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August 25, 2022 City Council Regular Meeting | |
Title 16. Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Contract for a Four-Turbo Blower System Upgrade with Howden in the Amount of $315,900. The blower system upgrade is used to treat the waste at the Water Reclamation Plant. (Water Reclamation) | |
Strategic Priority Infrastructure | |
Description This contract is to procure a blower control system upgrade with Howden in the amount of $315,900. The four-turbo blower system at the President Street Water Reclamation Plant is used to supply diffused oxygen through 16,000 fine bubble disc diffusers, located in the aeration basin. The essential function of an aeration blower is to fulfill oxygen demands and maintain the treatment process at the lowest cost. The existing controls have been in operation since 1994 and without the use of the blowers, the microorganisms will die, resulting in permit deviations. The microorganisms in the aeration basin treat the waste.
This is a sole source procurement because Howden is the original manufacturer of the system. Howden will upgrade the blower control system installed at the President Street Plant to the latest control standards for continued blower operation. Terms: Net 30 days. Delivery: As requested.
The vendor is: (D) Indicates a Non-Local, Non-DBE owned business. | |
Recommendation Approval | |
Contact Heath Lloyd, Assistant City Manager & Chief of Infrastructure and Development | |
Financial Impact Expenditure of $315,900 from the Capital Imp Projects/SW0229 Turblex Blower Replacement. | |
Review Comments | |
Attachments Exhibit 1: Funding Verification - Blower Control Upgrade.pdf Exhibit 2: Purchasing Notes - Blower Control Upgrade.pdf |
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