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December 19, 2024, City Council Regular Meeting
29. Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Contract with SL Development for a Digital Advertising Campaign for the Savannah Police Department (SPD) in the Amount Not to Exceed $99,996. SPD will use the services for a digital advertising campaign. The strategy for this campaign is to increase social media, digital, and print campaigns used in the recruitment of new police officers.
Strategic Priority
Public Safety

This is for digital advertising services from SL Development in the amount of $99,996. The Savannah Police Department will use the services for a digital advertising campaign.  The strategy for this campaign is to increase social media, digital, and print campaigns used in the recruitment of new police officers.      


The method used for this procurement was the Request for Proposals (RFP), which evaluates criteria in addition to cost. The proposals were evaluated on the basis of qualifications and experience, technical capabilities, references, fees, and DBE/LDBE participation.


Eight (8) proposals were received in response to this RFP. Of those, three (3) proposals were shortlisted and selected for interviews before a selection committee of City staff. The fee proposals for the three (3) shortlisted firms were then opened and the proposals were fully scored. 


The proposal was advertised, opened, and reviewed. Delivery: As needed. Terms: Net 30 days. The proposers were:


B.P.       SL Development (Wethersfield, CT)(D)      $99,996

              ERM Group  (Newberry, SC)(D)           $115,200

              Jacob’s Eye  (Atlanta, GA) (D)               $100,000


A Pre-Proposal Conference was conducted and 18 vendors attended. (D)Indicates Non-Local, Non-DBE Business.


Local vendors notified via the supplier portal: Yes

Total sent: 732

Total received: 8



Kelvin Bryant, Director, Police Administration
Financial Impact
Expenditure of $99,996 from the General Fund/Training and Recruitment/Advertising
Review Comments
Exhibit 1: Funding Verification - Digital Advertising Campaign SPD.pdf
Exhibit 2: Purchasing Notes - Digital Advertising Campaign SPD.pdf
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