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September 22, 2022 City Council Regular Meeting | |
Title 33. Authorize the City Manager to Declare King Street Surplus and Available for Sale Along with Portions of Munster Street – Petition #22-064. | |
Strategic Priority Neighborhood Revitalization | |
Description Petitioner Jack Wardlaw, on behalf of Victory Drive Investors, LLC (VDI), has requested the Mayor and Aldermen declare surplus and available for sale the unopened and unimproved right-of-way of King Street. VDI owns the properties along either side of King Street and is seeking to incorporate these lands into the planned development of a multi-family apartment project. The property has already been zoned for multi-family uses. VDI has also bought all of the properties adjoining the unopened and unimproved right-of-way of Munster Street, which the Mayor and Aldermen previously declared surplus and available for sale in 2017 (though the prior approved sale never closed). There is an open and improved section of Munster Street that will be retained by the City; which is the northern portion of the street that connects with U.S. highway 80 (Victory Drive). The total land area to be sold comprises +/-1.16 acre (or 50,400 square feet) and was recently appraised at a current market value of $210,000. The sale proceeds will benefit the Savannah Affordable Housing Fund and be used to promote affordable housing.
Georgia code 32-7 provides authorization for the Mayor and Aldermen to declare unneeded Right-of-Way (ROW) surplus and available for sale to adjoining property owners so they may assemble it with their adjoining properties and develop that property at its highest and best use. VDI is the sole adjoining property owner. VDI will be responsible for all costs associated with the proposed real estate transaction. The sale will generate revenues for the general fund and also reduce maintenance costs associated with mowing and securing these unopened and unimproved rights-of-way.
The petition has been reviewed and approved by Development Services, Public Works and Water Resources, Park & Tree, Planning and Urban Design, and Real Estate Services subject to the following condition:
Request authorization for the City Manager to execute a deed and associated closing documents to sell the designated rights-of-way at the appraised value of $210,000. | |
Recommendation Approval. | |
Contact David Keating, Senior Director, Real Estate Administration. | |
Financial Impact $210,000 to the Affordable Housing Fund. | |
Review Comments | |
Attachments Exhibit 1: Map - Munster & King Streets.pdf |
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