposal meeting was not conducted as this service is being procured through the use of a state contract. (D) Indicates non-local, non-DBE business. 

Local available: No
Total sent: 1
Total received: 1



Tim Moody, Senior Director, Innovation & Technology Services Department
Financial Impact
Expenditure of $300,000 from the Computer Replacement Fund/Computer Purchases/Capital Outlay-Other Fund
Review Comments
Exhibit 1: Funding Verification - Mobile Data Terminals.pdf
Exhibit 2: Purchasing Notes - Mobile Data Terminals.pdf
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