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July 18, 2019 City Council Regular Meeting
40. Motion to Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Contract with Point Blank Enterprises, Inc. for Ballistic Vests in an Amount not to Exceed $200,000 (Event No. 7097)
Strategic Priority
Public Safety

Recommend approval to award an annual contract for ballistic armored vests to Point Blank Enterprises, Inc. in the amount not to exceed $200,000.

The ballistic armored vests are used by police officers to reduce or stop penetration from fired projectiles and shrapnel, while performing in high risk environments.  This purchase was approved in the 2019 Police Adopted Budget. It will allow Savannah Police Department (SPD) to accomplish operational requirements for public safety services. The primary goal is to ensure SPD officers have access to protective gear based on the requirements addressing officers working in high threat levels.

Section 2-4154 of the City of Savannah’s Purchasing ordinance allows the City to purchase goods or services by accessing a bid or contract awarded by any federal, state, county, or municipal government or any other government entity in lieu of the City’s competitive bidding procedures.  The Ohio State contract met the Savannah Police Department’s specifications for this contract. The primary goal is ensuring officers wear protective gear based on the specifications addressing concealable ballistic vests including replacement carriers and straps as noted below. The bid specifications include the NIJ-STD 2006 Interim Requirements and must be certified with the new 2006 IR Standard using Form IR3. In addition, the SPD performed a test wear on the specified vest in 2018.

The contract term will be from July 18, 2019 through December 31, 2020.



Chief Roy Minter, Savannah Police Department
Financial Impact
An expenditure of an amount not to exceed $200,000.00 from the General Fund
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