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October 25, 2018, City Council Regular Meeting | |
Title 24. Motion to Procure Historic Preservation Consulting Services from Ward Architecture and Preservation for the Cuyler-Brownville Historic Resources Survey (Event No. 6483) | |
Strategic Priority Neighborhood Revitalization | |
Description Recommend approval to procure consulting services from Ward Architecture and Preservation in the amount of $35,000.00 to conduct a comprehensive historic resources survey of buildings, structures, sites, and objects 40 years old or older and located within the boundaries of the Cuyler-Brownville Historic District, as Phase 3 of a City-wide neighborhood survey. The City is partnering with the Metropolitan Planning Commission to support the project through in-kind professional services. This project has been financed in part with federal funds from the National Park Service, U.S. Department of Interior, through the Historic Preservation Division of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources. Therefore, all requirements and timeframes must be met. All work must be in compliance with state historic preservation guidelines, adhere to the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties, and be in compliance with the Georgia Department of Natural Resources Historic Preservation Division. The consultants will provide written accounts of how the area developed over time and how it reflects distinctive aspects of Georgia’s history, acquired by fieldwork techniques and research methods employed while conducting the survey, references to previous surveys, and any re-survey completed as part of this project. The report will offer recommendations for future preservation activities such as potential updates and/or amendments to existing National Register historic district listings, revised period of significance, potential economic development, heritage tourism, and other preservation planning activities. The method used for this procurement was the request for proposals which evaluates criteria in addition to cost. The criteria used to evaluate these proposals were qualifications and experience, references, experience on similar projects, proposed project approach, unit cost per building surveyed, and local vendor participation. | |
Recommendation Approval | |
Contact Melissa Carter, Office of Management and Budget | |
Financial Impact $21,000.00 expenditure from the Federal Historic Preservation Fund; $7,000.00 expenditure from the General Fund; $7,000.00 in-kind expenditure | |
Review Comments | |
Attachments Historic Preservation Scope.pdf Historic Preservation Funding Verification.pdf Historic Preservation Purchasing Summary.pdf |
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