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May 9, 2024, City Council Regular Meeting
17. Petition of Robert L. McCorkle, Agent for Travis Stringer of Foram Development, LLC on Behalf of 621 Gwinnett, LLC for a Zoning Map Amendment to Rezone 810 E. Broad Street, 613-623 E. Gwinnett Street, and 610-614 E. Bolton Street (PIN 20043 07001, -04, -05, -06, -13, -15, -18, -19, and -20) from TC-2 to DX. The item was recommended as a PD (Small Planned Development) in Aldermanic District 2 (File No. 23-001408-ZA). (Continued from the March 28, 2024, and April 25, 2024, Council Meetings. Recommendation Pending.)
Strategic Priority
Good Government

*** During the March 28, 2024, Council meeting, City Council remanded this petition to the Metropolitan Planning Commission (MPC) for reconsideration. They also continued the item to the April 25, 2024 meeting, and then again to the May 9, 2024 meeting.***

The Petitioner is requesting the rezoning of nine parcels from TC-2 (Traditional Commercial-2) to PD-S (Small Planned Development). The property is between E. Gwinnett and E. Bolton streets. The Petitioner's intent is to develop two buildings that will include mixed use apartments with upper story residential and retail/restaurant on the ground floor.

The application was submitted to the City of Savannah March 3, 2023, as a request to rezone from TC-2 to D- X (Downtown Expansion), and was subsequently heard by MPC on November 7, 2023, as a request to rezone from TC-2 to S-PD. MPC (Board and Staff) recommended denial of the application The application, having been modified after being reviewed by MPC, was placed on the March 28, 2024,City Council agenda. The amended application was remanded by Council to MPC for the present review.


On April 30, 2024, the Planning Commission approved the rezoning from TC-2 (Traditional Commercial-2) to a Small Planned Development (PD-S) under the following conditions:

  1. The public right-of-way and City-owned property indicated on the General Development Plan (GDP) as not within the scope of the rezoning shall be included in the application and rezoned if the other subject property within the scope is also approved for rezoning.
  2. Reduction of density so that the maximum residential unit count permitted shall not exceed 138 du/ac.
  3. The required off-street parking space for each dwelling unit shall be assigned to the tenant of the residential unit and available at all times for their exclusive use.
  4. If privileged parking treatment is desired for commercial uses at this location, allowances for uses permitted in the S-PD shall be in accordance with those applicable to the Victorian and Streetcar Parking Reduction Area as outlined in Sec. 9.3.7 of New ZO.
  5. The proposed structure shall be built in accordance with the provided elevations and perspectives submitted with the application.
  6. The facade of the structure shall be clad at least 70% brick.
  7. Any use of stucco shall meet current ordinance requirements.
  8. Areas where fiber cement siding is proposed for exterior finishing shall be demonstrated on elevations/perspectives and approved by MPC during final Master Plan review.
  9. All proposed fences or walls shall be identified on the forthcoming final Master Plan presented to MPC along with proposed height and materials to be used.
  10. Wall, marquee, and projecting sign placement and area shall be permitted accordance with the submitted sign plan found in "Exhibit B" of the S-PD ordinance. All other aspects of signage shall be guided by relevant portions of Sec, 9.9 of New ZO.
  11. The S-PD document shall be modified in accordance with the attached MPC Staff markup.
  12. The portion of E. Gwinnett Lane adjoining the existing church shall remain open.
  13. Floor plans shall be submitted and approved as part of the final Master Plan review to determine unit-type distribution and associated trip generation.

Recommendation pending from the City Manager.

Bridget Lidy, Senior Director, Planning & Urban Design Department
Financial Impact
Review Comments
Exhibit 1: MPC Recommendation (File No. 23-001408-ZA).pdf
Exhibit 2: Combined Maps (File No. 23-001408-ZA).pdf
Exhibit 3: PD-S MPC Revisions (File No. 23-001408-ZA).pdf
Exhibit 4: Architectural Site Plan and Elevations (File No. 23-001408-ZA).pdf
Exhibit 5: E. Broad and E. Gwinnett Renderings.pdf
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