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July 18, 2019 City Council Regular Meeting
41. Motion to Authorize the City Manager to Execute an Annual On-Call Contract with Xylem Water Solutions, USA (Primary), Goforth Williamson (Secondary), and Pete Kelly, Inc. (Tertiary) for Stormwater Pump Repairs in the Amount Not to Exceed $1,200,000 (Event No. 7083)
Strategic Priority

Recommend approval to authorize the City Manager to execute an annual contract for pump repair for Stormwater to Xylem Water Solutions, USA (primary) in the estimated amount of $509,260, Goforth Williamson (secondary) in the estimated amount of $674,240, and Pete Kelly, Inc. (tertiary) in the estimated amount of $760,000 for an estimated total of $1,200,000.00.  This contract is for the repair of the Public Works and Water Resources Department large submersible, axial flow flood control pumps installed at six of the City’s seven Stormwater pumping stations. This contract is required to insure the reliable operating condition and timely repair of these pumps which are used to convey stormwater during rainfall events.

No DBE goal was established for this event due to due to absence of sub-contracting opportunities.

The contract term shall be July 18, 2019 through December 31, 2020.



Heath Lloyd, Chief Infrastructure and Development Officer
Financial Impact
Estimated $1,200,000 expenditure from the General Fund
Review Comments
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