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May 9, 2019 City Council Regular Meeting | |
Title 38. Motion to Approve an Operating Agreement and Lease of Tricentennial Park to Coastal Heritage Society (Event No. 6851) | |
Strategic Priority Neighborhood Revitalization | |
Description Recommend approval to award operating agreement and lease of Tricentennial Park to Coastal Heritage Society (CHS). This City-owned property encompasses 301 – 303 Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard (PIN 2-0031-47-001), 655 Louisville Road (PIN 2-0031-46-002B), 604 W. Jones Street (PIN 2-0031-46-002A), and 650 W. Jones Street (PIN 2-0031-46-001A). Purchasing Event 6851 was opened on February 25, 2019 and closed on April 2, 2019. CHS was the sole proposer. CHS has requested a payment of $540,000 to operate, maintain, and program use at Tricentennial Park (such as janitorial, security, maintenance, grounds keeping, and other expenses), $176,528 for administrative costs (such as accounting, marketing, legal compliance, etc.). CHS will retain 1% of the gross revenues (including grants), and the remainder of the revenues will offset operating expenses. The operating and lease agreement would be for a term of five years with the option to extend for another five years. The proposed admission fees are as follows: Georgia State Railroad Museum - $10/adult $6/child; Savannah History Museum - $7/adult $4/child; and Savannah Children's Museum - $7.50 per person. An open LDBE goal was established for this event. The recommended proposer was deemed compliant with this goal. The contract term shall be from May 9, 2019 through May 8, 2024 and includes three additional five-year renewal options. | |
Recommendation Approval | |
Contact David Keating, Director of Real Estate Services | |
Financial Impact $716,528.00 expenditure from the Real Estate Acquisition Fund | |
Review Comments | |
Attachments Exhibit 1: Tricentennial Park Purchasing Summary Exhibit 2: Tricentennial Park Scope Exhibit 3 Tricentennial Park Funding Verification.pdf Exhibit 4: Draft Lease - Tricentennial Park.pdf |
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