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June 23, 2022 City Council Regular Meeting | |
Title 15. Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Contract for a Sewer Vacuum Truck from Environmental Products Group, Inc. in the Amount of $476,900. The vehicle will be utilized by the Stormwater Management Division to ensure positive drainage and reduce the incidence of flooding. (Fleet) | |
Strategic Priority Good Government | |
Description This is for the purchase of a Sewer Vacuum, Hydro-Excavation Combination Truck from Environmental Products Group, Inc. in the amount of $476,900. The Stormwater Management Division will utilize the sewer vacuum truck to maintain a healthy stormwater system to ensure positive drainage and reduce flooding during rain events. The new truck will be replacing unit 8239, which is 14 years old and is no longer economical to maintain.
Per section 2-4152 of the City’s Purchasing Ordinance, the City may purchase goods or services through the use of a cooperative contract. The contract used for this procurement is Sourcewell contract #101221-VTR for Sewer Vacuum. It was competitively bid by Sourcewell and expires on November 29, 2025. Delivery: As requested. Terms: Net 30 days.
The vendor is: C.C. Vactor Manufacturing in C/o Environmental Products Group, Inc (Atlanta, GA) (D) $476,900
A pre-proposal meeting was not conducted as this Sewer Vacuum, Hydro-Excavation Combination Truck is being procured through the use of a Sourcewell cooperative contract. (D) Non-Local, Non-DBE business. | |
Recommendation Approval | |
Contact Rafael Vega Martinez, Senior Director, Fleet Services Department | |
Financial Impact Expenditure of $476,900 from the Internal Service Fund. | |
Review Comments | |
Attachments Exhibit 1: Funding Verification - Sewer Vacuum Truck.pdf Exhibit 2: Purchasing Notes - Sewer Vacuum Truck.pdf |
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