The Savannah Airport Commission (SAC) conducts appraisals of airport property every five years. SAC advertised publicly for a Request for Proposals (RFP 2023-0002) for a qualified appraiser to update the land values of approximately 128 airport-owned parcels. Moore | Martin has completed both aeronautical and non-aeronautical appraisals in the past for Charleston International Airport, Myrle Beach International Airport, and the cities of Savannah, Pooler, and Garden City. Moore | Martin (formerly Paul K. Moore and Associates) was awarded this same appraisal in 2015. SAC elected to postpone the 2020 appraisal due to the market instability associated with the pandemic until now. The proposals were due by March 3, 2023. Two firms attended the mandatory pre-proposal conference on February 22, 2023, where a description and a site tour were conducted of the property. Two firms submitted proposals and one was deemed unresponsive; therefore, SAC is recommending approval to Moore | Martin Real Estate Valuation Services to conduct the appraisals.