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May 23, 2024, City Council Regular Meeting
25. Approval of the Commission’s Agreement Share for City Works License Renewal with Azteca Systems, LLC, in the Amount of $54,400.
Strategic Priority
Good Government

The Airport staff uses City Works to integrate separate information systems into a single software solution with a standard interface. Departments that utilize the City Works platform include the Airfield Operations Department for Part 139 inspections, Facilities for service requests and work order tracking, Engineering for geographical information systems and to store documentation of engineering projects, and the Purchasing procurement process. Cityworks enables departments to share and access pertinent information quickly and efficiently by providing a single source for information input and retrieval. The renewal covers the airport's portion of the annual license renewal shared with the City of Savannah.



Dawoud Stevenson, Director, Program Management
Financial Impact
Expenditure of $54,400 from the Savannah Airport Commission Fund
Review Comments

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