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September 12, 2024, City Council Regular Meeting
39. Approval to Execute a Work For Hire Agreement with BenL Consulting International d/b/a Ben Lao & Associates, in the Amount of $144,800.
Strategic Priority
Good Government

Ben Lao was the original architect of the current airport terminal building and has worked for the airport on multiple projects for the past 30+ years. He has worked with many iterations of the Commissions and staff members during that time frame. He is uniquely qualified for this project given his tremendous institutional knowledge and insight in the successes and development of the airport. This year, 2024, represents the 75th anniversary of the creation of the Savannah Airport Commission, and the 30th anniversary of the current terminal complex and Northwest Quadrant Development. As such, it is appropriate to take stock in the efforts and decision making put forth to get to where the airport is today and to look at a comparable strategy to continue forward. With this project, Ben Lao and his team will perform a comprehensive historical review of all the key personnel, governance, decision making, planning, and the efforts that took place to help create the airport as it is today. He will also work with stakeholders, staff, and the Commission to define a roadmap for continual success. This effort will require extensive research and time, and the completed study will be prepared in a manner that can easily be published as a textbook and guide.



Dawoud Stevenson, Director, Program Management
Financial Impact
Expenditure of $144,800 from the Savannah Airport Commission Fund
Review Comments

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