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July 18, 2019 City Council Regular Meeting
10. Motion to Authorize the City Manager to Execute Contract Modification No. 3 for the Neighborhood Resource Center (PARC) with Rives E. Worrell, a JE Dunn Company in the Amount of a Net Reduction of $92,993 (Event No. 4151) (SPLOST Project)
Strategic Priority
Economic Strength And Poverty Reduction

Recommend approval to authorize the City Manager to execute Contract Modification No. 3 for the Neighborhood Resource Center with Rives E. Worrell a JE Dunn Company in the amount of a net reduction of $92,993.

The original contract was for the site and building construction of the Pennsylvania Avenue Resource Center. This contract amendment includes a credit for decorative light fixtures and for shared project savings. The shared savings is a condition within the design-build contract, wherein if the actual cost of the work is less than the Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) the difference (“savings”) will be shared on a percentage basis of 30% to the Design-Builder and 70% to the Owner. Items listed within the cost savings log consist of materials and associated labor that were less costly than the original estimate, remaining contractor contingency, and unused general conditions. 

  • Decorative lighting - ($10,500)
  • Shared Savings - ($82,493)

The original contract was approved by Council on June 9, 2016 in the amount of $476,545.  Modification No.1 was approved by Council on May 24, 2018 in the amount of $6,076,272.  Modification No. 2 was approved by Council on December 20, 2018 in the amount of $27,816.  The total amount of this contract to date, including this amendment is $6,487,640.



Heath Lloyd, Chief Infrastructure and Development Officer
Financial Impact
Reduction of $92,993 to the Capital Improvements Fund (SPLOST VI)
Review Comments
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