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November 5, 2018, City Council Regular Meeting | |
Title 16. Motion to Deny the Request to Rezone 7035 Hodgson Memorial Drive from P-I-P to B-C (Petitioner: Duke Dang) | |
Strategic Priority N/A | |
Description Duke Dang, petitioner (File No. 16-005127-ZA), is requesting approval of a rezoning map amendment for a property located at 7035 Hodgson Memorial Drive to rezone the property from P-I-P (Planned Institutional-Professional) to B-C (Community Business). The property is currently occupied by a four-bay commercial strip. The subject property, which consists of a single parcel comprising a total of 0.245 acres, is currently surrounded by office, retail and other commercial uses. The proposed community business designation (B-C), while broadly consistent with the existing P-I-P designation, permits a range of more intense and auto-centric uses that could adversely impact adjacent properties. Fuel stations, car washes, auto service stations, nightclubs, package stores, drive-through restaurants, and radio towers, among other uses, would all be newly permissible. Furthermore, rezoning the subject property to B-C would create an “island” surrounded by less permissive use designations. While the parcel in question is relatively small and adjoins more intense uses fronting Eisenhower Drive, rezoning it to B-C could provide justification for future rezoning of adjoining parcels to the north in what would remain of the P-I-P district. Since both the current and proposed zoning designations are consistent with the comprehensive plan, there is no urgent need to rezone the site to accommodate any anticipated change in future land use. The petitioner desires to open a tattoo studio, which while not permitted on the subject property, is permitted in much of the surrounding area, which is already zoned B-C. This suggests that the existing designation does not represent an undue burden. On October 9, 2018, the Planning Commission voted to recommend denial of the petition to rezone 7035 Hodgson Memorial Drive from P-I-P to B-C. | |
Recommendation Denial of the request to rezone 7035 Hodgson Memorial Drive from P-I-P to B-C. | |
Contact Bridget Lidy, Planning and Urban Design Director | |
Financial Impact N/A | |
Review Comments | |
Attachments 7035 Hodgson Memorial Dr 20181009 Planning Commission Recommendation.pdf |
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