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April 08, 2021 City Council Regular Meeting | |
Title 8. Authorize the City Manager to Procure Railroad Crossing Design Services (For Stiles Avenue Widening Project) from Norfolk Southern in the Amount of $40,635 (Event No. 8371) | |
Strategic Priority Infrastructure | |
Description Recommend approval to execute an agreement for preliminary engineering services from Norfolk Southern Railway (D) (Norfolk, VA) in the amount of $40,635. The City of Savannah is widening Stiles Avenue from two to four lanes from West Gwinnett Street north to to the railroad tracks as part of the new arena development. The Stiles railroad crossing is owned by Norfolk Southern, and as such, only Norfolk Southern is authorized to perform the engineering work to design the new crossing for the widened Stiles Avenue, which is scheduled for completion in February 2022. This work includes the design of all of the safety features that will be required by the railroad. The City will be responsible for the actual widening of the road, and this will be expensed from the Stiles Avenue Widening project. This is a sole source because Norfolk Southern owns the railroad track and is the only company that can provide design services for the railroad crossing. (D) Indicates non-local, non DBE owned business. | |
Recommendation Approval | |
Contact Heath Lloyd, Chief of Infrastructure and Development | |
Financial Impact Expenditure of $40,635 from the Capital Improvement Fund | |
Review Comments | |
Attachments Exhibit 1: Funding Verification - Railroad Crossing Design Services.pdf Exhibit 2: Purchasing Notes - Railroad Crossing Design Services.pdf |
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