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July 18, 2019 City Council Regular Meeting
29. Motion to Amend Section 8-1001 of the Code of Ordinances to Adopt Sections of the International Property Maintenance Code and International Fire Code Addressing Unsafe Structures, Boarding Standards, and Development Standards to Accommodate Fire Apparatus
Strategic Priority
Good Government

This ordinance amendment is requesting to repeal and replace Part 8, Chapter 1, Article A, Buildings in General, Section 8-1001, Title, adoption of codes. This section has been revised to adopt Chapter 1 (Scope and Administration) and Appendix A (Boarding Standards) of the International Property Maintenance Code (IPMC) and Appendix D (Fire Apparatus Access Roads) of the International Fire Code (IFC).

Chapter 1 (Scope and Administration) of the International Property Maintenance Code (IPMC) clarifies unsafe structures, clarifies notices and orders, and clarifies placarding conditions.

Appendix A (Boarding Standards) of the International Property Maintenance Code (IPMC) requires either CDX Plywood or Performance Rated OSB painted corresponding to the house color for the City’s boarding standard for unsecured structures.

Appendix D (Fire Apparatus Access Roads) of the International Fire Code (IFC) established standards to design turnarounds of dead-end fire apparatus access roads, standards for minimum clearance around a fire hydrant, requirements for multi-family residential developments, and requirements for aerial fire apparatus roads.



Kevin Milton, Director of Code Compliance
Financial Impact
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