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July 18, 2019 City Council Regular Meeting
7. Confirm Emergency Repairs to Fire Pumper No. 7559 from Williams Fire Apparatus in the Amount of 43,551.81 (Event No. 7269)
Strategic Priority
Public Safety

Notification of procurement of emergency repair to Williams Fire Apparatus in the amount of $43,551.81. The services were used by Fleet Services to repair the front right cab on unit #7559, a 2017 Sutphen fire pumper truck, from a collision in an automobile accident that rendered the vehicle inoperable. This emergency repair was necessary to provide the minimum number of backup pumper trucks needed for mission-level readiness. 

This vendor was selected due to the age of the pumper and type of damage; the repair parts had to be manufactured by Sutphen Corporation, Inc. The vendor has the technicians, expertise, and direct access to Sutphen Manufacturing Company parts and metal fabrication division.



Rafael Vega, Fleet Services Director
Financial Impact
Expenditure of $43,551.81 from the Internal Service Fund
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