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December 19, 2024, City Council Regular Meeting
34. Notification of An Emergency Purchase for a 60-Inch Main Repair with Ruby Collins, Inc. in the An Amount of $677,710. The Water Reclamation Plant utilized theses services to repair the main sewer line at enters into the Water Reclamation Facility. (Water Reclamation)
Strategic Priority

Notification of an Emergency Purchase for 60-inch Main Repair with Ruby Collins, Inc. in the amount of $677,710.  The Water Reclamation Facility (WRF) experienced a significant cave-in on June 23, 2024, to the main sewer line at the southwest corner of the property. The sinkhole caused a substantial amount of sand, soil, and grit to be drawn into the WRF headworks. This partial failure prompted immediate emergency response actions by city staff. The influx of sand impaired the effectiveness of the preliminary screening processes and subsequent downstream processes. Plant staff engaged with the assistance of Ruby Collins to make the necessary repairs to the impaired 60-inch main in addition to assisting with the grit chamber cleanout. The department, along with the assistance of Ruby Collins removed 20 dump truckloads of sand from the grit chamber. The charges encompass three (3) bypass pumps two (2) 24-inch pumps and one (1) 18-inch pump to bypass 60 MGD or 42,000 gallons per minute, installation of sheet piling, shoring, cranes, excavators, and fuel. 


Staff engaged the emergency services of Ruby Collins for necessary repairs and maintenance tasks due to the City's current contractor's inability to mobilize manpower and equipment in the time needed.
Delivery: As Needed. Terms: Net 30 Days. The vendor is: 
E.P. Ruby, Inc. (Smyrna, GA)(D)  $677,710


(D)Indicates Non-Local, Non-DBE Business.



Jacelyn Crumley, Director, Water Reclamation Plants
Financial Impact
Expenditure of $677,710 from Capital Improvement Fund
Review Comments
Exhibit 1: Funding Verification - 60 in main.pdf
Exhibit 2: Purchasing Notes - 60 in main.pdf
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