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June 27, 2024, City Council Regular Meeting
56. Authorize the City Manager to Declare Surplus and Available for Sale to the Adjoining Property Owner a 0.045-Acre Parcel of Vacant Land Located at 0 Frost Drive at a Price of $5,000.
Strategic Priority
Neighborhood Revitalization

Petitioner Michael Reddish, owner of real property located at 1709 Frost Drive, has requested a 0.045-acre portion of adjoining City-owned right-of-way (ROW) be declared as surplus and available for sale. 


OCGA 36-37-6(g) authorizes the City to “sell and convey parcels of narrow strips of land, so shaped or so small as to be incapable of being used independently … to abutting property owners where such sales and conveyances facilitate the enjoyment of the highest and best use of the abutting property owner’s property without first submitting the sale or conveyance to the process of an auction or solicitation of bids.” There are no other abutting property owners to this small portion of ROW. 

A third-party appraiser has determined fair market value (FMV) of this vacant land to be $5,000. The petitioner has agreed to this purchase price and understands he will be responsible for all costs associated with the proposed real estate transaction. The sale would benefit the City by reducing maintenance costs and generating sale proceeds to the general fund. Also requested is authorization for the City Manager to execute all associated closing documents.



David Keating, Senior Director, Real Estate Administration Department
Financial Impact
Revenue of approximately $5,000 to the General Fund
Review Comments
Exhibit 1: Map Attachment - 0 Frost Drive.pdf
Exhibit 2: PSA - 0 Frost Drive.pdf
Exhibit 3: Survey - 0 Frost Drive.pdf
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