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December 19, 2023 City Council Regular Meeting | |
Title 15. Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Contract for Engineering Consulting Services for the Industrial & Domestic (I&D) Surface Water Treatment Plant Optimization Project with Hussey Gay Bell (LOCAL) in the Amount of $1,499,570. The I&D Surface Water Treatment Plant Upgrade project will include enhancements/upgrades to the drinking water treatment and finished water production process. It also increases the water system distribution capacity to sustain and enhance high-quality water supply and fire protection to Savannah and the region, supports our local economy, and provides regional leadership in water resource management. (Public Works & Water Resources) | |
Strategic Priority Infrastructure | |
Description This contract is for engineering services for Industrial & Domestic (I&D) surface water treatment plant optimization with Hussey, Gay, and Bell, Inc. (HGB) in the amount of $1,499,570. The planned project as proposed is the largest project undertaken for the Savannah I&D Surface Water Treatment Plant (SWTP) facility since it was initially constructed in 1947. Although selected upgrades have been performed through the years, the facility needs a comprehensive update to maintain SWTP performance, modernize water service production processes, and meet projected water supply demands. The I&D SWTP Upgrade project will include enhancements/upgrades to the drinking water treatment and finished water production process. It also increases the water system distribution capacity to sustain and enhance high-quality water supply and fire protection to Savannah and the region, supports our local economy, and provides regional leadership in water resource management.
HGB and its sub-consultant team will perform the requested engineering consulting services that were outlined in the City’s procurement starting with an initial set of tasks that will include: (1) water demand forecasting and supply planning; (2) distribution pump evaluation and high priority upgrade evaluation; and (3) comprehensive evaluation of the I&D SWTP current condition. The City and HGB will utilize the foundational information obtained from these initial tasks to formulate a comprehensive I&D SWTP Project Work Plan to achieve the goals of the overall project. Staff intends to share the proposed work plan with City Council in 2024 as the initial tasks are completed and staff seeks additional budgetary appropriations to implement this comprehensive work plan.
An Request for Statement of Qualifications (RFSQ) was first completed with three (3) firms submitting RFSQs and deemed qualified. Following the RFSQ a Request for Proposals (RFP), which evaluates criteria, was solicited from the three (3) firms. The proposals were evaluated based on Project Approach, Schedule, Interview, and DBE Participation. Two (2) proposals were received in response to this Quality Based Selection (QBS), which is a type of RFP. All proposals were reviewed and fully evaluated by a selection committee of City staff. The City entered into negotiations with the highest-scored proposer to determine cost. The proposal was advertised, opened, and reviewed. Delivery: As needed. Terms: Net 30 days.
The proposers were: Local available: Yes | |
Recommendation Approval | |
Contact Bryan Shaw, Director, Supply and Treatment Division | |
Financial Impact Expenditure of $1,499,570 from the Capital Improvement Fund | |
Review Comments | |
Attachments Exhibit 1: Funding Verification - I&D Plant Optimization.pdf Exhibit 2: Purchasing Notes - I&D Plant Optimization.pdf |
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