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February 7, 2023 City Council Regular Meeting | |
Title 17. Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Contract for Commercial Refuse Containers with Lewis Steel Works, Inc. in an Amount Not to Exceed $90,975. The Sanitation Department will use these items to replace worn, damaged, and unserviceable front-end commercial refuse containers. (Sanitation) | |
Strategic Priority Good Government | |
Description This procurement is for an annual contract for Commercial Refuse Containers from Lewis Steel Works, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $90,975. The Sanitation Department will use these items to replace worn, damaged, and unserviceable front-end commercial refuse containers. Front-end commercial refuse containers are used in various locations throughout the City of Savannah to containerize waste and debris generated from businesses and other commercial establishments.
The bid was advertised, opened, and reviewed. The contract term expires on February 6, 2024. This contract also includes four (4) available annual renewal options. Delivery: As needed. Terms: Net 30 days.
The bidders were: L.B. Lewis Steel Works, Inc. (Wrens, GA)(D) $90,975 Wastequip Manufacturing Company, LLC (Statesville, NC)(D) $124,901.95 Monmouth Solutions, Inc. (Lynnfield, MA) (D) $145,125 A pre-proposal conference was not conducted. (D) Indicates non-local, non-DBE business. Local vendors notified via the supplier portal: Yes Total sent: 252 Total received: 3 | |
Recommendation Approval | |
Contact Quhannah Andrews, Senior Director, Sanitation | |
Financial Impact Expenditure of $90,975 from the Sanitation Fund | |
Review Comments | |
Attachments Exhibit 1: Funding Verification - Sanitation Commercial Refuse Containers.pdf Exhibit 2: Purchasing Notes - Sanitation Commercial Refuse Containers.pdf |
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