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February 27, 2025 City Council Regular Meeting
33. Approval of a First Amendment to the Intergovernmental Agreement Between the City of Savannah and the Savannah Chatham Board of Education for Use of Board Meeting Room Space at 2 Laura Avenue, Savannah, GA.
Strategic Priority
Good Government

The City commenced renovations and historic restoration work at City Hall (the “Restoration Work”) during the summer of 2024. The Restoration Work has impacted City Council Meeting Chambers, the lobby, portions of the Rotunda, and the Media/Meeting room. For safety and security purposes, the Mayor and Aldermen sought and continue to seek to meet at an alternate facility/location until the restoration work is completed. Staff visited several meeting spaces to determine which space can accommodate Council meeting needs.


This request is for the approval of the first amendment to the Intergovernmental Agreement with the Savannah Chatham County Board of Education (BOE), which was originally approved on August 8, 2024, for the temporary use of their Board meeting Chambers and adjoining conference room(s) at the Eli Whitney Administrative Complex located at 2 Laura Avenue, Savannah, Georgia (Eli Whitney Complex) during the restoration work. The BOE has offered this space at no cost to the City as a governmental partner, but the City will be responsible for security costs and any overtime related janitorial costs. This amendment would extend the period of use beyond February 27th, to no later than July 31, 2025. The term of the Intergovernmental Agreement will continue to be on a month-to-month basis. 


The Board Meeting Space will be made available for use by the City on the following additional dates:

  • March 2025: 13 and 27

  • April 2025: 10 and 24

  • May 2025: 8 and 22

  • June 2025: 12 and 26

  • July 2025: 10


Hours of use shall commence at 10:00 am and extend until the meeting is adjourned, but no later/longer than midnight of the day of use.



David Keating, Senior Director, Real Estate Administration Department
Financial Impact
Review Comments
Exhibit 1: IGA SCCPSS Board Room Use - First Amendment 02272025.docx.pdf
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