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May 9, 2024, City Council Regular Meeting
18. Petition of Robert L. McCorkle, Agent for Ramsey Khalidi, LLC for a Text Amendment to Section 5.4 to Add the Indoor Amusement Use as a Limited Use in the I-L (Light Industrial) Zoning Districts (File No. 24-000624-ZA). (Continued from the March 28, 2024, and April 25, 2024, Council Meetings.)
Strategic Priority
Good Government

*** During the March 28, 2024, Council meeting, City Council remanded this petition to the Metropolitan Planning Commission (MPC) for reconsideration. They also continued the item to the April 25, 2024, City Council meeting. This item will be continued to the May 9, 2024, Council meeting.*** 


The Petitioner is requesting approval of a petition to amend Article 5, Section 5.4, Principal Use Table, to permit ‘indoor amusement’ uses as a ‘limited’ use in the I-L (Light Industrial) zoning district. Savannah’s Zoning Ordinance defines an ‘indoor amusement’ as inclusive of such activities as “pool halls, bowling lanes, game arcades, escape rooms, haunted houses, skating rinks and similar uses.” The Ordinance specifies that the term does not include ‘adult entertainment.


On February 27, 2024, the Planning Commission recommended denial of the requested text amendment to permit 'indoor amusement' uses in the I-L (Light Industrial) zoning districts as a limited (L) use.  The Planning Commission approved an alternative amendment permitting ‘indoor amusement’ and ‘indoor sports facility’ uses as a Limited Use (L) in the I-L zoning district in Section 5.4, Principal Use Table with conditions. 


During the March 28, 2024, City Council meeting, this item was remanded back to the Planning Commission.  On April 30, 2024, the Planning Commission recommended approval of permitting the ‘indoor amusement,’ ‘indoor sports facility,’ and ‘theatre/cinema/performing arts’ uses as a Special Use (S) in the I-L zoning district in Section 5.4, Principal Use Table, with specific use standards to be included in Article 8, Section 8.5, Commercial Use Standards for Limited and Special Uses:


Indoor Amusement, Indoor Sports Facilities, Theatre/Cinema/Performing Arts

In the I-L zoning district, the following shall apply:


  1. All activities shall be conducted indoors.
  2. A conceptual site plan shall be submitted and approved with the petition including the following:
a. Existing zoning of all parcels within 100’ of the property line. 
b. Land uses and structures within 100’ of the property. 
c. Rights of way and points of ingress/egress to the property.
d. Footprints of existing and proposed buildings/structures to be used in association with the request.
e. Location of any proposed screening, fences or walls to be constructed in association with the proposed use.
f. Location and counts of all proposed parking.
  1. Where variances to development standards of Article 9 are required, a site plan meeting the requirements of a General Development Plan as provided in Sec. 3.8.4.a. shall be submitted and approved concurrently through a Special Use Permit.
Bridget Lidy, Senior Director, Planning & Urban Design Department
Financial Impact
Review Comments
Exhibit 1: MPC Recommendation (File No. 24-000624-ZA).pdf
Exhibit 2: Map of IL (Light Industrial) Zoning Districts (File No. 24-000624-ZA).pdf
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